Zenith mbr 3445 owners manual

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zenith mbr 3445 owners manual

Extracted text from zenith mbr 3445 owners manual (Ocr-read)

Page 1



It you are usmg Zenith products. the remote rs; programmed for

the most commonly u

remote tztrls to control your Zenith produclx A7 you ill have

to program the remote.

Follow these steps for each product you are using:

I. Locate the three-digit code tor your brand (\uelt as
Zenrrh) and type ot'equipment txuch as VCR! or the
code table provrded.


Press rtnrl hold PRG uith a \mall blunt tthLLl until
the Intlteutor lights (about three \CCOtttlxl.

J. Preys TV. VCR, CABLE, or AUX to select the prod,
net you want your remote to Control (L'xe (ABLE
or \UX. to program )ulll remote tor a \CLKlllLl 'l\' or
VCR. Uxt AUX. to program your remote tor it Video
disc player or audio equipment.)

4. Key in the threevdtgit code for your equipment.
then press ENTER. The Indicator light should
lush. then turn off to rndlcate that the code was up
tented. lfthe indicator stays on. repeat Steps 3 and
4 or try usrng a different code.

5. Write the code that operates your equipment. on the la,
bel insrde the battery compartment for future refer

To eraxe all code programming and return to the factory prexet

codes. key in code 911 when programming the remote


' lfno key on your remote r< pressed wrthin on seconds. the
programming process oops, and you wrll have to start again.

. You may cancel programming at any trme by pressing [RG.

AUX+L AUX+2 and AUX+3 Capability

Your remote can control up to \eteu electrontr: C(llllptlttctlh. ll
yott have ptogrerrrtmrd the remote tor tour components usrng the
TV. V(.'R.(.?Alllrl1antl AUX keys. you may also program II
for up to three additional components (AUXH AUX+2. AUXHI
by HOLDING the AUX key and premng the l. 2 or3 key during
progranunrng. ()nte programmed. HOLD down the AUX key and
presx l. 2 or 1th:reeesxthcadditional AUX +l. 2 or3 mode,

CahldConvertcr Volume (Code 39!)

You may me your remote to control cable/converter volume and
muting ll available on your equipment. First program your remote
with the hrrurtl code for your cable tleviee tr key. Then repeal the programrrtrng steps. agarn using the (AISLE
or AUX key. but key in code 399 instead of a brand code.

To restore 'I'V volume/mute to the CABLE or AUX mode. stmply
reienter your cable/converter code number rrrto that mode,

Amplifier Volume Override (Code 499)

You may use your remote to overnde your TV. VCR or vttleo
disk players volume functions with your ampltl'rers volume ant.l
muting, First. program your remote with the brand code for the
component for whrch you want amplifier volume override. using
the key {or that product: TV. VCR or AUX. Then. program your
remote With the brand code for your mnplilier. Finally. repeat the
programming steps. trxrng the key for the component you wrsh to
control (TV. VCR. or AUX). but key in code 499 instead of a
brand code.

To rextore normal volume and muting control to your TV. VCR

or laser drsc player. program the remote again for that component.


- CD and tape players wrll automatically select amplifier \olA
umc and mute.

Page 2



If you have tried all the codes listed for your brand and type of
product in the code table. and none of those codes operate your

equipment. you can use Auto Find to search for the code you need.

Follow these steps for each product you are using:




Turn the product ON and aim the remote toward it.

Press and hold PRG with a small blunt object until
the indicator lights (about three seconds).

Press the mode key on the remote for the product
you want to control: TV, VCR. CABLE, or AUX.
Key in 000". then press ENTER within two seer
onds. When the indicator light flashes three times
and remains lit, Auto Find is ilclHC.

Press and hold POWER, then release it. repeating
this action about once a second until the product
turns OFF.

Typical Remote

Press ENTER immediately to saw the code. If your
remote fails to operate the lunctions you use most
ot'ten. you can reenter Auto Find and search {or a
better code.


The indicator light should flash ()Fl when you press

l'OW'ER and back ()N when you release it If the indicator
light stays on when you piess POWER. Auto llind has ll'llfi
all mailiible codes, ll you linisli Auto liind and the product
you want to control has not turned off. your ieniote cannot
control that product.

Pressing PRG at any time during the use ol Auto l:|llLl will
cancel Auto liind. and you I have to start again.

powen 5

Equipment to be