Yaesu yo 101 owners manual
This is the 23 pages manual for yaesu yo 101 owners manual.
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Extracted text from yaesu yo 101 owners manual (Ocr-read)
Page 1
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"The model YO-l 0| Monitorscopc is a measuring inslrnment designed for use with llre Yaesu FT-IOI
series of amateur SSB equipment. The YO-lOl is also compatible wilh the 171301, [IT-221, and
FR-lOl series. as well as other lypes oi~ equipment The Monitorscopc allows monitoring of the trans-
mitth signul :nul zllso functions as an allvlnn'posc oscilloscope. A two'lonc generator is built in, to
facilitate testing of your 838 transmitter. With an optional receiver 21¢)ch lhe YO-IOI can also be
used to observe the received signal wuwtmm Styling and sin ol' the YO-lOl match the FT-lOl
series r