Thule audio ia 150 b brochure
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Thule AudioApS H¿rk¾r 14 2730 Herlev Denmark Tel +45 44 94 60 00 Fax +45 44 94 68 80 [ the spirit b product range ] IA60 Band IA150 B:These are the integrated amplifiers of the SpiritB productrange.They have a high power two-channel outputof 2 x 60 Wand 2 x 150 W,respectively.With its fully balanced design,the IA60 Bhas an unparalleled musicality and sound quality for its price range Ð or any price range for thatmatter.The same goes for the IA150 B,though itis very much more powerful than the IA60 B. PR150 Band PA150 B:The pre- and power combination of the PR150 Band the PA150 Bis the high- end combination in the two channel Spirit Bproductrange.With this combination you getthe same excellentperformance as with the IA150 Bas well as the flexibility thatall pre- and power amplifier combinations offer.With this combination of amplifiers you will witness the true power of fully balanced amplification.You can also combine PA150 Bwith one of our other balanced amplifiers in a bi-amp setup for even more power. [ be surprised about the difference ] Like our unbalanced and surround products,the Spirit Bamplifiers can be mixed and matched to suityour personal needs and tastes.If you wantmore you should check outour other product ranges.Compared to other products in their price range,though,the products of the Spirit B range have a very unique build quality and design:you getboth the unique features of Thule Audio's Spiritrange and the advantages of the fully balanced amplifier! As with all of our products,you will be surprised whata good amplifier can do. [ technical specifications ] ia60bia150bpr150bpa150b Line inputs:0.5V/phono,5pcs0.5V/phono,3pcs0.5V/phono,5pcs- Balanced input:1V/XLR1V/XLR1V/XLR- Tape outs:0.5V/phono,2pcs0.5V/phono,1pcs0.5V/phono,2pcs- Main in:---1V/phono,2V/XLR Pre out:0-1V/phono0-1V/phono,0-2V XLR0-1V/phono,0-2V XLR- Power out,8ohm:2x 60W2x 150W- 2x 150W Power out,4ohm:2x 90W2x 210W- 2x 210W Peak current1ohm,1ms:+/-25A+/-35A-+/-35A THD 20-20kHz,-10dB 0.04%0.04%0.008%0.04% Size ( WxHxD ):420 x 95 x 290mm420 x 95 x 290mm420 x 95 x 290mm420 x 95 x 290mm Weight:10kg13kg7kg13kg THULE AUDIO reserve the rightto alter design and specifications withoutnotice. IA60 Band IA150 BPR 150 B/ PA150 B