Threshold weber wire brochure

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threshold weber wire brochure

Extracted text from threshold weber wire brochure (Ocr-read)

Page 1

An advanced
cable technology
having ideal
of resistance,

and capacitance
that ermit

flaw ess signal
transfer between
amplifier and

Distributed~ Ultra-bandwidth
impedance dielectric
WeberWeave constant

This multi-modc,

ity of transfer dielectric

with any amplifier constant from

and loudspeaker. dc to 100

Bi-metal balanced-

lamina "Perfectionist"

Oxygen-hue copper connection
is surfaced with hardware
lower resistance

skin effect resistance terminals
into the highest

Hi hest quality
Te on insulation
transmission network maintains an
insures total neutral- unvarying 2.1

Massive gold
pure silver, balancing over nickel plated

exceed welding,

Low resistance;
high current

684 balanced-lamina
strands provide
resistance ol only
000053 Ohrn/
linear foot for
transmission and
return paths

A current capacity
othO ampere; rms,
500 amperes peak,
assures suitability
for ultrmpmver


Page 2


In the beginning there was zip-cord Then there was heavy zip-cord, followed
by designs weaving cable for low inductance or spacing it for low capacitance.
Eventually, cable was fabricated with fat wire for the bass, medium wire for
the midrange, and tiny wire for the hi I: frequencies. Exotic materials, such as
oxygen-free copper, pure silver, and 7§flom were variously employed.

WeberWire mean" ratios) for absolutely minimal
is superior in every characteristic: resonant activity. The distributed-
R . an impedance characteristic of WeberWeave

suppresses resonance and phase noise.
and accurately conveys. in both ampli-
tude and phase, all signal com nents
from dc to far beyond 5 mega enz.

Bi-metal balanced-lamina
WeberWire is made up of 684 indi-
vidual strands of oxygen-free copper
surfaced with a pure silver skin. The
lower resistance of the silver lamina
balances the skin effect resistance of

WeberWire is a ribbon configuration
that is electrically very "heavy" having
an equivalent conductor crosssection
to number 4 gauge wire. Resistance
is an extremely low 0.00053 Ohm r
linear foot for the transmission an
return path combinedl

Current capacity
WeberWire is capable of maintaining

1001:me rms, and 500 ampere the oxygen-free copper and maintains
pea 5' a more constant overall resistance
Inductance into the highest frequencies.

¥I\leberW|ref haslezs than 0.0:: michro- Teflon insulation

enry p" 00.! "I uc .m- erg " WeberWire uses the highest quality
kn: lengtllssvilllleéhilzrt 3g?- 012 $3 Teflon insulation which maintains a
T) :55 atk 1 :3 er 2 WI ypica dielectric constant of 2.1 from dc to
on spea er oa 5 100 megaHertz. This gives a constant
Ca citance characteristic impedance extending
We erWire has a capacitance of 0.2 far beyond the audio frequencies of
nanoFarads per foot. This allows its interest. In contrast, other common]
oscillation-free use with any amplifier used dielectrics may vary by as muc
without need for external "damping" as 100% over this range.

networks at the loudspeaker. Perfectionist" terminations

Speed WeberWire employs custom machined,
WeberWire has a propagation delay extremely high current connection

of only 3 nanoseconds per foot. lts hardware that exceeds welding require-
uniform audio spectrum transfer ments. The copper base material is
characteristics obviate the need for plated first with nickel then surfaced
phase corrective" measures. with gold for lasting resistance to
oxidation effects.

Weberere is available in standard
length stereo pairs of 8. 12. and 20 feet
Longer. custom lengths can be

su lied on 5 al order. Consult your
W: erWire ealer.

Distributed-impedance WeberWeave
WeberWire employs WeberWeave.

a phased tri-path system using three
carrier networks whose characteris-
tic impedances have been set at ratios
of 1. 1.41, and 1.73 (i.e. the golden



Sillcr ski"

A WeberWorks product
exclusively distributed
by lnCnlIcert division
Threshold Corporation
12929 FArhart Avenul.I
Auburn, California


txl OM l 1.x

lMIS'I-JOH I'm-mt m us.-\

Now there is WeberWirr, anti-resonant, distributed-
impedance audio cable for amplifier to loudspeaker signal
transfer WeberWire was created by Jeff Weber, Gramm
winning record producer, as a completely neutral tran er
path between amplifier and loudspeaker to facilitate evalua-
tion of original master tapes. Scientifically constructed of
the highest uality metals and organics,WeberWire requires
no external ampers or phase correcting" networks to func-
tion as the most advanced audio power signal transfer path.

Ir I'Vcbrr
The oscilloscope monks making up
photographs drrnon- the overshoot are
more the ability notleubl reduced.
0! Wrbchirc to Neverthe ass. the
tromm't Mendy bandwidth of
complex. wryhigll- WeberWire permit-
speed waveform: the w-v- Itself to be .-
with complete new reproduced without -
rraliry and virtually tilt or other anomaly.
ml! a I M J i
A P 'Y "m 20 kiloHertx nan
m... m... .. m m. was...

of WeberWire con-
nected to an 8 Ohm
resistive load and
with a 1 Ohm source

source. Lower trace :
Weberere length. ' , . .
We an now hm Into
the "audible" range. 1
Here the only observ-
able dlverglncc

Ultra-high ma bum... source and

pulse of 10 mlao- sublect results horn N
seconds with a ran nonlineurltia oi the '
nanosecond rise time. dlsplay trace toward , -

Upper trace: source, the bottom left of
Lawer true: the screen.
WeberWtrc length. 1
Thu. i. only . mini-

mal overshoot In

the source which It
passed wilhoul Illfl
itlon. WeberWire
easily maintains the
100 nanosecond rlse
um: Iriniknl.


100 kiloHer-tx square
um. Upper truce:
source. Lower Irace:
WebeI-Wire lenglh.
Nolloe the source
wcnhool "ringing?

o! audio generators
operated nnr their
high frequency
limlt. The upper
Ito-ll of Weber-Wine
i also beginning to
be observed on the
extremely high har-

ebchorks, WeberWire, \Vcbechave.
and sly/[Jud VIM/arr service mark of

Weber nrks. Inc.

'Trflon isa trademark of DuPont.
BecauseWebchorks is continually researching
new malerialsand technologies.WebetWorks.
lnc., and inconmt, rmrvethe right In change
specilicallons or prices without notice or club.
gatinnJ'hc rnlormalmn contained in this she

on not constitute-1n utter or lorm any pan
nl a conlracl, written or Implied.