Technics STS 7 Service Manual

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Technics STS 7 Service Manual

Extracted text from Technics STS 7 Service Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 1

ORDER NO. SD8003-1688

ervice Manual

17 (DU/ARV Synthesizer FM /AM Stereo Tuner

, _ ST-S7

. ) [XSW],[XGH],[XGF],[XA]


. ST-S7(K)



[DXJ lS available in Scandinavia except Denmark
" [DG] l5 available in Scandinavia and European except
Belgium, United Kingdom, SWitzerland, Holland and
[DMJ is available in Denmark
l [EBi is available in Belgium.
i [XE] lS available in United Kingdom.
i * [xswl lsavailable in Switzerland,
l * [XGH] is available ,n Holland
* [XGH is available m France


* The colors of this model include silver and black.

The black type model is provided with (K) in the * ixAi lS avaliabie in ASia, Latin America, Middle East
Service Manual. and Africa.

This unit is provrded with the FM/AM allocation selector when needed for the area.
" The receivable frequency at FM and AM broadcast varies according to the position of this swttch.
When the FM/AM allocation selector is set at FM 50kHZ/AM 9kHZ step lor the unit is not provided wlth this SWItchlV
the recewable frequency is as iollows iFM 87.50~108.00MHzl (AM: 522 ~1611kHzl
" When the FM/AM allocation selector l5 set at FM ZOOKHz/AM 10kHz suit), the receivable irequency is as follows:
i FM' 87.9 107.9MHZi (AM 530 ~1620kHZl
* In the case of the unit Wlthout the FM/AM allocation selector, the broadcast can be received at FM 50kHz/AM 9kHz.

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Sperilications are suoiect to change Without notice for lurther improvement,
(DIN 45 500)
Frequency range (Reler to Notes) 87.50 ~ lOSDO MHz AM suppression 55 d8
Sensitivity O 95 yV ilHFl usable) stereo separation
S/N 30 dB 0 95 th 1750) 1 kHz 55 dB
S/N 25 dB 0 85 uV (750) 10 kHz 40 dB
S/N 20 as 0.75 pV (750) Carrier leak
IHF 46 dB stereo quieting sensitivity 20 qu750 19 kHz *65 dB (70 dB. IHF)
Total harmonic distortion 38 kHz *48 dB (*50 dB. IHF)
MONO 0 1% Channel balance (250 Hz "5,300 Hz) 1 0 dB
STEREO 015% Limiting point 07 V
S/N Bandwidth
MONO 69 dB (77 dB lHF) IF amplifier. 180 kHz
STEREO 65 dB (72 dB IHF) FM demodulator 1000 kHz
Frequency response 5 Hz~lB kHz, r0 2 dB~ 70 5 dB Antenna terminals 750 (unbalanced)
:15 dB (5 H148 kHz) F-type coaxial
Alternate channel selectivity (1400 kHz) 85 dB AM TUNER SECTION
. (1300 kHz) 55 dB Frequency range (Refer to Notes) 522~1611 kHz
Calm"re f"° 1 0 dB Sensitivity (S/N 20 dB) 30 uv. 250 uV/m
Image reiection at 98 MHz 80 dB Selectivity (i9 kHz) 55 (18
'F 'eiec'im 3' 93 M? , 0 3 Image rejection at 999 kHz 50 dB
Spurious response reiection at 98 MHz 95 dB IF reiection at 999 k: 45 dB

° Matsushita Electric Trading Co., Ltd.
TeChnlCS PO Box 268. Central Osaka Japan

Page 20

.! SCHEMATIC DlAGRAM I 1 2 3 4 5 s 7

(This schematic diagram may be modified at any time with the

development of new techndlogy. ) New 5 a 3% _
Mom: Will (or (XA) Use 0901~905
1. 51431-2 : (AMI. FM mutinftIIFM mode switch in "on/auto" position. i 5:33 '°' Shorten E35 23:)
on auto H 0 mono
2. $24,824 : Recording-level check switch in off" position. A
3. 53 Time display (clock cell) switch' In 'off" position 5907 Race
4. 84-1, 54- 2 :Program mode selection switch In time set' position "1
( (D time set s-e (2 manual -> (9 auto <-> (D read s-e © write ->© cancel)
5. SS-1:Memory switch in no push condition 3 "'5 2w
6. 86-2,$-3 Manual tuning (up/down) switch in no push condition. 2 3
7. SS4~SS-9 : Timer-memory switch in no push condition. (Button No,1 ~61 35:23,, o."
(everyday 1 "oncff", everyday 2 on»off", once "onoff") (an) ' _ 5 7
8. SS4~85-11 : Preset tuning switch in no push condition. (Buttonwo. l 8) I " 5' 23A753 239945 5
9. 554~5543 : Time-set switch in no push condition (Button No. 1~0l III-r1001 I ouu new "WE "
10. 85-12, 85-13 : FM/AM band selection and tuner "on" switch in no push condition. I. z _ E
(Button No. 9 and 0) 3° "
11. 86-14 : Tuner "off" switch in no push condition, a,
12. SS : FM antenna selection switch in normal" position.
(normal s-->tuned type) B (or) s - 29 a: o 2 f . s o. *0" o 3'! 0909 no: new uses :
13. s1 [xAlonlyz FM[AM allocation selection switch in "FM 20m:Hz/AM1utHz" step everyday 2 m. [a El F] [El E EI :J E1 " if] 3
posmon. ' m
(FM 200kHz/AM10kHz <-> FM SOkHz/AM 9kHz) , °" ' " W SVM 74 L3 42 P "m m E: Q n :, x g
14. SB : Voltage adjustment switch in "22W osit n. . a .7 3 "I : :- '
,1OVH120VH220V?290V ° '° om F. [7154 :1 HI [j E, I =33»; : ..
15. 89 [XE] only : Power source switch in' "position. (Refer to page 23) (oln) e - a 21 3 c, mo.
(This switch' I: used to United Kingdom) once
16. Indicated voltage values are the standard values {or the unit measured by the DC elec- ' "u -
tronic circuit tester (high-impedance) with the chassis taken. neWhemfore there m ' ' 3' u q
may exist some errors in the voltage values, depending on the internal impedance of the
DC circuit tester. on: 7 _
0 Figures In :stand for DC voltage In FM/AM signal reception mode. ' I '
I Figures in I- Jstand for DC voltage in FM stereo signal reception mode. J,
0 Figures in < >stand for DC voltage in FM (no signal) muting to oninode, ""° 2 1 9 3I 3 a 9 u .
I Figures in ( )starId for DC voltage with the FM/AM selector circuit t at AM. C ' 2 2' in sun to so m In vs: mi An In AC mum vuuzu n e c o
o marked terminal: 5V input and 0V output, receiving the signa. I" K U-J -550 W" 4
t , . H 5v
: IZ mgr: {33:23: 2}; grrggsvtcmsm m m. u u m .2. 7 Crystai I4,5Ithz) Iceoz 5qu PD1704 c cwu J U I, .L ,2
17. Transistor-1C terminals which carry no voltage indication emit 5V pulse "'°"°' :10: xi x2 WY ll 2 I: u 5 Is x3 x2 KI K0 I I . I I" I I.
:Iilgzzlfogcéslsor are subject tochange according to the frequency or input n 22 n I l) 1 .7 is Is u Is I! II Io e a , s 5 4 , 2 l
. All X I DQOI
1B. Signal lines Inmcnnu $ 6. l =
:> FM/FM composite signal W Pilot (19kHz) signal a. _ z. 3: §1[S_I_ E f
. Audio frequency signal »/ .AMsinpal 3 " $1 I? E "I! "It
19. - Positive voltage lines ' 2 S 5 ° 3 0
e 1
20. A indicates that only parts specified by the manufacturer be used for tety_ (Z Z Z (Z V] [Z] 2 U;
21. Areas _.
[XAI is available in Asia, Latin America, Middle East and Africa, D 9935 __ s-
[XE] is available in United Kingdom. "mm m .2 ,2 mm SVITA 5067BP FL I: 0:. I \n [
' I "-4- DISElgElEHEE-iEi ma 3 0g» a E E
i: ' I. Is in I! I2 ll .o 5 " _
I a I! Is - 3 f,_ e
, . II. .. .. . I .. ,1
f 4 l0 9 \ / Fefer 0 Note 2
. . . . . . i ti?- -¢- '
O ThIs CIrCUIt Is FM/AM allocatIon swnch for "Asia, ' A" c is is §§A733
Latin America, Middle East and Africa. ([XA] area) L j M
O The units for other areas except [XA] are not equipped _ . I. .-
with this circuit. ' E _ o
. , '1 :K
9 D Q!
.___-.-_- -_ , 2
I- ._ -| .0 (Kg \IRE e to ote 1 n
I__ ,.
I I a:
I I 3 _ E 1! 5V line n 0 ~
on - II _
I I ., I: m a: git 31m: g1: 8!! 2y
I a o
I T he 3 z
I I; /
| l i
I moms/Iona I F
I may nesI Olsl I



. I e an. I nn a: u- a. est : GSIIINIAMGI I: i: srr
Fluorescent Display Tuba
F: Filament u ~g : SIQMOHI E] 2 FM frequency decimal Delhi I»: runma on err on err on orr m Al '°
GI~STtGrId STzFM mun Indicator [Emm- dIsplayizl mew" I mew": one:

.,I sinm,m
~ Nate 1: 0936 is not used to a unit employed FM/AM allocation selectoriS7l. Note 2: D916 and D917 are used or not used according to the rank of ceramic filter. (Refer to Precautions for Repair" on page 8.)