Technics SLEH 760 Service Manual
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Extracted text from Technics SLEH 760 Service Manual (Ocr-read)
Page 1
Service Manual
Compact Disc Player
[Iflfigffi MASH SL-EH760
it- t I n . -
DIGITAL Auoio mu '5 age "a se 5 mm Traverse Deck. RAEO1 522-1 Mechanism
SB-PS75 SB-Psvs
- .. .. Colour
Remm (S) .......... Silver Type
Transmitter Area
(E) .......... Europe.
System SC-EH760
Sound Processor SH-EH760
Tuner/Amplifier SA-EH760
Because of unique interconnecting cables, when a component CD Changer SL-EH760
requires service, send or bring in the entire system. Cassette Deck Rea-i760
Front Speakers" SB-EH7BO
Comer Speaker SB-PC7S
. . . Surround Speakers* SB~PS75
Specrflcatlons . .
* : Made in Spain.
Audio Section Pickup Section
Na. oi channels: 2 (left and right, stereo) Wavelength: 780 nm
Frequency response: 20 to 20,000 Hi (+0 5 dB to ,2 (18)
Output voltage: 078 V (at 0 GE) General
Dynamic range: 35 0'3 Dimensions (W>< HxD): 293x89><288 mm
SIN: 95 dB Mass: 2.2 kg
Total harmonic distortion: 0.02 /0 (1 kHz. 0 dB)
W_°l 3"? "We Be'OW measurable limit Notes: Specifications are subiect to change without notice.
Digital filter: ' 8 *3 Mass and dimensions are approximate.
DA converter: 1 bll DAC MASH Total harmonic distortion is measured by the digital
0'4")t impedance: 1 k9 spectrum analyzer.
Load impedance: More than 10 k9
This service inlormation is designed for experienced repair technicians only and is not designed for use by the general public.
it does not contain warnings or cautions to advise non-technical individuals of potential dangers in attempting to service a product.
Products powered by electricity should be serviced or repaired only by experienced protessional technicians. Any attempt to service
or repair the product or products dealt with in this sen/ice information by anyone else could result in serious injury or death.
© 2000 Matsushita Electric industrial 00.. Ltd. All
. an
rights reserved. Unauthorized copying and
distribution is a violation oi law.
Page 2
1 Nam ........................................................................................ 3
. 3
2 Handling Precautions tor Traverse Deck ------
2.1. Handling of traverse deck (optical pickup)
3 Precautlon oi Laser Diode ------------------------------------------------------ 4
2.2. Grounding for electrostatic breakdown prevention .
4 Location of Controls ---------------------------------------------------------- 4
5 Operation Checks and Component Replacement Proceduress
5.1. Checking for the main P.C.B. ----- 5
5.2. Checking tor the operation P.C.B. - --5
5.3. Checking [or the CD servo P.C.B. ---------------------------------- 6
5.4. Replacement for the traverse deck assy rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 7
5.6. Disassembly and reassembly for mechanism base drive
5.5. Rep|aoement for the disc tray .............
57. Replacement for the motor assy
6 Error Code Display and Servo Adiustment Function ---------20
6.1. Error Code Display Procedure rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 20
6.2. Servo Adiustment Procedure ........................................ 20
6.3. Error code based on troubleshooting ----------------------------- 21
7 To Supply Power Source ---------
a Schematic Diagram Note .22
9 Schematic Diagram ------ 23
10 Printed Circuit Board Diagram _____________________________________________ 28
11 Type '"SNWOH of ICs, Transistors and Diodes __________________ 31
12 erlng Connection Diagram __________________________________________________ 32
13 Block Diagram ---------- 33
14 Troubleshooting Guide -36
15 Terminal Function of I65 38
15.1. IC451 (M38504M6200F):System Control ------------------- 38
15.2. |C701 (ANSSSQNSBEZ):Servo Amp --------- ..._......38
15.3. IC702 (MN662790RSA):Servo Processor/Digital Signal
Processor/Digital Filter/D/A converter -- -38
15.4, 10703 (ANB7SQSBE2):Focus Coil/Tracking Coil/Traverse
Motor/SpindleMotor Drive -------------------------------------------- 39
16 Replacement Parts List
17 Cabinet Parts Location ------------------------------------------------ 43
13 Loading Unit Parts Location ------------------------------------ 44
Page 40
16 Replacement Parts List
Notes: Ref. No. Part No. Part Name s Description Pas Remarks
. 325 M0334 MAGNET HOLDER 1
- lm ortant safet notice:
Components identified by A mark have special 327 RMRllZl-K MECHANISM COVER 1
characteristics important for safety. 328 905 TR EASE 1
Furthermore, spemal parts which have purposes of Me 330 50431 GEAR,RELA¥ a 1
retardant (resistors), high-quality sound (capacitors), 331 xw2+se scum 2
low-noise (resistors), etc. are used. 332 111420552 spams 1
When replacmg any of components, be sure to use only 334 11111-025: same 1
manufactures specified parts shown in the pans list. 335 11110526 smug 1
-The marking [RTL] indicates that Retention Time is 336 90742 SPIN) SE 1
. . . . . . . . PRI G 1
Limited for this item. After the discontinuation of this 337 30550 a N
. . . . , 338 RMLoszz LOADING 5101212211 1
assembly in production, the item Will continue to be 339 1114120743 spmmz sump 1
available for a specific period of time. The retention 340 31.110744 mm Hoax 1
period of availability is dependent on the type of 341 1114120745 Lama SPINDLE 1
assembly, and in accordance with the laws governing 32 9 WWW EASE
. . . 343 M00595 MDTOR 1
r i . Aft r h end of this eriod
part and product etenton e t e p , 344 mm SCREW 11
the assembly Will no longer be available. 345 590424 GEAR DRIVE 1
- All parts are supplied by MESA. 3 390425 GEMICWGE 1
347 RDG0426 GEAR,UP/DOWN 1
Ref. No. Part: Not Part Name 5 Description Pee Ranarks 34B RDGO427 GEAR/TRAVERSE CAM 1
1 wage-1s 101: cmmm 1 350 11,150,129 15111111111111.1111 1
2 RHD30007-S SCREW 4 351 M0109 FIDATING seamen) 2
3 mesa-Tm SCREW 1 352 M0142 swarms spkmctz) 1
4 21200-1 FFC 1 353 RMR1124-K TRAVERSE CHASSIS 1
5 21201-2 FFC 1 354 RMSD632 TRAVERSE FIXED pm 3
E knows-K RUBBER 4
9 RKAOlOG-N FOOT RING 4 c1 ECEAlCKSlOl 16V 1000 1
10 RYPOBSGE-ls mom PANEL ASSY 1 52 Ecfimmoazp 25v 0.0111 1
10-1 RGBOOZS-A TECHNICS men 1 c3 mammogxm 50v 1000p 1
11 xmsammm SCREW 3 c5 RCElCKA47OBG 16V 4711 1
12 x153+aaez scam 1 cs Bencmu 15v 470m: 1
301 RAEOIS2Z-l TRAVERSE DECK ASSY 1 c7 mummy]? 25v 0 0111 1
301-1 SHGD113'1 RUBBER 3 c9 ECEAIAKSZZI 10v 2201} 1
30112 SNSD38 SCREW 2 C10 ECEAlAKS221 6.3V 2201: 1
301-3 momma-1 OPTICAL PICK-UP 1 A. 011 ECETlBlOZKBS 50v 1000? 1
30114 RDG0247 DRIVE GEAR 1 C12 Ece'ncloamss 16v 0.01Ll 1
301-5 121360248 GEAR 1 mo ECEAlAKS221 5.3V 2200 1
301-6 RX00339 TRAVERSE MOTOR 1 c151,52 mam-11021425 50v 10001) 2
301-7 2x12030411 PLATE 1 c191 leHKASREBG 50v 3.311 1
301-2 xom7+ce5 scam 1 c402 211211210st 25v 0.01:: 1
301-9 xcnz+ccs SCREW 1 (24031 31331111102035 50v 1000:: 1
301110 XQSJ.7+A35FZ SCREW 1 5404,05 ecemmoazr 25v 0.0111 2
302 RDV°056 BEL-'1 1 0407 momma-3221 10v 2200 1
303 1214130549~1 SPRING 1 C109 ECBTlI-HOIKBS 50v 10017 1
3041 R1430561 SPRING 1 and EEAFCOJILOIB 6.3V 10012 1
305 111450257 sPRING 1 (14.11 212911111042 50v 0.1:; 1
306 M0253 SPRING 1 c413, ECBTlHdTflCBS 50v 4709 2
307 M0261 SPRING 1 0115,15 EcsTlEloazF 25v 0.010 2
308 1410515 LEVER 1 0152 ECBTlElOBZF 25v 0.011: 1
309 mosm LEVER 1 c501 ECET'LEIOEZF 25v 0.01U 1
310 RML0518_7 LEVER 17.4 a 1 C602 mundane 50v 4.70 1
311 410519 LEVER 1 (1603-05 1311511111011an 50v 100? 3
312 mean TRAY LOCK 1 c701 ECEAOJKA33OI 5.3v 33:: 1
313 M0521 REAR LOCK 1 c702 ECUZN'EMJAMBN 25v 0.10 1
314 M0525 FRONT DOCK 1 c703 ECEAOJKSlOl 5.3v 10011 1
315 3141-0530 LEVER 1 c704 ECUENEIUAMBN 25v 0.1:) 1
316 RMMoZOl SLIDE PLATE 1 1 C706 ECW1H272KEN 50v 27009 1
317 W020? SLIDE PLATE 27,7, 1 A. 2707 ECUVlE273KBN 25v 0.02711 1
31s M0551 spam; 1 c710 emu-1121mm 50v 1201: 1
319 14130553 SPRING 1 (2711,12 ECUWNElOAZFN 25v 0.10 2
320 90747 UPPER 3001 1 c713 ECUZNElOAMBN 2w 0.1:) 1
321 W007 UPPER 511th 1 c714 ECEIAOJ'KSIOJ. 6.3V loou 1
322 M0140 DISC SPACER 5 Wid c715 emu-127210311 50v 27009 1
323 W01 SPACER 1 C716 ECUVll-IBZIKEN 50v 82013 1
324 RED/2452A MAGNET 1