Technics SL 1401 Brochure
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Extracted text from Technics SL 1401 Brochure (Ocr-read)
Page 2
SI:1401 Quartz-PhaseLocked Control Direct Drive Semi-Automatic Turntable
Quartz-Locked Accuracy
in the Technics Tradition
Enter the satisfying world of preCiSion:
precision drive. precision suspen5ion. and
a precusion tonearm. And discover that
striking quality that makes your records
sound their best. Because now quartz-
phase-Iocked accuracy can be yours at
Technics most accessible price ever.
The SL-l401 is our latest direct drive
turntable with remarkable features youve
come to expect from Technics. And they
add up to speCilications we like to boast
about-speed drift :0 002%. wow and
flutter 0.025% WRMS. rumble -73 dB
(DIN B). How do we do it?
By choosing only the best components
and by developing a total system that
performs like an engineers dream.
Starting with our superb Hetero-pole
direct drive motor. we add Quartz-Phase-
Locked servo control with a heavy. preci-
5ion-machined platter mounted in a
diecast base with our double isolated
Suspension system, Then we top it all off
with a super-sensitive. low-friction gimbal
suspension tonearm
Ouartz-Phase-Locked Direct Drive
You probably know that quartz-locked
direct drive is the most precise turntable
drive system available today. Because
after we developed the world's first direct
drive turntable. the original SP-lO. we
added the elaborate quartz-phase-locked
control Circuitry to complete the epoch-
making professional turntable, the
SP-tOMKU. The result is incredible rota-
tional precision. And this time-keeping
accuracy can be verified in the specmca-
tions of other manufacturers' quartz-
Iocked turntables-not just ours. But
you'll also discover if you check specs,
that the SL-1401 provides high torque
(1.0 kgcrn)...without torque ripple This
remarkable torque gives Technics a
build-up time of 1.3 seconds. it also
means no perceptible slow-down with up
to 1809 (90 toneanns at 29 each) tracking
force. What's more. to bring this rotating
wonder to a smooth quick stop. we've
built in an electric braking system.
Perhaps we're overdomg It, But in the
long run. it adds up to the kind of preo-
sion and reliability that the serious audio-
phile looks for. And that's a Technics
tradition you can depend on
DN 860 (380 elements)
ll °FCl PQl.IpDPt'1frPQ,lP"Cy
# v . -".
AN 660 (42? elements)
Phase and speed Ll)ll0 via
sample "old circuits.
lessen-i 7.
Complete Servo Control in Three IC's
Technics' Hetero-pole direct-drive motor
is governed by a lull cycle integration-
type FG servo system with three-phase.
full wave bi-directional DC drive. This
servo system applies corrective torque
qmckly, yet smoothly The reference
frequency is provided by a quartz
oscillator. the most reliable speed-
reference device ever used in a turntable.
All the servo Circuitry is packed into three
IC's that combine the functions of over
l 100 discrete Circuit components. In fact.
these integrated Cir0uits are the same
ones used in our SL-1300MK2 with the
exception of the SL-l3OOMK2's special
synthesizer based digital pitch control to.
suite-up and linking "in;
AN 640 (340 elements)
Th'r"f"-phrlSi= lull-wave