Tascam br 20 brochure
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Extracted text from tascam br 20 brochure (Ocr-read)
Page 1
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2 - track Recorders
Advanced Analog 2-track for Professional Applications
Although digital Bump/Hell! seems to be
the main topxc of conversation these days.
the reality ol the Situation is that analog
equipment wr/I remain the mainstay of many
broadcast, product/on. and related recording
studios for a consrderable time to come
Analog machines offer compatibility, ease-or
use cost/performance, and reliability (not
lorgertmg lam/liarity) that Simply cannot be
rcp'aced overnight. The TASCAM [BR-2O
series 2-lrack recorders have Dee/r (reasoned
specrlimlfy lor such applicalmns, implement-
mg the very latest rue/Goonrputcrrcontro/
technology to deliver performance that is fully
in tune With the (rifles.
The BR-20 series inc/Lives.
BFi»?0(N) NAB 2»traCi< Iorrnat
8/? 20(0) DIN stereo format
BRQOT With center timecode track
The BR-20 packs outstanding performance
and a mile range 0/ advanced features into
a surorismgly small, exceptional/y QQSyYO-tlsfl
recorder that Will prove its worth in any app'ir
cation that requires 2-Iiack analog record'ng.