Tapco blend 6 owners manual

This is the 1 pages manual for tapco blend 6 owners manual.
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tapco blend 6 owners manual

Extracted text from tapco blend 6 owners manual (Ocr-read)

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An Apology:

It is with some sadness, and with humble heart,
that we must report an error in the Tapco 6306
compact mixer owners manual.

Each manual is meticulously researched and
handcrafted using the finest materials, inks and
technical writers, and yet somehow this error has
been overlooked, and we are truly sorry. Very sorry.
just so very-very sorry.

It turns out that the technical writer responsible
for the owners manual was going through a tough
time. In fact he wrote the manual while under the
distinct impression that he was an analog-to-digital
converter circuit board. He could often be seen
under his desk, curled up in a ball, reciting the parts
list from the service manual of a classic Mackie
1604 mixer.

His therapy and calibration sessions have been
working, and now he just believes he is (3101.

a 63 microfarad, 60 volt electrolytic capacitor.
Hopefully, he will soon make a full recovery (or he
may be discharged).

The Correction:

On Page 17: 4th paragraph down, the words
Lemon Bunt Cake should be replaced by the
words Lemon Bundt Cake."


@2004 LOUD Technologies Inc. All Rights Resen/ed.