Tandberg TR 2060 Brochure
This is the 6 pages manual for Tandberg TR 2060 Brochure.
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Extracted text from Tandberg TR 2060 Brochure (Ocr-read)
Page 1
Tandberg Series 3000
The Tandberg Series 3000 - quite simply a new standard in sound reproduction.
A totally integrated system of audio separates scaling new peaks in performance,
reliability and elegance.
Tandberg set out to create the ultimate system. A system against which others
would be judged. A system with no compromise.
The result is a masterpiece of European Technology. Components which.
separately, define the state of the art in their field. And which. together. approach
sound perfection.
TPT 3001 Programmable FM Tuner
The sensitive ear of the 3000 series
Extremely low distortion
3 New decoder design eliminates beat notes
a B ganged tuned circuits at the FM front and
9 Electronic memory for B preset FM stations
o Pre-tuning system with 12~bit processor.
c Overall performance specification way above
its competitors.
- 3 Bandwidths (Wide, Normal. Narrow.)
so as guteiing sensitvt, "
With nolsa tiller ANC
lo d8 channel separation
Signal to noise ratio
at 65 d8? 10 5 "Wt
32 85 net is mVi
men a
Distortion a? 50 dB
3mm; 5 ~~~~~ o 7:;
_ \ ace
3L A.
82 dB
92 GS
Page 2
TCA 3002 Control Amplifier Mali-
The command module of the 3000 series Technical Data according to lH 02, 1975
Ph . t th b if 75 A~weighted Signal-to-Noise Ratio
- ono inpu s Wl u er s ages, passive us -._-
deiemphasis and active bass boost. Enggg my g2 33
a High slew rate, 300 Wis in the Movmg Magnet Ta ' .
. i . pa 1. Tape 2. 97 dB
and the Movmg Coil input stages. Tuner AUX' 97 dB
. Inductive Emitter Compensation - 9 dB/octave ' ' . ,
_ slope in the MM and MC input stages for Total Harmon Distortion (20 - 20000 Hz)
maximum speed stability, high open |00p Phono MM' < 0.004%
frequency response, minimum static and Phono MC. < 0.004%
dynamic distortion and symmetrical square Tape 1. Tape 2: < 0004%
wave. Tuner. AUX: < 0,004%
7/77 TiiiWiiiwiiiiigiTiTNM\\\\§
TPA 3003 Power Amplifier V Specification Frequency Response. 2&20000 Hz
The Powerful heart of the 3000 series Technicai Data according to IHFrAeZOZ. i975 +o/-o 2dB
. . Contmuos Average Power Output sensiiivny- i V
0 High power output In a small cabinet. _ .
o High slew rate, 70 V/ps due to input stage (8 ohms 20-20000 HZ' THO <0'02%) 2x150 W A-weighted Signal-to-Noise Ratio:
emitter compensation - 9 dB/oct. slope. . , 0 RSV 1 W/3 ohms 93 dB
. peak clipping indicators. SMPTE Intermodulation Distortio ' <0.02 /e Ref. 150 W/B ohms 120 dB
o 5 protection circuits. lHF Intermodulation Distortion <0V02% '
Transient overload recovery time: lmmeasur-
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