Tandberg TPA 3036 A Brochure 2

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Tandberg TPA 3036 A Brochure 2

Extracted text from Tandberg TPA 3036 A Brochure 2 (Ocr-read)

Page 1


Technical Paper Remote Control RC 3000


The RC 3000 Remote Control transmitter allows easy and convenient operation of different audio equipment
in the Tandberg 3000-sarrex.

The new Compact Disc Player 3015A, the Tuner 3031A, Preamp. 3038A and Progremable Receiver 3080A
are all operated by this unit.

The set to be operated are SEiECIed with one of six pushbuttons.


Tuner operation includes 16 channel ore-select. Direct
access to station by entering preset number (enter 1 and
6 for 16).

Features include auto/manual up/down tuning and mute.

Volume, tone defeat, program and record choice are
operated from the remote control.

Pushing the Volume button actually operates a servo
motor tuning the potmeter up or down,

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CD Player/Omen- deck
, Manual 9 t -
~ All functions are remote controlled on Tandberg
TCP 3015A.
'09 irn 1 - Even track/index and repeat are included.

Future cassette decks will also be remote controlled
with the RC 3000.


Volume. tone defeat, loudness, program and record
choise are operated from the remote control.

Pushing the Volume button actually operates a servo

7 5'0 5? ' motor tuning the potmeter up or down.

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Infrared P.A.M, channel 36 kHz, RC5 code

Operation: 4 x R035, 1.5 v batteries (included)
Width: 70 mm
Height: 173 mm
Depth: 14 mm
Weight: 140 9

Black cabinet

Specifications are su bject to change without notice.

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Part No. 602810 Printed in Norway by TayeanIvkk AIS © Tendberg Audio AJ/Tekniske Forfetture AI [W7 '

Page 2


Technical Paper


TPT 3001 A

TPT 301 1A

The front end


The new analog tuners TPT
3001 A and TPT3011A are the
result at a long term develop
ment in the Tandberg labs.

The tront ends employ

ganged, tuned circuits where
DC voltage controlled capaci-
tance diodes are used as lun-
ing elements. and Dual-Gate
MOSFETs are used in the RF

Both tuners employ the same
ingenious tuning system

In addition to the main tuning,
there is a second stage which

stores 8 pre-tuned FM stations

in an electronic memory. This
pre-tunlng system IS based on
a voltage synthesis princrple
combined with a last analog
servo loop to achieve max.-
mum SN ratio and irequency

Tuners TPT 3001A *TPT 3011A

Although they are designed for

dilterent market segments
they do have one major com
mon denominator: The musr-

and Mixer slages. This
achieves respectively; stable,
accurate tuning and excellent
sensitivity combined wnh su-
perior headroom.

Pr ramPreset
{9 2

. o
Output Level

caltty ol the reproduced sound
This is ensured by their many
des>gn Similarities.

The TP'T 3001 A utilizes B
tuned CllCUiIS, the TPT 3011A,
5.10 prevent Mirror image
(21,4 MHz) and other out of
band distortion

Program Signal

Store Prograrr