Tandberg Studio Monitor Brochure

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Tandberg Studio Monitor Brochure

Extracted text from Tandberg Studio Monitor Brochure (Ocr-read)

Page 2

Design the best loudspeaker
system on the market!

How you should judge loudspeakers
One 0! the characteristics of a gnod
loudspeaker in llmt il rtcprtuluucx H tht:
different frequencies equally well.

Then we sat)- the loudspeaker has it gum]
tonal balance Practical listening tests
have shown that the ear is very sensitive
uvcn to small variations in a sound
pattern. 'l'undberg has paid purticulur
attuntinn In this lat't

The tnnhl balance is the feature ynu
tihtrnltl lit: most critical about when you
are evaluating and comparing loud
speakers, listen ttttlil'lur-cttt typcsril
music. Make sure that the loudspeakers
tile detrunrstrrrted with timid programme
material replayed from equipment of the
highest quality. iris very tlnponttntthat
the lllllL. rutntrrtlxtrn thr: itmplifitrr HH

"1 the mrd~posttion so that they do not
compensate fur the shortcutnings ul
tndivrdual loudspeakers. lnstst that the
thin; in thr; mum rrlsu remains
constant. Then you will have the. current
conditions for r4 proper mtttpm'imn
between loudspeakers.

Tndhurg's objectives [or rouslrueting

Ioudwefltter systems

When a littltlxpcnltur \yle-ru islicing

designed. a number (it problems musr be

solved. The system consists of relatively

lt'w parts. but awn a small change in one

detail can mean tr large change iii the

wuntl picture. The firm! design ix

therefore it very careful compromise

between many factors

'l'nndberg has compiled it list of (1 target

failures for the design and t'nnstntcttun

of Hit i loudspeakers;

I) Loin rut-till lnr the hairs frequencies

2] Low distortion over the entire
Frequency range

3) High power handling rlpabllity over
the entire frequency range

4) Cum! transient rexpmruc

St Homogeneous sound distribution
nvcr tr large mum Ingle

6) Good tonal balance

On the next page you can tend about how
the 'lundherg Sluditt Multilrtt was
(Irisignrri and hurt the 6 target features
were achieved.

lnndhergs comprehensive test

Tandberg has a long.r and camprehrnsrve
test programme for all loudspeaker
xyslctrisin the tltwulupmcnl phast'r
Grunt emphnSrs is placed on selecting
from the best drive units mi thc ttlttlltcl.
When Tandbetg destgns loudspeakers. it
is always after thorough mid cxlcnsive
mcttstmtments in a free-field and it
reverberation chamber. But the Itltl\|
important tests we carry out tire the

practical listening tests. These lulu: place
in a listening room where people- with
different opinions about whut is good
sound rcpruduction compare tht
dcsrgners proposals against it sound
srrurcu they lleiutt: is gtuttl. New pmltr-
types are tested tn this way together With
different [irtrtlttclitm mtnlulrt anti always
together with the best loudspeakers from
irur enrnpetituts.

The hunt an ear is decisive when ll comes
lit the firm] design of a anrtllurg lttutl~
spttakr'r New models are. not sum out
before all the engineers and the listeners
2m: satisfied. During pftxilltlltltl ztll
landherg loudspeakers are thoroughly
tested and inspected. Vin n Vingll. lnud-
speaker is allowed to leave the factory
willrnut tests to 1mm: Ilrtrl it perfttrtns
act-tinting to the spccrfrcatiun we

Dew the best loudspeaker on

the market!

This was the Challenge rlulivcrurl in the-
engmcers in 'landbcrg's acoustics
Itrlxrrxtnry 'fite result was the Stuuirt
Monitor ~ the most advanced loud
speaker system Tanrliturg has ever made.
An BU hire. 3 way system With 4 drive
unils that unit mpmduuc mun: than

llttt watts continuously applied power
river a frequency range flttm 15 In

2th Utttil [2, measured according to DIN

Good transcription units. tape recorders.
and mnplit'iers can reproduce sound
practically speaking without distortion.
A loudspeaker that can rank With the
heat of them pruduuttr mint IDWL fur
better characteristics thrtn conventional
loudspeakers. When Tundberg developed
the Studio Monitor. it was a requirement
tlurt it should be suitable for the best
iii-Fr cquttmtcnt on the. market.
Tandberg's long experience with sound
reproduction techniques wasput to good
use in the design and development of

the Studio Monitor The ktudspcakur
drive units were selected after thorough
evaluation ul' Iltt: bust units ("I the
market. T he trlter. level controls for

the mid~trequency and treble frequency
ranges, and a special prutectitm syslun
for the treble drive units were all
designed in the lirhnntturicx. Tilt: \yxlum
was then put through an extensive
ptngrrmttnc ttl' cruttptchctmivc testn
including the. all-important practical
listening tests.

We invite you to compute the. Fandberg
Studio Mtnritt'rr under the \AHIL CD"-
ditions with any or her loudspeaker
system on the market. Let your own eats
In: the deciding inclttr when ytnr tzhtxtscl