Tandberg 3014 A Brochure
This is the 2 pages manual for Tandberg 3014 A Brochure.
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Extracted text from Tandberg 3014 A Brochure (Ocr-read)
Page 1
Ty Jim :r _
we my JUN/t,
produced whj' might best
be aesrrbed as 3 seirzr
professionai deck, The
design is, hire the price,
pretty uncompromrsing
There are no superiuaus
Cantrois, no exaggerated
dispiays, oniy the
A croser 00k or the
gon'ra ar'artgeme'tr [and
the manua ,t raw-(Ls hot
the engineers have
deeded to represent
Drirnary tundtons with
their own buttons or
switches, whtie ertltg
secondary operations
(musrc search, droorin
regarding: etc] ro oe
riggessed via combtnntcns
m cat;- pr tnix'y irrnt'oi:
Tatwpgr' unrttarts are
akmqrtt rr C1 '0:.
outicu'r 'hH two perm
1; din; niee.m C stewed
:i a». tr 2 'r't'mia'r
rmrtgrts a :w Vuitr"; ti,
the rerorj pi'L")Li,
memory Jntttorts and
time tttiBiiULJf. in L
row inc wit-s 'he mart tot
output porenttomel r
Doiby svy tchtng, oatamcv
and input contrcis
Proviston ras been
made or opt mtsrng
record rtg bias tor diherenr
taoes Regarding aztmuth
s aisc Odtus'obie taut, or
some 'eUSOtt piaybatk
aztrnu'h isn't).
Settthg op Ttc mauhtne
to '1 pUHtCuiC' tape was
not too dirhwt On either
sde or m: h position at
the tape yot- seimtot
5w tch are pairs 0'
reressed adtustrr'ert
sigma generator is used to
proauue the necesscy
LC orat on tones ma,
warrhtng 'he meters, 'he
uperu'o' "wires the
aurora/rate adtustrnents
tr r Vti|_Jt€ or two,
eyerytt ttg s set
inc BOA/Vs peak
reading meters are said to
respond '0 2 miii§second
peaks witntn idB he, tn
the a ink of an eyeti. They
ciso regtster the input
sgnc oetore it reacres
the record amptiiier. As
such the meters are
independent 0 the
sourcertape swrtch and
that means you're
see rig the input signat.
By the way, the 30i4A
trtCO'porates Tandberg's
DYNiQ headroom
extension Circuttry, During
recording the necessary
high frequency boost is
controiied to minimise
the csses trom
Transport duties are
handied oy Tandberg's
sophistrcated tour motor,
servo controtled system,
The ducircapstan, dosed-
ioop drive system is gentie
With tapes, whtlst at the
same time being very
qumk in the test wind
modes, it is a sturdy
system, buiit to
protesstonat standards and
Page 2
Dlnrlbu'an :
Serial No. x
to" No.
designed to iast torever
A removaaie dustcav-er
makes access to the three
discrete heads, the piricr
rollers and tape guides
simpitoty itseit.
Instead at the usuai twci
pairs at RCA~pirt lacks an
the pack panei, we tind
three pairs. A variabte
output pair, a tixed output
[700 th par and a pair
at record input jacks that
permit adiustment 0 their
sensitivity. There is aiso an
MPX titter and an
equaiisation switch [aniy
used With obsolete Type
Ili tapes}
Among audiophiies the
cassette medium is not
generaily taken seriousiy.
The reasons are many, but
turn mainly upon the siow-
moving tape's vuinerabiiity
to distortion, speed
variations, hiss, iimited
dynamic range and
trequency response
Cassette Deck
Audio Dynamics Pty Ltd.
2 Years
anamaiies. Throw in the
sometimes bizarre ettects
0t naise reduction systems
and a tendency to do
strange and wanderous
things to the pass end at
the audibie spectrum and
you have a recipe tor
something ctner than
audio biiss.
Neveitheiess the
med urn has acheved
Widespread acceptance
necause it is a handy
and, tor the most part,
adequate way to stare
musrc. Tandberg's probtem
is not canvincrng the
average cassette buyer
that the medium is a good
thing. instead they have to
impress those tew,
demanding iisteners who
have made the kind at
commitment to cassettes
that sees them prepared
to spend thousands on a
machine iike the 30i4A
Atter iistening to the
3014A we are firmiy
convinced that even the
most goiden-eared iistener
wauid be mprérssedv It is
an extraordinary machine.
We think the test bench
results are pretty much
seltvexptanatory, so
instead weil tocus on our
iisteners' rresponses.
Peak pedarmance was
obtained With meta tape,
but the resutts garnered
from the humbter Type i
and Type Ii tapes were
very ciose, We recorded
severai media, incuding
CD, and in every case our
isteners tacind it virtua"y
imDOSSibie to d'stingu sh
between the source and
the tape
A recording of soia
piano made tram a CD
originai (iust about the
taughest thing you can
throw at a cassette deck)
was nothing snort at
astonishing, Nor was the
30i4A put off by complex
orchestra or charai works.
Copies were virtuaiy
indistinguishabie from
originals, every Ounce at
soundstage, imaging and
sonic SJbStODCe were
truithiuiiy transcribed.
From start to hnish it was
a erva performance
and an insight into the
capabitities at this too
atten dismissed medium
Listen to itfiat your bank
account's peril! .6 ~i
mic/ion bewice
Wow & Fiutter (Peak)
Wow 5 Flutter iRMS)
S/N NR Out
SW NR '0
0 t
tttimi tgju
2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 i0
'xts a rag-,mi
v i um usqcm. 99500152 'Type ii
cg Mm Vet-N ode/drum
rcqnvnv y at per graticuie
re im ,, «same iTvpe iv
venmi inflow
Jet-m» ,
rm dutinit'
Hz 4i.
vaii 1 timid r1;
ma :H:@ZWnWb/m
t-i':r"] tc ,
V ca iOdB Civ