Sugden a48 mk2 owners manual
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Extracted text from sugden a48 mk2 owners manual (Ocr-read)
Page 2
Earthing of DISC inPuts It is important that ihe L.H. and R.H. screened leads from the pick-up cartridge' and the chassis lead (sometimes combined in the pick-up lead) should be connected ONLYto pin 2 of the DIN plug' Do NOT connect to the plug body' and care must be taken to insulate the'r.16.n' f rom the plug body securing clip' lf only one disc input is used, we recommend that this should be Disc 1 and thatthe unused pinr ln the Dll plug, i.e. 1 and 4 should be "earthed" or "grounded" by connectilg jhgyl.jg Pin 2. "Adiutiment of disc sensitivitY The sensi'tivity of the disc input has been carefully chosen to match most of the high quality cartridges currently available. There are a few cartridges which offer a much higher outp"ut. the use of which may necessitate a reduction of disc sensitivity-indicated by a neecl to operate ihe volume control at low settings' i.e" approaching 7.00 oiclock" Your dealer can do this for you' He should remove the pre-amplifier covers to reveal two pairs of pins on the print slde of the printed circuit board at the input end. The pins are linked with thin tinned copperwire. lf these wires are removed the resultant sensitivity wili be 10mV instead ctt 2.5 or if they are reptaced by 4.7K ohm resistors the sensitivity will be approximately 5mV. The overload capacity increases in the same proportion' This modification alters the sensitivity of both disc inputs- OP ER AT ION Control facilities are provided by oush bottons on the front Panel. means of f ive rotary controls and thir:teen The rotary controls offer the f ollowing f acilities: lrtputSelection-this is controlled by the extreme left hand large knob allowing five selections to be made-Dlsc 2,D]SC 1, RADIO, TAPE 1 and TAPE 2' Valume-Continuously variable controlled by the secorrd large knob' Bass, Treble and Balance-continoously variable controlled by the three smaller knobs. These three controls have central "click" positions giving "flat" response in the case of the tone controls and exactly equal outputs per channel in the case of the balance control. TAPE To play pre-recorded tape TAPE 1 or TAPE 2 shoulcl be selected by means of the 1.o1urV control. To record from programme sources: DISC 1, DISC 2 or RADIO' it is necessary to select the approprlutu source on the rotary control- The selected input is automatically connected to BOTH tape output sockets' lf.the output from the morritoring circuit on the tape recorder is connected to the tape input of the amplifier A-dmonitoring is possible by depressing the relevant TAPE bLitton. When TAPE 'l is select*d on the rotary control, this input is connected oNLY to TAPE 2 output socket. Similarly when TAPE 2 is selected this input is fed oNLY to TAPE 1 output socket. Jhus it is possible to transfer f rom one tape machine (reel to reel or cassette) to another' Tape Record Level: Connections to the Tape recorders should be made to their ,,LlNE" or "AUX" inputs and outputs. This will normally require connecting cableswith a DIN plug at one end ancl four phono ptugs at the other' lf it is required to use the "DlN" input-as for exampte with some European recorders which only have DIN inputs, it will be necessary to use an attenuator lead' A standard ex-factory available item is our "tape Attenuator Lead'l This lead also permits connection to a monoohonic recorder without the cross-connection "monoing" everYthirtg else. In the event of a recorder with non:standard levels we are always pleased to assist in making up € special lead-do not hesitate to ask.