Stax srs 006 t mk2 brochure
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Extracted text from stax srs 006 t mk2 brochure (Ocr-read)
Page 1
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tube output driver unit For earspeakers
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The SRM driver unit shows the true value of electrostatic earspeakers.
Pure balance, DC amplifier configuration.
The key concept is the output stage em
loying a high sound quality vacuum tube
6FQ7(6CG7), and further refinements ave been introduced into all the individual parts.
A wider range than ever before. There's no end to technical evolution.
Wide range: in order to make maximum use of
the wide-range properties ol SACD and DVD
audio. the circuit have been constantly been
revised, resulting in a wider than ever replay lre-
quency range.
Heater power supply: Adopting a rectifier circurts
combining low~noise. low-loss Schottky barrier
diodes and large electrolytic capacitors. Low-rip-
ple DC power source improves the SN ratio.
Output stage: A simple two-stage amplitier con-
figuration using a high-voltage dual Iriode tube
6FQ7 (6067) results in straightforward properties
that are transparent and clear sound quality.
Input stage: It's possible to switch between three
systems (two RCA input systems and one XLFt
SRM-006m Specifications
Frequency response: DC to BOkHz / o0. -3dB lwtth SR~404 unit)
input system).
Pure balance circuit: The electrostatic transduc-
er is driven by electrodes set on both sides ol the
diaphragm which carry the push-pull signals. This
is thus Virtually the only replay system that
enables the listener to enjoy replay unique to bal-
ance transmission without the need to pass
through a transiorrner or an inversion amplifier.
The input stage makes use at a hand selected
low-noise FET. Unit also employs a total ol srx
acoustic high sound quality relays (three on both
sides). Simultaneous switching ol the hot Side and
the cold side at the two»system RCA Input means
that the input source is isolated of direct current.
Almost no interlerence between different devices.
Hated Input level: ZOOmV with 100V output
Equipped wlth parallel output terminals: Input-
1 can be directly connected to for example an
SACD player lor pure quality listening With a
shorter signal path. while the output connected to
a preamplifier or power amplilier with level con-
trol Simultaneously.
High quality tour-stage level control devices:
Connection is possible with line level source such
as CD players including XLR.
Front panel: Brushed aluminum silver linish and
designed with rounded panel corners.
\.|Ltlt|ltl tttlit' ttlllptlt iliivur unit tor citrxpcitkcrx
Maximum input level: 30V rm s wllh volume at minimum setting
Amplllicatlon: 54dB (x500) Total harmonic dlstortlon: max 0 02% at tkHz 100V r m 5 {With sa-aoa unit) Input impedance: 50km during balance Swan 2 Maximum output
voltage: 300V rm.s / tkHz
XLH terminal polurlty: No 1 Sealed. No.2' Hot. No 3 Cold tEuropean system)
Standard bias voltage: DCSEDV lPFlO Dias)
sumption: 49W Temperature range tor use: 0 lo 35 degc External dimensions: 195tW) x 103(H) x 37510) mm (Including volume knob and pin lack (20am)
'Spectllcallons and external appearance may change wllhoul notice to improve performance
Power voltage: Acmv 220v. 230v. 240v t ion. 50 to so Hz. [Adtusled tor your areal
Power con-
Weight: 3 4K9
7.. Chlkurnazawa-hlgasht. Miyostu-machi. lrumargun. Sallama Prel Japan 354-0046 Tel Bl~49~258~2660 Fax 8149258-2659 ltilpllwww slax 0on
mm» m will mmuimn