Sony xm 3046 service manual

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sony xm 3046 service manual

Extracted text from sony xm 3046 service manual (Ocr-read)

Page 1



US Model
Canadian Model
AEP Model

UK Model
E Model


40 watts per channel minimum continuous average power into

4 ohms, both channels driven from 20 Hz to 20 kHz with no more than
0.04% total harmonic distortion per Car Audio Ad Hoc Committee
standards. (US MODEL)

Other Specifications

Circuit system

Speaker impedance

Maximum outputs

OTL (output transformerless)

Pulse power Supply

RCA pin jacks

Speaker terminals

1 - 8 ohms (stereo)

2 - 8 ohms (when used as a
bridging amplifier)

Four Speakers :

90 watts per channel (at 4 ohms)
120 watts per channel (at 2 ohms)
Two speakers :

240 watts per channel (at 4 ohms)

Rated outputs (supply Voltage at 125 V)

Four speakers :

30 watts per channel (20 Hz -
20 kHz, 0.04 % THD, at 4 ohms)
45 watts per channel (20 Hz -
20 kHz, 0.1 /0 THD, at 2 ohms)
45 watts per channel (20 Hz -
20 kHz, Otl °/o THD, at l ohms)
Two speakers :

90 watts per channel (20 Hz -
20 kHz, 01 "/0 THD, at 4 ohms)

Rated outputs (Supply voltage at 14.4 V)

Four speakers :

40 watts per channel (20 Hz -
20 kHz, 0.04 °/o TH D, at 4 ohms)
60 watts per channel (20 Hz -
20 kHz, 0.] °/o THD, at 2 ohms)
60 watts per channel (20 Hz -
20 kHz, 0.1% THD, at 1 ohms)
Two speakers :

120 watts per channel (20 Hz -
20 kHz, 0.1 % THD, at 4 ohms]

Frequency response 5 Hz - 100 kHz (1; dB)
Harmonic distortion 0,005 "/o or less

(at lkHz, 4 ohms)
Input level adjustment range

0.2 - 40 V
High-pass filter 80 Hz, -12 dB/oct
Low-pass filter 50 Hz, 80 Hz, -18 dB/oct

Power requirements 12 V DC car battery
(negative ground)
Power supply voltage 10.5 - 16 v

Current drain at rated output: 24 A
Remote input: I mA
Dimensions Approx 181 x 62 x 360 mm

(w/h/d) (7 /t x2/2><14/a in)
include terminal
protect cover
Mass Approx. 2.5 kg (5 lb. 3 02)
not incl. accessories
Supplied accessories Mounting screws (4)
Terminal protect cover (2)
Fuse 40 A (1)

Design and specifications are subject to change without

S 0 NY;

Page 2



~ Bciom making any connections, dlsconnect the
ground terminal of the car battery to avoid short

~ Be sure to use speakers with an adequate power
rating. If you use small capacity speakers, they
may be damaged.

. Do not connect the 9 terminal of the speaker
system to the car chassis, and do not coruyect the
e terrntnol of the right speaker with that of the
lelt speaker,

r install the input and output cords away horn the
power supply lead as nmnmg Them close
together can generate some rntertmmce noise,

eThis unit is a high powered arnplilier. Therefore,
it my not portenn to its full pmtmtini it used
with the speaker cords supplied with iho 51!.

- it your car is equipped with a computer system
lor nayi aiirrn or seine other purpose, do not
reinoye the ground wire lroiri the car battery. it
you disconnect the win', the computer memory
may be erased. To avoid short circuits when
making connections, disconnect the st: v
power supply lead until all the other lads have
been connected.

Mike 810 terminal
connections as Illustrated below.




rAyant d'eflectuer lescoririexions, debranchez le
(H de inasse de la borne de la batterie pour évxtel
\lll court-circuit,

- Utilisez des haulrparizuls dune capacite
adéqimle. si yous utilise: des haul-parleurs de
laiole capaate, ils risqucnt détre endoirii-irage's.

. Ne raccordez pas la home a doe haul-prrleurs A
la canoeserte de la yoiture iii la borne e du
haut-prrleurdrort a cello du haul-parleur

-Eloi,;nez les condonsdtmtrée et ole son-fie du ii!
d'aliinentatioii e'lectriqrie pour eyiter que des
interlorences no so produiserit.

-Cet appnreit est un amplilicateur de haute
puissance er il pent ne pas atteindre sa puiseance
inaxrintle si les crrrdons de haul-parleuls
oi-irrinaux de la voimtve to. soar raccordés,

rs: votre yoiture cot equipee d'un ordinaleurde
tsorri pour la navigalion on :a toute autre fin, ne
débrnnmez pas le fil d: iriasse de la ballerie do
is vaintre.3i yous débunchez ce nl, toute la
mémoire de loidinateur sera ellace'e. Pour
eyitor un court-circuit lorsque yous eneehtez les
blamhemens, bundle: le fil dalirnentatioti de
412 volts uniquenum apres ayair branche' tous
les- autres ms.

Effectuoz Ins mnnu om do Ia
maniéu indiquée a-dessous

Wlirrr you tighter. iltr screw, be arr4ul riot in n-le loo mud.
torque- as dotrig so many darling: the m.

- The torouerulue should beltsstlur. r Nam,

Neserm' pus trop/ori Iii warmrpourrierl'eriaorrriioger.

- leooupltouer-rugedeoraitareiri/r'mrti um

Power Connection Leads

lo HEM our on the carautl'to --
vera REM our aur raimr-dlo -

ltm out

car audio

' lxM-satsl

lttzMorslti/iliir urui [a ilir «((90731 Wsupriy

Fils d'alimentation électrique

Mm run (at least to «or Al
Fuflbto t-it inotnr so (P A)

t- l/youlurrtlir/otlary mgimllnsflmtodlflnflludw ultliotrl a rrrrott wt-pui,torrrrtrt ilir rrrrretririrui (mum!

'- si mus diswsc do mine o'origirii- an Inn .ytre lummdm sons mm! do mommdr, rorroror: It bnmr o'rriirtr Ac
ltlrrorrirrurior «mom de tot opporril it In prrscd'rlitnrrilrilori mm

o to a rnatal point of
fin W
" a un point mountain
(Not supplied) a: I- yotture

(Hon twin

0 6

on v or balm
lanai. do walnut do on V

This section is extracted from
instruction manual.

4-Speaker system
Systéme a 4 haut-parleurs


From speakers itear rpealrers

(Mill. 1 0) (min, H)
natirvarteura aunt HIIII-valiflfls arrlere
(tr-tn. i ll) t id trntri. i til

rrorit flea:
Ayant u"! m" Atrltre
Car audio
Note n.

In; mice A, it. co 0 lNlluttrirnsi 417"qu harms
SIIIAKlJt out. VflIlt': u lrrrrirrrrr tr . ill-It ratio a.-
rriiturr um, our WI lr litul-pallt'ltr .urrriui.

no A. a, c, ml D INI'uT not (tlm'apulrrl "our lllr
mam our Iflmllmk Mttkr silo irrr rur "urn
LINE curable runners in llir remri sirultr.

2-Speaker System
Systeme a 2 haut-parleurs

Len speaker light speaker
(min. I 1]) ~ (min. Z (I)
Hutu-oaths" gauche , Niuhpalloul omit
""' 2 tett channel night (hmml """ 2 m
car-at who canal dick
UNI our
Cl! audio
Nate Rem-A:
ust only tlir A and c INPUT ilrbfm (oflmhfix lbw utilise; uriiqirtrrirril lr.< mars iNI'LnA n c puiir

ouiiiitis/rnrri ilir air rudro arid correct the spam lads «irrirritr lrs tones or i'aultlmdm rt rurrrrde; lee filo or
In tlir QA IMONO)-® arid ©-c lMONOl-G) littlt-prrlturs m bomts ©~A momma r! e-c
trrriiriiiil. , llio iiriti tlytoNOl-e or l'mrili/rrritur,

3-Speaker System
Systéme 5 3 haut-parleurs
You run select your dtslrrd
fmpmky o/ilie LI'F sllk {50 H:
(w 50 Hz)
Vitus pout-t1 Silttbonlla In
frequent ioiilue pour Ir totc LIF
(50 H: W 140 Hz?
nill range speakers
(min. 1 n)
min-mun pleirte Slaw!
garriirte (min. i m (mm 1 m
(min. 2 (I)
fay audio
uoter romaine:

. in this system llir wlumrtvII/Ie sulrooofrr will be . parts or system, lr aolurrre du submmfa est ooatrolt
controlled try rlir rtraudiri lriutr mnlrol. par lefnin or l'aittorodio,

. in this syslm, llie eiilrritt storms in tlir summon/(rare . Sui rti opparril, ks Sixvuux trunrrno aers le trilritroofer
r mmbt'mflmn u/bo! lire c and D lNPllelxk will constitute oes signal dos prises c INPUTd D
st'gruls, leur,

2-Way System
Systéme a 2 voues

lvagnmtu o/lhr LI'F ink «50 H:
or so .
yous lit-air: scam..." la
quut'lm' toitlirr pull! la talé m-
m H: or 3!) Hz)


Full range speakers Suowooters
'1ml", t tt) lrriln. 1 ll)
Numnukuu plaine suttiweetm
oainrne (min. t n) i trnin. t 11)

was our

or audio

More lterriarqtte
iii llrn our". the mlumr or ilir William-N in" to tame .i- wait-me, tr lvlmlir ilrs (mutulfi'rs let rtwan
ttmlllvlittl lly tiir rrr wuilrr) furl irrriiroi, ,rrr l.»/.t.r.-r .4: iuiiioriiuiir.

Notes on the power timely

. Coiirirri ilir 411 V min supply lend (lulvaflrr all ilrt orlrer
ltods liarr hmi remirrlrd,

e ne rare to conned the ground lead a! the itrilt
securely to a rnettlpolril of mean A lease
mnnodion may cause; mallyriaton Mme

. Ermnlomtmrrl ilir rrrriolt mnlrol'rfldtllihrtnraudm la
tlir remote irrrriiiiol.

. wrirri lawns r rtrrutiio unllmu! r rrrioirniipyi, (mined
tlir Nmnlr input terminal (REMOTE) re the recrsrory
pvlttrr supply

a Use ilrc flown supply in"! with t [145: ttrrrlird lrl lrrsl 60
mm Al,

- Pillal/le/usurl ilir ,ourr xuyplylmdtu rluoosprurililr lo
the tor nrltcry

. Male surf tlyil tlit ltods lo br «mauled to ttir .12 viiirii
6ND icrrririials rytliir um! rrsprrtirrly riiusl br larger rim.
.9 mar inwcaliolvleruiiil. ilit strtioiiol iris of
rim man 515/- riirri-z

- txM-sml

Itemrom tar lolt'menution elednque

. WMflIr/Hl' irrii-nirtiiri dr' .12 win wmplrmflli
.prrs until an)" rrrlisc iuirrrs ks .ulrtr rnririrrrnrir,

. naccoroez soliderrrent le fil dc rrrme oe rename a
one name metal/tone de la yotture, car orre
eonmlori relwree peat we a Ioflglm d'itri
dyslonaionnmnt 4e lampmtcaxm

. A< rorrnrot t l. btlvllr or ir'irromrrmrior

. 3. mm uhlisa uii riiiorodit. mix rortirilr kélr'almnmlldt'.
narrate la brim o'riilrrr dr ielt'rnrririuinit (REMOTE) it Is
p115: d'alimrillaimn messeirrs,

. uiillrr: mtfii d'itliriitritrlinri c'quip t'iiri/itsiblr on more
so um- ampt'rrs,

- rim icfiaiblc dufil d olirrieirtriiou i-lrririqur lr pill! rarer
mlbtdf la bonnie orla torture

- you: dew: rotrontt-r dtsfils or :alibrr siiptrrrur it x mm
mm: urn-l on door serum suptrrruro .t 8(51' mm
aux homes 912V arm.

- (XMrJMfi
