Sony xm 10020 service manual
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Extracted text from sony xm 10020 service manual (Ocr-read)
Page 1
US Model
Canadian Model
AEP Model
UK Model
E Model
per channel minimum continuous average power into 4 ohms, both
channels driven from 20-20000 Hz with no more than 0.04 % total
harmonic distortion per Car Stereo Ad Hoc Committee standards.
Ether specifications
Circuit system 01 L (output transiormerless) circuit
pulse power supply
Inputs FICA pin jacks
Outputs Speaker terminals
Speaker impedance
2- 8 ohms (stereo)
4-8 ohms (when used as a
bridging amplifier)
Maximum output at 4 ohms
200 watts per channel
500 watts (monaural)
Rated outputs (supply voltage at 144 V)
100 watts per channel
(20 Hz- 20 kHz, 0.04% THD,
at 4 ohms)
130 watts per channel
(20 Hz-ZO kHz, 0.3% THD,
at 2 ohms)
monaural: 230 watts
(20 Hz-ZO kHz. 0.3% THD,
at 4 ohms)
Frequency response .0
a memo kHz (.3 dB)
Harmonic distortion
0,0135% or less (at 1 kHz, 4 ohms,
20 watts)
Input level adjustment range
041 -2 V
Power requirements
12 V DC car battery (negative
Power supply voltage
105 - 16 V
Current drain
at rated output: 27 A
at 10% THD: 32 A
remote input: 5 mA
223 x 60 x 310 mm (w/h/d)
(87/5 x 23/3 x 12l/4 inches) not incl,
projecting parts and controls
Approx, 4.6 kg (10 lb 2 02.) not
incl. accessories
Supplied accessories
Mounting screw (4)
Optional accessories
Connecting cord ior power
ampliiier FIG-46
RCA pin cord
RCA pin cord
R064 (2 m)
FiC-65 (5 m)
Design and specification subject to change without
Page 2
. this unit is designed lor negeiive prouno
12 v DC operation only
- Tho nameplate inoiceririp operuir-q voltage.
on is M an the mm extant)!
. Use spa-triers with en impenence cl 2 lo a
chins (4A0 ohms Minn ueeit as n nudging
- iwoio installing inc uriii whats:
- it would be subiacl to high [am
such so lrom oiroot sunlight or hot In
limit the Mater.
- it woulo be exposed in rein or moisture
- nwculooesuoiecttoeueiorain,
- li your car is perm in oirect sunlight and
before ODOI'Mlng.
- When installing the unit nonoorrralry. be sure
noitocoveriliehiiewiih lhelloolcarpetand
so on.
. it this unit is pteceo loo close io the oer
reolo an interlerence may occur in this
case sepnr-te the empliiier iron the car
' N no M0! I! being supplled to I'll «mane
pleyer or tuner, check the connections
. Thls power .mpliiier employs a protection
circuit- to protect the heneleore and
speaker! ii the empiitier meilunctlone. Do not
attempt to test the protection circuits oy
covering the heot sink or conneoiing
Improper iceoi,
optimum periorrrimce neperioe on the good
power eupply.
-Fornteretetyreoeons motlieuoiurneoi
your orir euolo memo so thet you son still
hall are sound cuisine your cnr.
ii you have any quesllone or problems
concerning your unit ihut me not cameo in
this manual, please consult your nearest Sony
ii the loss blows, check the mar connection
enn replece the lune. ii the loss plows again
alter reptaoeirient. there may be on imam-l
mellunclion. In this choc. consult your nearest
Sorry oealei'.
Use the speciiten amperage ruse
Us: oi a higher ampelage lose may cause
eerlcie carriage
- Protoctiori circuit
This ninpliiior is prevloeo with u protection
circuit which operates in lire Mowing cases
- the unit is oyerheeleo
- e no current iii generated
.. the speaker lemunals m snon circuneo.
The color oi rhe Powemnmecmn
indicator changes iron- green to ten son the
unit will shut noun. ll lhle happens, turn oil
ihe connected aqlipmell eno raltn out the
cassette tape or disc and octonriine the
come oi the msliunctlon ii the empliiier hos
mooted. weir umil the unit cooiii oil.
Povvzmwmscron innimroi
- Cal appareil est concu pour ioriciionnei
uniouernerii sur wuiznl comlnu de 12 v
evec ineseo negative
. La plaque lndiouent le tension oe
lanclronnemenl, etc 99 lrouve a leflélisnl.
31." la loud.
- uriliser des heutperteuis e impedance de 2
e 9 ohms in e 5 ohms lore de l'urilisnion
corrirne ampliiiceleur ee oeilvetion)
- Ne pas expoeer l'eppereil:
- a use temperatures emcee comirle lee
rayons dim nu soleil. lalr air chauiiepe
- e l'huniiaiie on e lo plule.
- Si la voiiure en puree en pelri soieil, et s'il y
e lone augmentation do la temperetuie ii
l-ihterieur. leieser ieiroialr leopereii evenl oe
- Lore o'une ins-lleiicn halmniale. veiller it
no pas oouvnr les eilettes oes oresipaleurs
thermiques per le leoie all planuiev. sir...
. Des lmneiences risqueni ae ee proouire si
l-eppereil ost inst-lie Imp pres oe i'ninoreeio.
seperer eularrt one possible l'errrpilhcoleur
oe I'eutoreoio,
- Sl le lccieur de cassette ou Ie tuner he sent
pee elimeines verilier Imil dabord les
- Cei amptiiiceteur dc puissenoe est dole d'lm
Circull denine e proteger les transistors ei
les hunt-patient: eri can no detainence. Ne
pas esssyer oe pester l'eiilceoiie oe ce circuit
ae pvoiection en reoouvreni les oiseiipeievrs
lhermiquee ou err cliecluam ties ccnnenrione
- Ne pus utiliser l'pppeieil sur une oetlerie
lalblc, oer Ia periorrnence maximele depend
aunc oonne elirrientelion en electricile,
- Pour ties meals oe securila, le volume
o'eoouie oe l'euioreoio doll reste rriooere eiin
o'enienoie lee prune extensors.
RM" inure question on proolerns oui ne seran
pas rrene dlns ee meriuei. oonsuiter le
corlcesiilonneire Sony le pius pioche
Remplaoement du Mable
Si is lusiple seule, yeniler lee connexiohs
u'elimeriiistlon ei rernpleocr lo iiisihle. s il same
as nouveeu spies eon reniplacerneni, un
mauvats ionptionnernerit interns petrl elre nits
en cause. Dans ce cos oonsuller le
ooncessiorineire Sony is ptus proche,
lhiliser un iusiole tie l'ainpemge speciiié.
L'ulilisllion d'ull iuslole d'ampéiage supeiieur
peut unset un endommagsmaill eerieux
- circuit as protection
eel empiiilceteur est aouipe d'un circuit as
protection on. enlre on service cans les ceii
-siirciieuite oe l'apparsll
-Produclinn dun couram Mllnu
-Couil-l:ircult aux bornes nee ham~paileurs.
La oouleur ou usirioiri msmnoremon
posse du yen eu rouge et l'eppereil s'errele
Doris ice ces, cooper i-aliniemeiiori ac
i-eppnreil reccoroe ei rclirer ll cassette ou to
disque compact event d'elltamlriai le cause
tie in neieiilence. si l'erhpliitcateur eel
surcneuiie. nilenare oue i'eppereii 'retroloisee
l Beiore Insulation
- Mount the unit either lnsidu in. trunk room
or wider a sell.
- Gnome the mounling location cereiully so
that me unit will not ill-item with the normal
driving lunaloils oi the driver and it will not
be exposed to m sunlight or hot air hum
lne heater.
. Do not install lite unit unner lhe iloor carpet,
whens me heot o-ipnion Iroui the unit will
be coneioemoly implired.
|Auprit l'lrieielleiilon
~ Momer I'epperetl sotl dans to come soil sous
un siege
~ aiori choieir l'emplacemem pour qlui
leppureil rie gene pas It: niouyorhunts nu
conducieur er qu'il nc soil pas expose eu
soieii no it ran an chcutiege
Frrsriy, use the iemplsie primed on me oucir oi
lire canon to milk rne positions oi the iour
screw holes on the surlsee oi lb: mourning
boom (not supplieo), men drill the notes
whose oieirieter should be pppioxinieheiy a
min and mow! the unit onto the poem wrih
the eupptiea mourning screws. the supplieo
mourlmg screws are 15 mm long rhereiore
mm aim lhat lhe rimming beam is thicker
than 15 mm.
r la mil lrrlprirhe all dos on carton
pour immuier les positions ties quatre rrols oe
vls sur le plaque oe liming: inon ioumiei.
Peioei lee iroue oont le alainetre ooit niesurer
environ 3 mm et installer l'epporeii sur le
plaque de nlchiepe e l dos vis oe tixeiicri
iournies. Les vie oe lixeliori iournles meeureni
|5 min ne longueur oonnrrher oue le plaque
oe rrlorliege e urie eoaisseur o'eu moiris
15 mmt
- Ne pas l'ireialler sous le more (In plancher
ou le otssipunon titerrnioue he oourren pes
:9 fair: confinement