Sony wm ex 910 service manual
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Extracted text from sony wm ex 910 service manual (Ocr-read)
Page 2
3 WM-EX910 SECTION 1 SERVICING NOTES This set detects the rotation of the idler gear (A) (side S and side T) using the photo reflector (PH701, 702). The PH701, 702 are mounted on the MAIN board, therefore the idler gear (A) (side S and side T) cannot be detected with the MAIN board removed. As a result, the motor (M601) cannot be controlled, causing malfunc- tion. Further, the DIRECTION switch (S702) is also mounted on the MAIN board, and with the board removed, the mechanism posi- tion cannot be detected and the operation is not changed over. Therefor, when the voltage check is executed with the MAIN board removed, follow the procedure provided below. 1. Setting 1) Refer to 3. DISASSEMBLY, and remove the MAIN board. 2) Connect the MAIN board to the motor (M601) and the plunger (PM701) using jumper wires. These can be connected easily with the use of the extension tool (Part No. 1-769-143-11) (ten in one set). 3) Short the lands by solder. 4) Connect the AF oscillator to the TP31 (PH-S), TP32 (PH-T) and the TP (GND). 5) Supply 1.3 V to the battery terminals using the regulated power supply. 2. Preset state To set the PLAY, FF, REW modes, the preset state must be set. 1) Check that the slider (NR) and the DIRECTION switch (S702) are set to the center position. If not, set the preset state as fol- low. 2) Move the DIRECTION switch (S702) to the side, which the slider (NR) is facing. 3) The slider (NR) will move when the regulated power supply switch is set to OFF once and then set to ON. Move the DI- RECTION switch (S702) according to this timing and set to the center position.3. FF, REW modes 1) Check that the preset state is set. 2) Input the square wave or sine wave to the TP31 (PH-S), TP32 (PH-T) and the TP (GND). 3) Move the jog lever (S703) toward [FF] or [REW] . 4. PLAY mode 1) Check that the preset state is set. 2) Input the square wave or sine wave to the TP31 (PH-S), TP32 (PH-T) and the TP (GND). 3) Press the jog lever (S703) will move the slider (NR) once to- wards the side REV and then to the side FWD. Move the DI- RECTION switch (S702) according to this timing will set the PLAY mode (side FWD). Press the jog lever (S703) another time for a second and move the DIRECTION switch (S702) ac- cording to the movement of the slider (NR) will set the PLAY mode (side REV). Note 1:If the above fails, perform from preset again. Note 2:When using headphones, the timing for move the DIRECTION switch (S702) can be determined from the beep sound. + – PUSH – Y / x r PH702S703 jog lever S702 (DIRECTION)BP701 FWD RSTOPrREV PH701 >REW .FF – MAIN BOARD (Side A) –– MAIN BOARD (Side B) – connect to the plunger (PM701) TP32 (PH-T) TP (GND)TP31 (PH-S)AF oscillator square wave (sine wave) 100 Hz, –3.5 dB connect to the motor (M601) battery terminal 3 battery terminal #