Sony tc 756 brochure
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Extracted text from sony tc 756 brochure (Ocr-read)
Page 1
The Sony TC-756 set
new records for performance
of home tape decksl'
(Stereo Review. February, 1975)
ersch-Houck Laboratones turther
noted. "Thedynamrc range. dtstortronr
llutter and trequency-response per«
tormance are solar beyond the lumta-
trons ol conventronal program material
that rts vrrtues can hardly be
The Sony TC-756-2 teatures a
closed loop dual capstan tape drive
system that reduces wow and llutter
to a mlmmum 010V03%.|0gic controlled
transport functions that permrt the
leather-touch control buttons to be
operated In any sequence. at any trmc
\vtthout SprIIrng or damagmg tape: an
AC servo control capstan motor
and an eight-pole Inductxon motor lor
'su rsa tredcmarx at CBS, l
valor. Page: lot ,uu Heart-z
mgpc cc; c'
each of the two reels: 3 record equal-
rzatlon selector sthch lor maxrmum
record and playback charactensttcs wrth
erther normal or soccral tapes; mrc
attenuators that ehmmate drstor-
tron caused by overdrrvrng the more-
phone ore-amplifier stage when usmg
sensmve condenser mlCSZ tape/source
momtonng swrtches that allow Instan
tancous comparrson of program source
to the actual recording: a mechanical
memOry capabxtlty that allows the
machine to turn «tsell on and 011 auto»
matrcally tor unattended recordmg.
In addition, the TC-756-2 otters 15
and 7/, nos tape speeds: Ferrite &
Ferrxte 2~track/2-channel stereo
:UL SJKKVIICCf l: ,10525 Nat-170! St . C'tatswarth CA 9131; Pnccs and models
threehead Contlguratron: and symphasc
recordrng that allows you to record FM
matrrx or so 4-channel sources for
playback through a decoder-equrpped
4-channelampl1lrer wrth vrrtually non»
CXlStent phase dxlferences between
The Sony TC-756-2 rs represent-
atxve ol the prestigious Sony 700 Senes
- the twe best threemotor lOanch
reel home tape decks that Sony has
ever engrneered. See the entire
Sony 700 SCICS now at your near-
est Superscope dealer startrng at
SONY Brought to you by
v the
o c 31".? v.