Scott 64 Owners Manual
This is the 16 pages manual for Scott 64 Owners Manual.
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Extracted text from Scott 64 Owners Manual (Ocr-read)
Page 1
Page 2
This simplified photo-guide shows how to use your new
tuner. A similar guide on the inside back cover shows how to
connect the tuner to the rest of your music system. However,
we strongly suggest that you read the complete instruction
book thoroughly. Only then will you get the utmost enjoy-
ment and maximum performance from this superb instrument.
For best listening, adjust the
tuning dial so that the vertical
dark band in the center is nar-
rowest. (see pages 5 and 8)
To select an FM station (see
page 8)
Off-turns the tuner off (see Monitor-Helps you locate a
page 7) station broadcasting in stereo,
Mono-To receive FM mono»
phonic broadcasts (see page
Stereo-To receive FM stereo
broadcasts (see page 9)
Turn Selector to Monitor posi-
tion and tune slowly across the
dial. When you hear a steady
tone, return the switch to
Stereo. (see page 10)
LT-111 uses different panel but has same controls as 370 pictured above.
Page 11
(Series 370 and LT-111) To locate a stereo station, turn the
Selector switch to the Monitor position. All stations will now become
virtually inaudible and you will
SELECTOR just hear some hiss in the back-
ground. Turn the dial slowly. The
:3) 3:30;: moment you hear a steady tone,
you know you have located a sta-
tion broadcasting in multiplex. It
is normal for some faint sound to
be heard above the steady tone.
Carefully adjust for the cleanest
tone combined with minimum dark
area at the center of the tuning in-
dicator tube. Turn the Selector switch back to'the stereo position,
and enjoy a station perfectly tuned for multiplex.
SCOTT AUTO-SENSOR CIRCUIT (Series 310 and 4312)
The amazing auto-sensor actually switches your tuner to stereo
automatically when you are tuned to a station broadcasting in
multiplex. If the station returns to normal monophonic operation,
the tuner will automatically switch back to monophonic reception.
You never have to think about resetting the controls.
To listen to a stereo broadcast with the Auto-Sensor circuit,
turn the Selector Switch to Automatic Stereo and set the Stereo
Threshold control to 0. Tune
SELECTOR across the dial slowly. When you
mownc locate a stereo signal, a pilot light
svmo will flash on and the tuner will in.
M°"° Em stantly switch to stereo operation.
You will hear a clicking sound
when this occurs.
If you are only interested in re-
ceiving stereo broadcasts, you can
turn the Selector switch to the
stereo position. In this position,
you will only hear a station if it is actually broadcasting multiplex
stereo. If the station is transmitting monophonic programs, you
will receive no signal from your tuner. On the other hand, if you turn
your Selector switch to FM mono, you will receive all stations mono-
phonically, Whether they are broadcasting in stereo or not.
If your built-in stereo indicator shows that a monophonic broad-
cast is in progress, simply turn the
SELECTOR Selector switch to FM mono and
enjoy superb FM monophonic re-
MONO. . SYEEEO ception from your Scott tuner. You
or; . . SUB. CH} Hm N do not have to vary any settings on
your stereo amplifier. The tuner au-
tomatically provides a monophonic
signal at both outputs. Therefore,
even though the program is mono-
phonic, you will still hear sounds
from both speakers without further
If a particular station happens to be noisy, much of the material
provided in the Appendix will be useful here as well. In particular,
use of the amplifiers scratch filter, or the tuners Stereo Noise Filter
should be examined.
(Model 310 and .4312 The auto-sensor circuitry will instantly
switch the tuner to receive monophonic programs if no stereo multi-
plex signal is present. It is not necessary to set the Selector switch
for FM mono. Simply leave the switch in the Automatic Stereo
position, unless you want monophonic reception at all times.
Your tuner incorporates Scotts famous wide-range AM cir-
cuitry which is capable of providing AM reception virtually in-
distinguishable from FM. Although AM is not as interference-free