Scott 200B LK 30 Owners Manual
This is the 19 pages manual for Scott 200B LK 30 Owners Manual.
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Extracted text from Scott 200B LK 30 Owners Manual (Ocr-read)
Page 2
This simplified photo-guide shows how to use your new
amplifier. A similar guide on the inside back cover shows how
to connect the amplifier to the rest of your music system.
However, we strongly suggest that you read the complete
Phono -for phonograph rec-
Tuner-for FM or AM tuner
To listen to tape played on a
regular Tape Recorder. (see
page 10)
This switch can also be used
to monitor a recording when
used with a tape recorder with
separate playback and record
heads. (see page 15)
To reduce high frequency
noises such as record surface
noise. (see page 15)
To turn the amplifier on or off.
Will. also supply power to any
dewce connected to switched
AC outlet on the back. (see
Page 10)
instruction book thoroughly. Only then will you get the
utmost enjoyment and maximum performance from this
superb instrument.
In "Loud." position introduces a
circuit that boosts the extreme ,
high notes and low notes for
listening at low levels, and is
out of operation automatically
at loud levels. Vol." position
removes circuit completely.
(see page 13)
sstzcron /
For all stereophonic program
material. set to Stereo position.
Other positions are for mono-
phonic material, or for balanc-
mg the system. (see page 13
and 12)
Modifies high frequency
sounds. Set to suit your taste.
(see page 14)
Modifies low frequency sounds.
Set to suit your taste. (see page
Lights up a few seconds after
the unit has been turned on.
To connect a set of low imped-
ance stereo headphones. (see
page 5)
Modifies low frequency sounds.
182; to suit your taste. (see page
Modifies high
sounds. Set to suit your taste.
(see page 14)
LK-30 uses different panel but has same control: as 2003 pictured above.
Makes system louder or softer
to suit your taste. (see page 13)
Page 10
Grounding Your Record Player or Tape Deck
Many turntables, changers, and tape decks must be grounded
to reduce hum to unobjectionable levels. A copper colored screw
will be found on the top rear of your amplifier. A few turns with
a screwdriver will loosen it. Connect any grounding wires to this
screw, and then tighten. Carefully read all the instructions pro-
vided with your cartridge, record player, or tape deck relating to
hum reduction. lf unusual problems present themselves write to the
address given at the hack of this manual.
Stereo Tuners (or monophonic tuners with
multiplex adaptors)
Whether you use an integrated stereo tuner or a monophonic
tuner with a mulltipéex adaptor,
you will have two ea s to connect
LEFT to the amplifier. One lead will carry
A the left channel information and
WNEI this should be connected to the left
' channel Tuner input. The one car-
@ RIGHT rying the right channel informa-
tion should be connected to the
right Tuner input.
If the tuner has a level control it should be adjusted so that the
overall loudness does not vary when switching between records and
tuner. If your tuner does not have a level control, but does have a
choice of outputs marked high or low, use the outputs most closely
matching the over-all loudness when playing: records.
Monophonic Tuners (AM or FM)
Some early Scott FM tuners (like the 310D, 314, LT-lO, 311D)
have pairs of outputs on the back. Connect the one marked Channel A
output to the left channel Tuner input of the amplifier. Connect Chan-
nel B to the right input. While you are not feeding a stereo signal into
the amplifier, you will be able to leave your amplifier in the stereo
mode at all times and still get monophonic sound from both speakers.
If your tuner has only a single set of outputs (perhaps one is
marked audio or amplifier output and the other is called tape),
connect a single lead from the audio output to the left channel Tuner
input of the amplifier. In order to hear monophonic sound from both
loudspeaker systems, turn the Selector switch on your amplifier to
L. Input.
Extra Input
(222, 299, LK-48, LK-72 series) - An extra stereo input is pro-
vided for any other high level source you may wish to connect to
your amplifier. You can connect a second tape recorder, ceramic
microphone or cartridge, or sound
from your TV set. If this extra
6 LEFT source is a stereophonic device with
two leads, connect the left channel
A lead to the left channel Extra input
WM and the other to the right channel
V Extra input. Set the Input selector
to Extra. If it is a monophonic de-
© RIGHT vice with only one lead, connect it
to the left channel Extra input. To
listen to this latter signal over both
speakers you should turn the Selector switch to L. Input position and
the Input selector to the Extra position.