Sansui VX 99 Brochure
This is the 4 pages manual for Sansui VX 99 Brochure.
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Extracted text from Sansui VX 99 Brochure (Ocr-read)
Page 2
Sunsuis color video processor
lets you edit like cl professional
Wipe a picture with a color, or
even another picture. Overlap
two scenes on the same screen.
Fade in one take while fading
out another. Add futuristic
visual effects to the picture.
The Sansui VX-99 lets you
use these professional tech-
niques and more when editing
mm VX_EI.%]BJ m your home video productions
Wipe to color
or picture
You can wipe to one of eight colors (red, green. blue.
white, black, yellow, magenta or cyan). or wipe to a
picture from any of these colors. This feature provides
you with a quick and easy way to add smooth transi-
tions between scenes.
There are eight basic
wipe patterns to choose
from. from circle to rec-
tangle. and you can add
even more variety by
using the wipe control
or dubbing tapes to create a new
program. There are eight colors
you can use for background,
trimming, and fading and wiping
pictures. Eight basic wipe pat-
terns are provided along with
slide controls with which you
can dynamically change pattern
shapes. Wipe edges can be
sharp or softened for differ-
ent effects. Theres even a
switch that turns positive images
into negative.
The VX-99 puts you in total
visual control.
Eigh! baSIC Wipe pane/n5 In the {op row can be changed
dynamical/y usmg the SLANT and ANGLE cont/ols.
and angle (slant) control. These slide controls let you
smoothly turn a diamond into a circle or into an ellipse.
What's really makes the VX-99 so amazing, though,
is the fact that you can wipe a picture with another
picture. Together with the wipe controls. you can even
1 . _ inset one image within
P l another, with soft or
sharp edges.
Oval Inset wlth Soft Edge
Box Inset with Hard Edge