Sansui SR B200 S Service Manual
This is the 4 pages manual for Sansui SR B200 S Service Manual.
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Extracted text from Sansui SR B200 S Service Manual (Ocr-read)
Page 1
Type ........... Two-speed belt-driven
Speeds .......... 334/3, 45 rpm
Platter .......... Aluminum alon die-cast
300 mm (l l-l3/16) diameter
Motor .......... Four-pole synchronous type
Wow and flutter . . 0.07 /0 (W.R.M.S.)
SIN .......... Better than 50 dB (lEC-B)
Rumble ....... Better than 65 dB [DIN-B)
Tonearm length . . . 2l0 mrn (8-S/I6")
Overhang ...... 11 mm [7fl6")
Applicable cartridge weight
........... d to 8 g
Dimensions ....... 454 mm (17-718) W
130 mm (5-1/8) H
367 mm (Id-9H6") D
Weight .......... 4.8 kg (10.0 lbs) net
6.4 kg (l4.l lbs] packed
Power consumption . . l0 W
Specifications of the cartridge (applicable only to the units
with cartridge)
Model SC-37
Type ........... Induced magnet lypc
Frequency response . . '20 ~ 20,000 Hz
Output voltage ..... 3.5 mV per channel
[l,000 Hz, 50 mrn/sec)
Load impedance . . . . 47 kn
Tracking force ..... 2.5 g
Stylus .......... 0.5 rnil,diamond spherical
Model 5V-43
Type ........... Dual magnet
Frequency response . . 10 ~ 20,000 HI
Output voltage ..... 3.3 mV pet channel
(1,000 Hi. 50 mm/sec)
Load impedance . . . . 47 MI
Tracking force ..... 2.0 g
Stylus .......... 0.5 mil,diamond Spherical
Design and specifications subiect to change without
notice for improvements.
Page 2
1-1. Top View (1) 1:22:15: :12: will? & Bottom View)
. I 701223) Dust Com Ass'y
1 (Dust Cover. Auto Hinge. Hinge Plate.
v Screw)
1 3922390 Auto Hinge
_ - 6922400 Hinge Plate
, 5103482 P Type Screw. M41 x 8. Dust Com
2 0172000 45 rpm. Adaptor
3 5502722 Rubber Mat. Flatter
5502812 Rather Met. Platter. mu
4 61 12250 Platter
5 6032220 Belt
8 7102120 Push Knob Advanced selector
7 7 I 72320 anttorn Plate Asey
iwith Rubber Foot)
7072120 Rubber Foot
5| 62590 3T Ive-Screw. 1M x t2. Bottom Plate
7102130 Push Knot: Ass'v. Reieel
8903450 Coil Spring, Reject
9 6642300 Held Shell
10 4310220 Cartridge. 30-37 txx. EU. A51
10340 Cartridge. sv-aa iULl
151ylus. Screw Asty . Stylus Coverl
11 4940110 Stylus. SN-37
4040220 Stylus. SN-43
12 5012070 Stylus Cover. 5037
5012000 Stylus Cover. sv.43
13 5102150 Screw Assv. 50-31
5192170 Screw Ass'y. sv-43
amid-e. Stein. Slvlrtl Comm-rt Set-w
Ata'y at M Incl-diet in tn Mn she-w
( Gone-nun case )
id 7092850 imeeun Ass'y
iwithour Heats Shell. Main Weight)
15 6912650 Main weight
16 70524130 Lover Assy. Lifter
17 7082330 Tonemtl Guide Asc'v
6903430 Colt Spring
5103446 1' Type Screw. MI! I 12.1omrttl Guide
18 6622290 Ann Rest
19 6142380 W100, so N:
6142390 Carmen. 60 Hz
20 7062250 Main Gear M'V
7002370 Main Gear Sub As'v
6422090 Auto Clutch
6422100 Clutch Guido
5151004 E Type Washer 30
21 5151004 E TVDIWIW: 30
22 7032120 Spindle Ass'y. turntable
23 7042100 Spindle Base M'Y
5103542 PT TypeScrew M3 I 8
24 I 1 10100 Slide Switch. Voltage Selector. txxl
5103044 F Type Screw M3 It 8
25 55030111 Rubber Cushion
26 5183110 F Type Washer 3.20
27 5182290 (:5 Ring 3.
28 0320670 Motel 000
0320680 Motor 101. . csl
4320560 Motor (EU. BS.ASI
5120141 PTypeWasher 36
518280 cs Ring :19
0012650 Snood Change Cain
$903510 Helical Swing
5120141 P Type Washer 30
5110241 Nut M0 at 2.0. Arm Rest
0903460 Linkage Wire. Reject
6503040 fieiecl Lever (ll
51831 P Typo Washer 3.20
5102290 CS Ring 30
5183120 PI'ypeWasher32p Nylon
5103070 E Type Washer 3.20
6003500 Stopper. Turntable Spindle
5151004 E Type Washer 30
6503030 fielect Lever 121
6003050 Hnturn Ann
6322010 510111 earl
6632210 Return Arm Base
51035414 PT Type Screw M3 in 12
518313 P Type Waller 3.20
515100? E Type Washer 26
5183I00 P Type Washer 5.20
5151M E Tyoewasher 30'
0903490 Helical Spring
1160290 MicroSwltcthX.UL.CSl
1160280 MicmSwilch 160. 85. AS)
5103023 1' Type Screw M20 x 14 (XX, UL.CSl
5162880 PTyop Set-w M23 1t 141EU,BS.ASl
70524410 PU Plate Ass'y (with Coil Spring)
6003520 Coil Spring. Pu Plate Ass'y
Notel SRB2OOS is distinguished by it's cabinet color of silver from 511-1320ch black.
Note 2 There are two types of units in 511-8200 and Sit-82005 respectively.
These units are so identified as following.
3 K $2138382333832888383988988
1) The unit with a cartridge. 56 6632220 Elevation Am
The lavel indicating replacement stylus (SN-37 or SN-43] 55; 233233 52:12:: 59W?
. . mg
is aimed on the cabmetnear the toncarrn. 59 5151004 E Wu male, 30
2) The unit without a cartridge. so 7902090 Output Cord
The mark G) is stamped on the side of carton case. 7902700 Output Cord lULl
' In particular area, either type of these units is sold. gag" MP 2:: :23, L'cs
3000430 Power Cord 1951
Note 3 As to U.L.,C.S.A.. 3.5., ES. A.s. and xx marked in the Parts Lists. note the loilowings: m1 Pm Cord us)
0.1... C.S.A. . . Parts used in the unit which is applicable to the 0.5. and Canada under Industrial standards. 52 3910600 strain Relies (xx. UL. cs)
3.5. ...... Parts used In the unit which ts applicable to British under Industrial standards. 310790 511-1" 305" 15W
E.U. . . . . . . Parts used In the unit which is applicable to Sweden. Denmark. Norway, Finland. West Germany, and 391!) 5"°"' 1" "-151
Switzerland under industrial standards. 83 030%: g?" R"i;"%so47 F 'mv (XXI
A.S. . . . . . . Parts used in he unit which is a Ileahle Au r I i . I CW - u
XX Parts used In the unit which Is a::lieable 1': othelr 11:31:: 3:311; 3:231:31: above 0609006 Mylar Capaitot. 0.047uF 5" Nu
. . . . . . . . 0509007 Mylar Capacitor. 0.047111K 125v ICSl
' In this parts list. those parts with no above mark in the place of Description are all the same as XX marked parts. "09003 W 96"
0.022uF 250V (EU. 38. A51