Sansui RA 900 Brochure
This is the 4 pages manual for Sansui RA 900 Brochure.
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Extracted text from Sansui RA 900 Brochure (Ocr-read)
Page 1
Reverberation Ampli ier
Only hi-fi, everything h
Page 2
The Sansui RA-QOO: Exciting Color and Depth
for Your Stereo Sources.
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The addition of reverberation (or echo effects) to your ; j 3:556?
stereo sources makes all musical reproduction seem .
much closer to the authentic realism of the original ; . W |_'°..?..""'-| WWI
performance-concert hall realism. disco realism. - 313', .., - 4 -
much more. 0, 21; . ./' . .
Now with the Sansui RA~900 the listening , . w" "
pleasure of your current hi-fi system is sure to be 521?.» if '3."
enhanced. This efficient unit has a special circuit with wwmr ,
which to mix a tape. FM or record sound with another
source-say. a microphone or guitar sound. It also
accepts two stereo tapedecks. cassette or open-reel.and permits reverb time from zero to 3 seconds. There's
dubbing in either direction.When you add up all these capabilities another visual bonus with the RA-QOO: the
you quickly arrive at the fact that its the most versatile and easy- attractive rainbow patterns change to indicate
touse reverb amp available. the intensity of reverberation as you adjust the
Noise and distortion? Not with the RA-QOO. Weve reverb time.
built it with select parts and advanced circuitry. Of the double-
pickup-type, the RA-900 boasts no more than 0.05% total har- WWW
monic distortion and better than 96dB signal-to-noise ratio.
Designed for instant 19-inch rack mounting, it is sure to make r-Reverberati0n
your hi-fi sound more enioyable, more true to the original per- mic/guitar oft . mixing mixing
formance. And remember its from Sansui where its all hirfi '°°
Add reverb to any
source you choose-
guitar, for instance
Patch the PEA-900 between your amp (or receiver)
and deck(s), and youre ready to add reverberation to the source
of your choice: a record. tape. radio broadcast, or even a micro-
phone or guitar sound. With the TIME control. you adjust the