Sansui PL 50 Service Manual
This is the 24 pages manual for Sansui PL 50 Service Manual.
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Extracted text from Sansui PL 50 Service Manual (Ocr-read)
Page 1
O P-L50 _
Type . . . . . . . Direetdrive turntable
Rated speeds . . . 33-i/3,45 rpm
FULLY AUTOMATIC DD TURNTABLE Platter ...... f . . . Aluminum alloydiecast,
306 mm (l2~1/l6") diameter,
0.6 kg (1.3 lbs.) weight
_ Motor .......... Careless and-Brushless DCIFG Servo
I Wow/flutter . . . . 0.028% (WRMS) '
_ .Signal-to-noise ratio ,. . Better than 72 dB (DlN-B) :
' - Better than 60 dB (lEC-E)
(Silver & Blank Model) Tonearm ....... . StaticalIy-balanced type
Effective tonearm length
, ....... . 142 mm (5-5/8") _
Cartridge . . . . . . Dual Magnet type (SV-SSOS)
Output voltage ..... 2.5 mV (1 ,000 Hz, 35.4 min/sec)
Correct load impedance _,
47kohms ,
Frequency response . . 10 ~ 20,000 Hz ,
Stylus ..... I ..... 05 mil diamond stylus
, '(SNSOS) replacement stylus)
Dimensions ....... 430 mm (16-29/32) ,W
114 mm (4-1/2") H,
373 mm (144 1/16") 0'
Weight .......... 6.5 kg (143 lbs.) net _
_ / 7.5 kg (16.5 lbs.) packed
Power consumption .'. 17 W
0 P-L40 , ,
Type . . . . Direct-drive turntable
Rated speeds . r 334/3, 45 rpm
Platter .......... Aluminum alloy diecast,
306 mm (12»1/16) diameter,
0.6 kg (1.3 lbs.) weight
Motor ; Coreless and BrushiessDC/FG Servo
Wow/flutter . . 0.028 % (WRMS)
Signal-tonoise ratio L. . Better than 72 d8 (DIN-B)
_ V Better than 60 dB (lEC-B)
Tonearm r . .' r r r ,_ . . Statieallymalanced type
CAUTION Effective tonearm length
........... t i42 mm (5»5/8")
1. Use only replacement parts recommended by Cartridge Dual Magnmype (svssos)
the manufacturer. ' . Output voltage ..... 2.5 mV (1 .000 Hz, 35.4 mmiseC)
2. Measure insulation resrstance before returning Correct load impedance
the appliance to the customer to prevent elec- ---------- . 47 W
trical ShOCk Frequency response . . 10 ~ 20,000 Hz
' Stylus .......... 0.6 mil diamond stylus
(SN-505) replacement stylus)
Dimensions ....... 430 mm (16-29/32) W
H4 mm (4-1/2") H
373 mm (i4-ii/16") D
Weight .......... 6.4 kg (14.1 lbs.) net
7.4 kg (16.3 lbs.) packed
Power consumption . . 12W
* Design ind specifications subject to change without
notice for improvements.
Page 2
3003C fitting its portion of printed ,
9- MA i_- '
5) Bend lead-wires olfzfinstefiggal n. f ' td . mm
9-1 R
' eplice
men: . . .
of Tone Arm Dnvmg Wire l
circuit board 5-0
6) Place the new it: (H3OOBC
) and bend both outside lead (See Figs. 94,
(See F'
Is. 4.4
on Page 6,Top View On Page 14)
t on Page 7} board (5-0121
A r
-w lres,
the mechaguidc
sen the lensio
F is. 9-4
) Lo
n mum screw.
5) Tak 0: 1h: puny (B).
under the mecha-
. Rem
See or $022; 3f Arm Bearing Ass'y ®
'9" of Mechanism Assy on Page 15)
(3) to remove the tone
Fig. 9-5
9-3 R
1) Re 5" 9:22? of Lifter Cam
eZOVe the . W of Mechanism Assy on Page 15)
eve th
3m e On .
two the ar e arm Ass'y ® .
Ell/Id weight 7) Solder point (5)
De Washer and s rin
9 caxtcea'npgaxe @.® ® p 3 ® 9-5. Note on Parts Replac
'4- Repla etaken out. 1) When replacing a parts of the me
) Rem Cement stylus.
ove he cab. of Hall Element (HSOOBC) 2) When an
men (See How to remove the cabinet on page 7) SM"- guide
3) Refer to Fig. 9-1, w
2) PL,
u on
. t he
Shaft .
w?! magnet of D.D. Motor.
(3 by soldering iron. .
4) When replacing a parts of th
gs referring to the toe vie
1 4-1, 4-2, 4-4, 4:5
or (3 (See Fig. 9.1)
chanism assy, remove the
, plane washer
g the worm shaft assy (B) ((5), remove the warm
and the screw
hen wirin
rtrldge (tone arm assy >
e mechanism assy, make proper
w on page 14 and Fig. 4-3 on page
3 from ca
solder at F ®
2. 94 or
and 4-6, when replacing a
Frg 9 1
5) Perform adjustmen
parts of the mechanism assy.
Fig. 9-6. S-OllG Circuit Board for connections between P.U. Out-
put cord & color wires from cartridge, E sensor and F sen-
P.U. Outpu Cord
Col or-wires
ir om
Cunrldge ,
P.Lso yellow=-:..=
rev r;
orange fl:
:ig. 93
Page 15
P-L50/ L40
5-4. 50157 A, B, C Sensor L.E.D. Circuit Board 5-7. 5-0135 Voltage Control TR Circuit Board
Component Side (P'L50/L40> Component Side
4'15" ~smsw L ,- :
LED n m » - g e
+15v ' » V - m
=1 s 3 9* >
0157 -' x.» 5
0 E
Parts List
Pm; No. Stock No. Dncviption Parts List
fLD1~3 46150400 LED TLR-121 Pm N°' smd N° °"°"""°"
1101 03083902 230313
1102 46149301 253744
5-5. 50158 A, B, C Sensor Photo TR Circuit Board
Component Slde hlct 07183500 uPC78M05H
+ ._ 0146144200 NJM78M05A
, N m' 210039 oCapacitor
_ , 11023 07214000 0047107 25V 0.0.
a c c , BU
E 0158 C
Parts List 5-8. S-Oi 36 PROGRAM Switch & Indicator
Pvt: No. Stock No. Dmriptian Component Sid, Circuit Board
0Phow Transistor SANSUI ,_1_wv__ m \
101~3 46160000 TP5605 0136 _ :1 ES
L01 to: um 1111 L ; L135 2 165, m1 ;
1 I 1 l 1 1 I , 1 1 1 1
5-6. S-0134 Power Supply Circuit Board
Component Side
:1 4 5 a 1 9 10 11 12 1a \ *
. , s s 1 50
Ll NI J I 5 5: 53 1110510410121; 6 - s
», _ . aw: BtUE eucx RED m1 2
a _
-- Parts List
Pam Nu. Stock No. Dascription
c. gLD1~7 07250900 LED TLC-123
' gsw1~8 46395900 Push swv, RANDOM ACCESS
41 came: PROGRAM
. 5-9. S-0137 Control Switch & Indicator
_ ;, Camponemsm Circuit Board
, N SANSUI 0137 H mmcnomg)
R 9 E Mi urconmot -bs
» m 1. _ m
,, g u 025 447m mm A?
_ 1: E .mp-
1 1 -6»
3 C126
Parts List
Parts List Pm: No. Stack Nu. Dncrinion
le No. Stock Not Dneriplion oTransmor
micde f025,26 07194801 zsc1615
0103059501 250945
0"2 03117000 "5'152 0r07299701 2502603
.2511" 010.39 1027 07194701 2541015
11021.2 40104500 05216~X or07197001 25A733
0107299601 28Ai115
hR1,2 46230200 1m 1/2w N.|.R. 1025 07213600 002211F 25v cc.
hc1 46425800 0.01uF 400V CC. to be continuedb
hC6.7 07213200 0.01uF 25v c.c.
A 42 4ha _W.,M
5 2 WW-.. .., .mvwmmwm