Sansui CD X510M Service Manual

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Sansui CD X510M Service Manual

Extracted text from Sansui CD X510M Service Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 1







are critical for safety.

the manufacturer.

ance to the customer.

1. Parts identified by the A symbol on the schematic diagram and the parts list
Use only replacement parts that have critical characteristics recommended by

2. Make leakage-current or resistance measurements to determine that exposed
parts are acceptably insulated from the supply circuit before returning the appli-


Format. . Compact disc, digital audio
Pick-not... 3vbeam, semiconductor laser
No. of channels. 2 channels (stereo)
Decoding (D/Al 16-bit linear -

Frequency response. 5 Hz~20 kHz 20.5 118
Total harmonic distortion Less than 0.03% (1 kHz)
Signal-to-noise ratio (SIN Better than 100 dB

Dynamic range ..... Better than 95 dB

Wow and flutter... .. Below measurable limit
Output voltage/Ina

Impe ance
Normal output (OUT PUT)...
Headphones ......................

.. 2V/47 kohms

.. 45 mW (variable maximum)/
with 32-ohms load

Power requirements ..................... AC 1 10V/120V/220V/240V,
50/60 Hz

.. AC 120V, 60 Hz

.. 15 watts

.. 430 mm (16*15/16) W
145 mm 15-3/4) H
335 mm (134/4") D

Weight ....................................... 7.3 kg (16.1 lbs) net

For U.S.A. & Canada...
Power consumption .
Dimensions .............

Remote controller. RS- 1090
Control system .......
Power requirements.
Dimensions ......... , ...

.lnfra-red ray pulse system
.. DC 3V
.. 60 mm (2-3/8) W

19 mm (5/16) H

141 mm (5-9/16) D
Weight ....................................... 94 g (0.21 lbs)
including dry batteries

Design and specifications subject to changes without notice for

Due to local laws and regulations, this unit sold in some areas are
not equipped with variable voltage solacltors.

Page 2

1. The symbols, UL, CSA, EG, EU, SS and XX
on the parts list andthe schematic diagram mean follow»
mg respectively.

UL ................ Manufactured for USA. market.
(Underwriters Laboratories approved

CSA .............. Manufactured for Canadian market.

EG ................ Manufactured for F.R. West Germany

EU ................ Manufactured for European market.

SS ................ Manufactured for Saudi Arabia market.

XX ................ Standard Version.

NON MARK ...... Common Parts.

2. Some printed circuit boards are not supplied assembled.
To separate these in this service manual, the stock num»
bers are not indicated for these boards. However, stock
numbers for individual parts are indicated.

3. Since some capacitors and resistors are omitted from parts
lists in this service manual, refer to the Common Parts List
for capacitors and resistors, which was issued on June


4. Abbreviations in this service manual are as follows.

-~ OAbbreviations List

C.R. : Carbon Resistor

SR. : Solid Resistor

CeR. : Cement Resistor

M.R. : Metal Film Resistor

F.R. : Fusing Resistor

N.I,R. : Non-lnflammable Resistorv

AR : Array Resistor

CC. : Ceramic Capacitor

C.T, : Ceramic Capacitor, Temperature

E.C. : Electrolytic Capacitor

E.L. : Low Leak Electrolytic Capacitor

E.B. : Bi~Polar Electrolytic Capacitor

E.B.L, : Low Leak Bi-Polar Electrolytic

Ta,C. : Tantalum Capacitor

F.C. : Film Capacitor

M,P. : Metalized Paper Capacitor

PC : Polystyrene Capacitor

M.M.C, : Metalized Mylar Capacitor

A.C. : Array Capacitor

V.R. : Variable Resistor

S.V.R. : Semi Variable Resistor

SW. : Switch

Chip R. : Chip Resistor

Chip C. : Chip Capacitor

Cautions Concerning Handling
of The Laser

The following Iable has been affixed to the unit, listing the
proper procedure for working with the laser beam.

rm. and xx modal onlvi

chr complies mm arms
was at cm, SiJBCKAP'IEE 1
pm nun m

(csA moan only)

csmtnztp om ro cwmm
sacrum cons.

cswnns m vmru 00 con:
own» as i'ELEchicrrE

(Ell much only)

cLAss 1

iEIJ model unlvi


Parts No. Stock No. Description
1 27151700 Vinyl Bag
2 27651400 Styrofoam Packing
3 27642300 Carton Case

2. 'Accassonv LIST

Parts Nn. StockNo. Description
- RS its-1090 Remote
- SUM-3K Dry Battery
' CD Magazine CM-EG
48802100 Pin Plus Cord
46267300 Mini Pin Plug Co Cord
27653110 CM-l Eon-CD Adaptor Ass'y
49042500 Operating instruction
49042600 Operating Instruction

E.F'S: English-French and Spanish Version
GnI-Sw: German-Italian and Swedish Version

Page 8


oDisplay of FVZGOG FL Display

OGrid Assignment
7G 6G SG 46 3G 7IG ' GIG BIG 46

f q l s p r
1a a -
BEER, 1:! LT"! U l"-' 3.1- ?IDL7§§I 2L_ :sz LTEI DP
iINDEX llldlcl til llewlcl leml-a-l1c TOTAL :lllidzcl Ml_dz:kl E1218

123 45 678 91011121314151617181920 OVHER

l | | I |

2G 1G 2G 1G 26 1G 26

0Pin Connection

PINNO. 4241403938373635313332313029232726252423222110191817161514131211109 a 7 a 5 4 3 21
CONNECTION FFgéggéggéqgabfgcedhrstlglglgglglgglJnokmlpugFF
OAnode Connection

Am 6" 713 60 SG 46 as 26 1G

a 7 1a 13 1a 1a 1 4

b 1b 1b 1b. 1b 2 5

c - 10 1c 1c 1r: 6 9

d - 1d 1d 1d 1d a an

e , Ie 1e 1e 1e 7 10

f 1r 1r 1r 1r 3 -

g - 1g 1g 1g 1g .- -

h 7 - - [El 13 - -

i - 2a 2a 23 2a 11 14

j 2!: 2b 2b 2b 12 15

k - 2c 2c 2c 2c 16 19


5-1. Adjustment gap between the push-back section of the tray lever and the front edge of the magazine
Note: 1. This adjustment should be performed when the MG chassis is
2. This adjustment should be performed if the tray lever cannot Fig. 5-1
push back the tray of the magazine completely.
3. This adjustment should be performed when the CD mechanism
chassis is caught by the front edge of the magazine during the
up/down operation, 7

Fig. 5-2

Tray lever

Measure time
Set to

0.5-1.0 mm

1) Remove the bonnet.

2) Loosen the 8 screws at the hp of the mechanism MC chassis and 2
screws on the joint holder.

3) Retighten105crew while compressing the CD changer case assembly
backward The gap between the tray push-back section of the tray
lever and the front edge of the magazine should be within 0.5 mm
to 1.0 mm to secure the normal operation at this time.

4) Check that 1 2 trays at the upper and lower section return securely.

o 0.5 mm - 1.0 mm Operates normally.

0 less than 0.5 mm The tray is caught by the magazine
during up/down operation because
it IS too narrow

return completely. C E changer case assembly

(at the lock position)

MG chassis

.Morethau 0.1 mm The tray of the magazrne cannot