Sansui 1980 HiFi Guide

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Sansui 1980 HiFi Guide

Extracted text from Sansui 1980 HiFi Guide (Ocr-read)

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For years prolessionals in hi-fi magazines as well as the true music lovers have always applauded the remarkable perlormances of ALL SANSUI products. The main reason lor this success lies in the company's policy of concentrating its ellorts strictly on the development ol pure hi-fi equipment - only hi-li, everything hi-li ! More than once this resulted in dramatic break. throughs and improvements with an impact not only on SANSUI, but on the entire world of hi-fi techno- logy. Our exclusive DD/DC-circuitry has been widely accepted as a landmark in the search for the most natural sound reproduction. TIM distortion, lirst tho- roughly studied and applied by SANSUI will soon be recognized as the vital parameter in judging ihe qua- lity ol an hi-fi component. All our components are designed with meticulous care to match the very high SANSUI quality standards. The lollowing pages can only show you and tell you about part ol the all. excelling quality ol the SANSUI-equipment. A visit to your SANSU|-dealer will convince you completely. We're all hi-li at SANSUI. AU.719 / AU.919 lntegrated "Straight DC" Amps With Exclusive DD/DC Cir- cuitry Outstanding output 90 or 110 W/ch. High slew rate, a fast rise lime, very low TIM-distortion along with very low THD, these are the significant advantages of the exclusive Diamond Dilferential-DC Circuitry (DD/DC) (Pat. Pend.). Both AU- 719 and AU-g19 have SANSUI's "Straight DC"-design:superb lrequency res- ponse Multiple power supply so as lo ensure all circuits get the optimal amount of power. The AU-919 further features a built-in MC (Moving Coil) head amp with low-noise circuilry. Other facilities: MUTING SWITCH, SUBSONIC FILTER, TWO.DECK DUBBING/MONITORING, DEFEAT SWITCH, TURNOVER FBE OUENCY SWITCHES. PRE-MAIN SWITCH and JUMP SWITCH are extras for the AU 9'19 Complete equipment for the purest hi-fi sound. No wonder thal our AU- 919 was elected "Recommended Best-Buy" by the British hi-fi magazine "Hl"Fl Choice". THE SANSUI VISION ON AMPLIFIERS AND TUNERS TU-719 / TU-919 DIGITALLY QUARTZ-LOCKED AM/FM Stereo Tuners Two strictly hi-fi tuners of the supreme class, fe;rluring excellenl slatic and dyna- mic performances. Exact tuning is guaranteed digital rndication (TU-719) or two precision meters (TU-9.19) Tuned-in stations can'tdrilt out of tune the patented quartz-locked tuning system stands guaranlee lor an undisturbed receplion. Other features : WIDE/NARBOW FM selection, high-accuracy POWER SUPPLY, NOISE CANCELLEB (TU-719), AUTOMATIC NOISE FILTER (TU 919) Solid SAN- SUI material for truly solid SANSUI performances.

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ru.217AU.217 lt PURE SANSUI QUALITY AT AN ACCESSIBLE PRICE AU.'l 17 Mk ll lntegrated Stereo Amplifier SANSUIs new best-buy amp also benefils from our refined technology and our 30 years of hi-fi experience, performing strictly hi-fi up to the full volume setting. It indeed sounds louder and clearer than conventional amplifiers with idenlic sta- tic specifications Superior musical quality guaranteed by the very sleady power supply avoiding any interference in the clean hi-fi reproduction. Preamp is directly coupled to the power amp. Tone control circuit is incorporated in the negative Ieedback loop, thus ensuring the purest musical quality while tailoring your music to your tasle. Very high phono overload. The malerial used is on a ievel wilh the outstanding performances. And even on the lowest-priced amp you'll find ail the necessary facrlities. HIGH FILTER, efficient BASS/TREBLE CONTROL very sensitive BALANCE CONTBOL, LOUDNESS SWITCH, TAPE MONITORING and HEADPHONE CONNECTION. Complete and pure, pure SAN- SUI I AU-217 Mk ll lntegrated Stereo Amplifier "Recommended Best.Buy" of the British magazine "Hl-Fl Choice". Features the same pure performance qualilies as the AU-117 Mk ll, but with an output of 40 W/ch. Still improved musical response by the use of the unique current- differential push-pull driver (Pat Pend.) in the middle stage of the power antp Facilities HIGH FILTER, LOUDNESS SWITCH, TAPE MONITOR PHONO SUB SONIC FILTER, elc. Sophisticated amp, fair price TU-217 AM/FM Stereo Tuner The oulstanding matching radio-part for the AU-1 1 7 Mk ll and AU-21 7 Mk ll Very high sensitivity. All signals are received with an aqual, exceptional stability Clear stereo image with the phase-locked loop lC slereo demodulator. Separate trans- former taps ensure AM reception with minimum noise. Twin precision meters for TUNE and SIGNAL. Facilities: LED light for stereo reception, FM MUTING switch TU-217 top level musical quality, but low level price