Sansui 1976 HiFi Guide
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Extracted text from Sansui 1976 HiFi Guide (Ocr-read)
Page 1
Thirty years' experience as high fidel- ity specialists stand behind every piece of equipment shown on the followingpages. Thirty years in which Sansui has acquired an enviable reputation for unvarying qual- ity and advanced engineering design. Our initial product, a power trans- former designed to meet exacting pertor- mance and reliability specifications, estab- lished the standards against which every subsequent Sansui product has been meas- ured. Consistently meeting rigourous qual- ity standards has repeatedly led us back to re-think the basic design of electronic com- ponents and electro/mechanical systems in terms of the specific role each plays in the accurate reproduction of music. The result of our fresh approach has been a series of innovations placing Sansui, year after yeax, in the forefront of state-of-the-art audio engineering - attested to by an impressive list of world wide patents and the high esteem of hi-fi experts and en- thusiasts ever5rwhere. Developing expertise in manufactur- ing techniques alongside advance design has consistently enabled us to rapidly in- corporate the latest technology into our full range of equipment. From the moderately- priced, to the top of the line components, you can always be certain youle getting the highest reliability and accuracy in sound reproduetion for your money. No mass-market TV, portable radios or kit- chen applicances - we concentrate our efforts and abilities exclusively on quality hi-fi audio equipment. Each group of products in this catalogue covers a range of prices, indi- vidual equipment varying aceording to power capacity and incorporated features. What they all have in common, however, is a high standard of fidelity and they bear the respected Sansui name. TheDefinition Series Uncomprcmising, When a musiel lrerlomme must be reprodu@d to the most qitiol standads, the Defid- tion Series - 8A5000 and 8A3000 Power Amplifiers, CA3000 Control Preamplifier and AU20000 Integrated Amplifier - can deliver flawlessly the entire audio spectrum. When the Sasui reseuch t€ms perfect technologi@l refinements which make significant improvements in audio quality and practical versatility, we wut to see (and hear) those improve- ments translated into actual equipmeut : that's why we build the Definition Series.Eventually, their technical advantages will appeu in more populaly-priced components. For today, for usels who require the latest, most advmced stereo equipment for critiol music reproduc- tion, here they ae. Designed into every circuit, mm- sive power reserves (what we like to call abudant "power headroom") effort- lessly provide total musical resolution, transpaency and definition, with power souce ineguluities eliminated and triple protection circuitry, over m ex- tremely wide dynamic range. As you would expect with such exeting standards, each Definition Series unit is individually tested for complete perfomance to design parameters before leaving the factory ; tests results ue remrded on a technical data sheet, fmished with the equip- menl. In every detail, Definition Series components ee designed and con- struct€d with all the cue lavished on any fine professional instrument.
Page 2
The power amplifiers Input: a semiconductor cfucuit built uound a differential amplifier using ts'o well-matched transistors and a buf fer amplifier delivers a completely corr stant quality response. Output : 3 Ddington-connected ampldier stages for high cwent gain in each channei, with eight large pou,er transistors for each channel (8A3000: 6 power transistors "three-in-parallel") in an elaborate "fou-in-parallel" OCL complementary symmetry pushpull con- figuation, give linear input amplifica- tion and reserve power for negligible distortion. Power transfomer: toroidal coil windi ngs on a seamless ring and a I win positive/negative dual power supply fomat with separate windings for left and right channels result in a power transformer which gives an improved transient response with low heat gener- ation and precise power regulation (BA3000. 5000 and CA3000). r&&T{!Rt{ 8,$[&* It.A.s(XX) Stereo/Mono Power Amplifier- I)eliv- ers a per channel power output of 300 u-atts, min. RMS, both chamels driven into I ohms over a20 to 20.000H2 bandwidth with no more than 0,1 7. total hmonic distortion. High-efficiency output translomer allos's the IlA5000 to deliverfull rated output at Luds of 8. ,1 or 2 ohms for 2-channel ultra- sLable operation; afull 600watts in mono. . The output hansfonner also functions as a bandpass filter cutting subsonic signals to protect speaker cones. . Temperatue-sensored cooling fan. . Three protection circuits: AS0 (area ol sale operation) detection cfucuit monitors and limits cwent flow in power transfor- men ; themistor self-restoring temperatue detection ctcuit; overload detection cilcuit with quick-acting f uses. . High-accuacy meters, with logdith- mically compressed scale covering0,ol to 300 watts and decibel scale; precise, positive controls plus block diagram of instrument interior printed on cover. BA 3{X}0All the desigr featues of the BA5000, but with a porver output of 1?0 watts per channel, min. RMS, both chamels driven into 8 ohms over a20 to 20.000H2 band- width, $ith no more than 0,05 7a total hr- monic distortion; 340 watts, min. RMS in mono. . Fou jumbo heat sinl(. coupled di- rectly to the power transistoN eliminate the need for a coolingfan. . LED indiotor on front panel glows red when power is sB irched on, luns green to indicate sale oper{tion; tuns red to wm of potentially hdmlul conditions.r BA3000 has all the safety featues, subsonic filters and distortion-Jree toroidal coil winding power transfomer described above. BA 5000 tiA:rffx)