Sansui A40 Service Manual

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Sansui A40 Service Manual

Extracted text from Sansui A40 Service Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 1


Power output
Mini RMS, both channels driven. from 35 to 20.000 Hz,
with no more than 0.09 % total harmonic distortion
INTEGRATED STE REO AMPLIFIER Loaaiifféfinif' fiaiie's'lhfim
Total harmonic distortion

............ less than 0.09 % at or below rated
- mini RMS power output
Frequency response (at 1 watt)

............ 10 to 50,000 Hz
+0.5 dB, ~2 dB
RIAA curve deviation (PHONO, 30 Hz to 15 kHz)
H :15, -1 dB
Input sensitivity ano Impedance (1 kHz, for rated power
PHONO ,,,,,,, 2.5 mV/47 kilohms
(Max. input capability; 150 mV atl kHz, less than
0.1 % total harmonic distortion)
TAPE/AUX, TUNER, TAPE PLAY, 150 mV/47 kiiuhm>
Output level and impedance (1,000 Hz)

TAPE REC ..... 150 mV/47 kilohms
Hum and noise (short-circuit, Arnetwork)

PHONO ....... 73 d8


............ 90 dB

Power requirements

Power voltage . . . . HO ~ 120, 220 ~ 240 V

(50/60 Hz)

For U.S.A. & Canada
........... 120 V (60 HZ)
Power consumption
Rated consumption
........... 105 watts
Dimensions ....... 430 mm (16~15/1(i") W
147 mm (S-i3/16) H
251 mm (9715/16) D
Weightt.....i... 5,1kg(1|.2|bs)net
6.0 kg (l3.2 lbs) packed

* Design and specifications subject to changes without
notice for improvements.

' In order to simplify the explanation illustrations may
sometimes differ from the originals,


Page 2


.0 511;; $2.; r8
Selector Tape Play Speaker
2110110 C ' -®-®-® L-eh
(047) __®__® Rm"
TUNER C :- gag! _
g g Tone -®
AUX C g g 5 Control
< i; E-
I-REc @--- g _.__i]
L ..
g o
w r
i s
2. ADJ USTM ENTS(See Top View on Page 3)
Notes: 1. Room Temperature ...... 18°C ~ 28°C 2. For this adjustment, run the unit for more than 5
(65°F ~ 83°F) minutes after the power is switched ON with its

_ ' level volume minimum.
2-1 . Blas Current Adjustment

Note: Before adjusting or confirming the bias current, avoid such a measurement that the power transistors are heated.

l. Bias Current Voltage between VROI on F-3124 DC 4 mV Before turning 0N power switch, turn
(L-CH) Adj. emitters of TR] 7 and VROI , VR02 fully counterclockwise.
2. Bias Current Voltage between VR02 on F-3124 In this adjustment, the bias current is con-
(R-CH) Adj. emitters of TRI 8 and verted into the voltage.

3. PARTS LOCATION & PARTS LIST 'fiilfinsllsi Si.5112ii§°§3£,"i§§fi12°212'502'E135dpffimiislaf'33

. . . capacitors 8: resistors which was appended previously to each
3-1. F-3124 Mam C1rcu1t Board (Stock No. 75725801) 5mm Mamm-

Parts List
Peru No. Stock No. Description Poitioll Pm: No. 510:0 No. Description mm... PM! No. Stock No. D-erinlinn rumm-
ITrIrrsistor ozmr mod. n 103.104 00179000 101-1 1w 11.1.11. 2:1
11:01.02 050109001 2521992 5,: 4A 212501.002 03100000 1102255 10:: 0 003.004 00101000 2,7m 1w 3A
1003.04 0501174001 25011145 F.E 4A . .
11105.00 030037001 2571793 5,0 2. ac c 0506 00502500 1500? 50V (2,1 «A $223.02 1332; :j'imfllkf}: 2'3,ng :5
11109.10 03054001.: 2301904 s,v 1.30 c 07,08 00302300 10095 50V 01. 4A vnsoz 10155200 1:9;1zlxrafuma'100m 3c
1011,12 050074001 250045 01: 20 c 15,10 021001700 3391: 50v c1, 4A (01x2
1013.14 03005101,: 250357 0,5 20 c 21,22 03002700 22001: 50v cr. 412
1015,10 0305:501,2 2513527 0,2 2, as c 23.24 00503000 3900; 1501/ c.1. 4c 503 55? fgfx"2°'"'"°°m 3
1017,19 030705001 2501027 0.11 2,311 c 29,30 03002300 100171= 50v c.1. 2.3::
1n19,20 030134001 zsc709 0,11 2.35 c 33,34 05502100 sear 50v 12.1. 1.30 S 601 11322400 PusnSwirch.TapoMonlmr AC
115001 030552002 25043:; 5.1: 15 c 35:10 00000000 505 50v c1 1,30 s 002 11322400 PushSwitch.Leudnes ac
TR602 030330012 ZSESGOMP E,F 1c (2 41.42 0860|7DO 330F 50v CI. 2.30 s 503 11322300 PushSwllch,Speaker 1c
c 45,40 03501700 339F 50v 0.1. 1.35 22001100 Input 10711111101 11m)
0mm- :2 so: 03550400 100mg; 500v cc, 2A zzoazoo Input Terminal (Phenol
o 301 03117000 05.152 2A 22902400 Output 1.7mm (Asyneml
R 77,773 00091700 usanxzswcm 2,33 22902500 OutputTerminallststeml

o The circuit boards, F-3125, F6126, F-3128, F-3127, F-3129 & F-3109 are not supplied as the
assembled, the Individual parts on the circuit boards, however are provided for orders.

3-2. F-3125 Selector Circuit Board 3-3. F-3126 Volume Circuit Board 3-4 F3128 Power Meter. Drive
Conductor Slde Conductor Side Conductor Side CItCUlt Board


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Parts List arts List
Parts List P
'll' Nu. M NH. MIDI! PIN No. Stuk ND. Durlmion
P R! NA. Sim No. linden
- VHOI 10155700 Volume 150k. (5) X Z IDiode
S 0 11907800 Rotary Swltch, Selector D 0, DZ . 0317300 INSO
- D 03 Dal I 7600 1524731.)