Sansui 400 Owners Manual

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Sansui 400 Owners Manual

Extracted text from Sansui 400 Owners Manual (Ocr-read)

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\Ve take great pride in knowing that you have selected the Sansui
Model 400 AM/FM»Multiplex Stereo Tuner Amplifier, a wise
choice that promises you many delightful years of rich stereo

Sansui is recognized worldwide for the unsurpassed quality of its
products, be it a stereo receiver, speaker system, turntable or
headphone set. and takes the greatest efforts to merit and main-
tain this reputation.

Consequently. not a single detail has been overlooked in bringing
Model 400 to you in perfect operating condition.

It is now up to you to keep it working perfectly. Therefore, we
cannot recommend too strongly that you read the contents of this
Ina/Ina! befun: installing or apm-ating [Model 400.

Get accustomed to the receiVers many unique design features,
controls and operating procedures first. Then you will be better
prepared to enjoy the worlds highest standards of sound repro-
duction to the fullest.

Page 4


Transistor Amplifier

Model 400 is a new 60vwatt solid state AM/FM
receiver designed to deliver top stereo performance
from a really compact design. To accomplish this,
silicon power transistors are used in a Complement-
ary Darlington SEPP ITL-OTL circuit. Silicon
transistors are also used throughout the low fre-
quency circuits. This unique circuitry design over-
comes the largest, but' unpublicizod shortcoming of
the solid state receiver: that of distortion tending to
increase at actual listening levels, rather than at
higher powers where most distortion figures are
rated. Model 400s unique design keeps distortion
less than 196 at all power levels

Power Bandwidth
The power bandwidth ranges from 20 to 50,000Hz
at a rated RMS power of 20/20 watts with a distor-

_tion factor of 1,6 or loss. Voltage negative feedback

in the power stage gives the receiver an unsur-
passed tlamping factor of more than 24.

FM Reception

The FM frontend with silicon transistors and 3
gang variable condenccrs minimizes the cross
modulation, noise figure and other interference,
while handling strong local stations with unparal-
leled stability.

FM MPX Stereo

The MPX circuit, highly stable and reliable, dis-
plays the dc-omphasis characteristic of + ldB to
-3dB at 10,000 Hz, clearly producing the highst
or lowest possible tones. Switching from FM Mono
to FM Stereo broadmsts is automatic when the
Selector switch is in the FM Auto position A
Stereo Indicator changes from green to orange if the
tuning dial crosses a station making an FM Stereo

Power Transformer

Model 400 incorporates a Sansui-madc power trans-
former with excellent voltage regulation character
istics that allow only a small 3 watt difierence
between the mnximtun music power (89,) and the
RMS power.

Heat Dissipator

Model 400s belt dissipator is of aluminum extru-
sion, rather than the low-cost steel type and gunr»
antees a longer transistor life. Used a full 24 hours,
the ambient temperature of the dissipate! never ex-
coeds 35°C above room temperature.