Rotel RX 700 700L OM

This is the 6 pages manual for Rotel RX 700 700L OM.
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Rotel RX 700 700L OM

Extracted text from Rotel RX 700 700L OM (Ocr-read)

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We at Hotel went to thank you for purchasing
our audio product.

Hotel audio products are demoted to use the
latest electronic technology. and they Incorpo~
rate our long experience as a specialist manulec-
turer ol audio equipment. We are conlident
that Van WI find satlslaction in the him
quality sound and top perlorrnence, and thet
you will find pleasure in the lunctionel beauty
achieved through human-engineering concept.
Before starting operation, plum read this
instruction manual thoroughly and acquaint
voursell with the proper mode oi using the unit
and all its connections.

We hope you will anloy top-notch performance
lot many years to come.


Follow the Instruction! below for maximum

1. Use a wall outlet tor power supply

Be sure to connect the AC line cord directly to
a household wall outlet. and not to an auxiliary
outlet on another component. Be certain that
the outlet voltage matches the electrical rating
ol the unit. found on the rear panel name plate.
2. Connecting and removing AC cord

Be sure to connect'or disconnect the Ac line
cord only alter turning oil the power switch to
prevent possible shock noise or damage to
the speakers.

3. Inetlletion

Be sure to place the unit in a level and flat place-
where it is lree lrom humidity, vibration, high
tempereture and not expoud to direct sunlight.
Be careful not to place the unit ln a highly
enclosed place such as near a wall or on a
bookshell. A poor Ventilation will cause unitL
sirable ellects to the unit.

4. Ventllete the null null

Never block any ventilation holes at the top
and bottom at the unit, Be sure alto to provide
ample ventilation space around the unit. Poor
ventilation may result in damep due to excesr
sive heat.

5. Do not open the clhinet

In order to avoid electric shock or damage to
the component, never open the cabinet. ii a
fmeiw obiect tells inside the unit by mistake,
turn the power oil, disconnect the well plug,
and consult a qualified electrician or your

St Turn the volume control initially to mini-

When lowering the tone-rm 0' your turntable
onto a record, an excess ol current in the lower
frequency range may cause damage to the
speakers. Always minimize the volume setting
' tielly,

7. Marina the unlt

When transporting. remove the AC cord lrorn
the well outlet and all other connected cords on
the rear panel to prevent wire breakage and
short circuits.

a, ll the unit pu wet

it the unit should get wet, immediately discon~


nect the AC cord, and consult your dealer or a
qualified electrician

9. Cleaning end meinten-loe

Do not use chemicals such as bonzina or [him
Mr! on the front panel Always use a salt, dry
cloth to clean the unit.

10. Owner- manual

Keep the owner's manual near the unit, and
record the serial number (lound on the rear
panell on the cover.


it your unit comes with a 2~core cable
without a plug, make certain live and
neutral leads are connected to the proper
terminals. Check that the terminals are
screwed down firmly and no loose strand:
0! wire are present.

IMPORTANT: The wiru in this main: Iced
are coloured in accordance with the lollowl

ing code:

As the colours 0' the wires in the mains lead
or this apparatus may not correspond with
the coloured markings identilying the
terminals in your plug proceed I lollows.
The wire which it coloured BLUE must be
connected to the terminal which is marked
with the Ietler N or coloured BLUE or
BLACK. The wire which ii coloured
BROWN mutt be connected to the termtnal
Mich ie marked with the letter L or colour-
ed BROWN or RED.


The unit allows hookup of two speaker sys-
tems. Use speaker systems with impedance
ratings oi s46 onrra. Belore hooking up your
speaker system be sure to check its impedance,
which should be indicated either on the back ol
the speaker, or in the speaker instruction man-


On the rear panel ol the FIX-700 are two sets
ol speaker terminals. "A" and "",B to which
two speaker systems may be connected. Con~
met the speaker leadt oi the riytthand speaker
to tlrrninal: R" ol A" (or "3), and the
speaker leads all the left-hand speaker to ter-
minal: L" ol "A" (or "3"). Make sure that the
t speaker lead is connected to the "+" ter~
mind, and the " lead I0 lhe "7" termini.
Strip 1.0crn (3/3") oi the polyvinyl chloride
insulation from the end at each speaker lead.
Twist the exposed strand: tiyltly, and secure
the and with a touch or solder.

The terminals are the insert-screw type, Insen
the end 01 the lead into the terminal hole, and
turn the knob to the right about 120 degrees,-
when the knob can be turned no lurther, the
cord is ltxed.


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