Rotel RTC 850 850L OM
This is the 7 pages manual for Rotel RTC 850 850L OM.
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Extracted text from Rotel RTC 850 850L OM (Ocr-read)
Page 1
ENGLISH ............................................................... 1
wmg you: sEmAL NUMBER new
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Page 2
. _ 1. Head Instruction - All the salaty and 10. PoworSourcae-Theapplianca shouldbe
W'm'l'fli T0 'educe "'9 "5 °' "9 9' operating instructions should be read before connected to a power supply only oi the type
electric shock_. do not expose this the appliance is operated. described In the operating instructionsoiu
appliance to rain or morsture. 2' Retain Instruction _ The salary and marked on the appliance.
operatinoinatmctions shouldbomtaimdlor 1t. Grounding or Polarization - The pre-
luture reiererice. cautions that should be taken so that the
CAUlIUN 3. Heed Wamlnga - All warnings on the grounding or polarization means oi an
appliance and in the operating instructions appliance is not delaated.
W "l" W should be adhered to. 12. Power-Cord Protection - Power-supply
_ 4. Follow InliNl-ilflll - All operatinl: and cards should be routed so that they are not
mm: to trim I! I M (W m use instructions should be lollcwed. likely to be walked on or pinched by items
on It" now! DIM. Ill! unit 5. Water and picture - The appliance placed upon or against them. paying par-
" "KNEW nan tam should mi N UM near WBlO' - '0' 91 ticular attention to cords at plugs. can
If"! Sim '0 WM! W mu ample. near a bathtub. washbowl. kitchen venignca receptacle; and the point where
sink. laundry tub. in a wet basement. or they exit lroni the appliance.
The lightningllesh with arrowhead near a swimming pool. and the like. t3. Cleaning - The appliance should be
symbol. within an equilateral 6, c... and Sande-The appliance should cleaned only as recommended ny the
theme. lsimendedtoalenlhe user be used only with a cart or stand that is manulacturer.
to the presence oi unlneulated recommended by the rnanuiecturer. m Nonuee Period- _ The power cord or the
"dangerous voltage" within the 6A. Art appliance and cart combination should appliance should be unplugged from the
product's enclosure that may be oi be moved with care. Quick stops. excessive outlet when 1." unused lot a long part at
suificient magnitude to constitute a lorce. and uneven auriacee may cause the time.
risk oi electric shock to persons. appliance and can combination to overturn. 5. 0N0 mg Liquid Entry _ Care should be
The exclamation point within PORTABLE CART taken so that objects do not tall and liquids
an equilateral Willi! is intended WARNING are not spilled into the enclosure through
to alert the user to the preunoe WWW-
ol important operating and main 16, Damage Requiring Savlca - The
tenance (servicing) instructions in
the literature accompanying the
"Note to CATV ayateitt Installer:
Wall or Coiling Mounting - The appliance
should be mounted to a wall or ceiling only
as recommended by the manulacturer.
a, Ventilation - The appliance should be
appliance should be serviced by qualified
rectory authorized service personnel when:
A, The power-supply cord or the plug has
been damaged: or
B, Objects have iallen. or liquid has been
spilled into the appliance: or
C, The appliance has been exposed to rain:
This reminder is provtded to call the CATV
system installer's attention to Article 820-22 oi
the NEC that provrdes guidelines lor proper
grounding and. tn partiCtAai. speCilies that the
cable ground shall be connected to the groun~
ding system or the building. as close to the
situated so that its location or position does 0"
not interiere with its proper ventilation. For D. The anallnnce does not appear to operate
example. the appliance should not be "OMBY 0' exhibits a "Will 3099 in De"
situated on a bed. sole. rug. or Similar Iarmance; 0'
surlace that may block the ventilation E. The appliance has been dronpedi 0' We
point at cable entry as practical "
openings: on placed in a built-in installation.
such as a bookcase or cabinet that may
impede the llow ol air through the ventila-
tion openings.
9. Heat - The appliance should be situated
away lrom heat sources such as radiators.
enclosure damaged.
. Servicing - The user should not attempt
to servrce the appliance beyond that
described in the operating instructions. All
other servtcrng should be reierred to
qualified iactory euthonzed service person-
heat registers. stoves. or other appliances nol,
(including ampltiiers) that produce heat,
intent or MVINNA aluminum As vzn mum {tKC'RlCAA Coot iNSillUClIONS
commw w AnnCtE m
Power Linea - An outdoor antenna should be
located away lrorn power lines. Auto mp trims-he mew:
Outdoor Antenna Grounding - ll an outsrde
antenna is connected to the receiver. be sure
the antenna system is grounded so as to pro-
vtde some protection against voltage surges and
built up static charges Section all) at the
National Electrical Code. ANSI/NFPA No.
70-I984. provides tn'ormatton With respect to
proper grounding oi the mast and supponing
structure. grounding oi the lead-in wrre to an
antenna discharge unit. srze ol grounding con-
ductors. location at antenna-discharge unit. con-
nection to grounding electrodes. and re»
quirements tor the grounding electrode See
SiavtCE LEAD w W:
mi an.
aUse No to AWG (53 mm?) copper. No a
AWG (3 4 rnrn) aluminum. No 7 AWG (1 0
rnrn') copper~clad steel or bronze wire. or
larger. as a ground wrre
new! suite: amino-N6
mum srsrtu
v.9. .i q we not .... our smut: w-l- v
mime cums
amount NVENNA cue-mono ELEEVIOD!
oaww I rev it u at into M Bantu
it atomiw av tOCAl coon set his:
scam no 2- m
t7Set2ure antenna mom and ground Wires to mm, AN,"
house w-th sland~oil insulators spaced lrorn dUselumper mm not smaller than No 6 AWG
4-6 leet U 22_ 63 ml apart (t3 3 rnml copper, or the equivalent. when a
separate antenna~groundrng electrode is used.
See NEC Section Btozt ll)
cMount antenna discharge unit as close as pos-
sible to where lead-tn enters house FON U.I.A. ONLY