Rotel RCD 865BX OM
This is the 8 pages manual for Rotel RCD 865BX OM.
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Extracted text from Rotel RCD 865BX OM (Ocr-read)
Page 1
DEUTSCH . .. .. fl
FRANCAIS ...................................................... 15
l0 PREV II\l HRI: ()R \lll)('K ILA/ARI).
[)0 \()'I I.\I'()SP. llllh APPLIANCE
H) R\l\ ()R MUHTI RF,
Wnle your SERIAL NUMBER herev f
The numbev IS located near Ihe nameL
plate on the year panel # #1
Page 2
7 Wall or Ceiling Mounting 7 The appliance should be
mounted to a wall or cellIng only as recommended by lne
3. Ventilation 7 The appliance should be SIlualed 50 lna'
_ Its location or posrlton does not lnlerlere wrth rts proper van
CAUIIU N | lIlalton For example, the apnllance should not be srluat
WARNING: To reduce the Ilsk at me or eleclrIc shock. do
not expose NS appliance to ram or molslure
ed on a bed sold, rug 0: SImmtr surlnce lhat may tJIotlI
msx 0F ELECTRIC SHOCK the ventllatlon openlngs or, placed In .1 bunt-m rnSldlld
DO NOT OPEN . lIdn such as a bookcase 0r momet that may Impede t"e
' flow ol mr tnInugh lhe venltlalmrl unenlngs
9. Heat , The appliance should no stunted away lmm near
CAUTION TO REDUCE THE RISK OF sources such as IadIalnrs. heal IOQISIOIS. stoves. or otlw'
ELECTRIC SHOCK. DO NOT REMOVE appltances (Includmg ampltlters] Inal produce heat
COVER (OR BACK) NO USER-SERVICEABLE 10. Power Sources 7 The appllance should be conneu .:
PARTS INSIDE REFER SERVICING TO to a power supply only at the type descvrbed m the mar
QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL atlng llTSl'uClIOnS or as marked on the appliance
11, Grounding or Polarization 7 The precauttons that should
be men so that the groundrng or polarization means 0'
. Explanatlon at Graphical Symbols an apollance Is not deleated
The lrghlnmg llasn WI!" al'owhédo SYMDO' 12, Power-Cord Protection 7 Powersupply cords should be
MW 3" 91"3'9'3' "mg 5 and 0 routed so that they are not llkely to be walked on or punched
ale" the 58' '0 "3 Hence ' "nsuale" by Ilems placed upon or agalnsl tnemt paying particular
'dangerous voltage warm the product 5
enclosure that may be nl smllcem magnttude allenlron lo cords at plugs. convenIence receptacles. and
to consmure a Ilsk nl eleCIrIc shock la persons A the DOI'II where they extt item the appllance
13. Cleaning - The appllance should be cleaned only as
The exclamat-on point w-thm an equtlaterar ' recommended by the manulacturer
triangle .5 inlendeu to alert the use! to the 14, Nonuse Periods 7 The power cord ol the appltance
presence at Imporlanl noe'allnfl and should be unolugged lmmthe outlet when tell unused lor
mamlenance (servtcmgl lnstruchons In the a long Ballad of me
llleralure accompanying My aDfllIanCe o
15 Oblect and Liquid Entry - Care should be taken so that
ohm ls do not tall and llourds are not splllea mm the en
closure throu h dpentngs
DANGER - INVISIBLE LASER RADIATION 15 Damageaeqilrang sum 7 WWW should be
WHEN OPEN THE TOP COVER, AVOID DIRECT sou/Iced oy dualllted lactorv aulnorlzed serwce person-
A Tne power~supply cord or the plug has been damaged
8 Oulects have lallen or Iloutd has been spilled Into the
aopnance or
1 C The appliance has helm exposed to mm or
PRODUCT COMPLIES WITH DHHS 21 CFR 1040.) D The appliance does not appear to (l[ te ronlally :'
AND 104011 oxnttms a marked F'ljllnPIlltttl9ll"l.1llce or
4 E The apphance tun. hm-r' 'llLDlll'll w the enclosure
17 Serwcrng 7 Tlre USt' 'rnulo "0' u:->""I"
1, Readlnstructrons 7 Al the sa'elv anc onerat nq IVSquL am, )Wmnmhd. A m, H. m,
trons should be mad some the apultunte l) out-Iliad (loll) lner selvtcmg would t)? :rlrrwn tn tluall eJ lac
2. Retain Instructions 7 Tne Safely and ooeranm, lnSl'LAC' Ion Nomad SSH/Ice DHSOHW
trons should be rela ned lor luture rel-Hence
3. Heed Warnings 7 All warnings on the aou-zanrc and In
the operatIng Instructions should be adhered It
4 Follow Instructions 7 All DDerallng and USE Inslzuctlons
should be lollowed
5. Water and Moisture 7 The applIance Should no' he used
near water - lul example new a null-1 wasnoow
kitchen smk. laundry lu: In a wet basement {7' near a
swtmmlng pool and the llke
6. Carts and Stands 7 The apohance eriIuId on used nnlv
WIlh a cart or slanc that IS recommended by lhe
6A, An appltance and C31 combinatlon should he moved thh
care Ounck stops. excesswe lorce. and uneven surlaces
may cause the appllance and
Cart comblnallon to overlurn