Rotel RA 870 OM

This is the 5 pages manual for Rotel RA 870 OM.
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Rotel RA 870 OM

Extracted text from Rotel RA 870 OM (Ocr-read)

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We at Hotel want to thenit you lor purcheling
our eudio product.

Hotel audio product! ere designed to use the
Inc electronic technology, and they incorpc
me our long experience at e epecialltt menutec
turer ol eudio equipment. We are confident
thet you will llnd .tlelection in the high
quelity eound and top perlormence, end that
you will find pieeerre in the functional beeuty
eohieved through human-engineering concept.
Belore etarting operation, pleeee reed this
innructlon manual thoroughly and acquaint
youreeli with the proper mode ol uting the unit
end all It; connection:

We hope you will enjoy top-notch perlormence
tor meny ye-rt to come.


Follow the instruction: below lor meztimum

1. the a well outlet for power moply

Be eire to connect the AC Ilne cord to A home-
hold wall outlet. Be certain that the outlet
voltege metche: the electrical retlng ol the unit,
Iound on the reer panel name plate.

2. Connecting and removing AC coed

Be eure to connect or dieconnect the Ac line
cord only elter turning all the power Mitch to
prevent poulble chock noiee or demege to
the epeekere.

1 Verttilete the unit well

Never block any ventilation holee et the top
end bottom 0! the unit. Ba tureelec to provide
ample ventiletion epece eround the unit. Poor
ventilation rney reellt in demege due to excee-
eive beet.

e. be not open the ceblnet

In order to mid electric shock or d-mege to
the component, never open the ceblnet. It a
foreign obloct lella inside the unit by mlneke.
turn the power ell, dleconnect the well plug.
and coneuh e quelilied electrician or your

5. inmlletion

Be eure to piece the unit In a level and lint piece
where it in tree from humidity, vibration, high
tempereture end not exposed to direct eunlight.
Be careful not to piece the unit in e highly
encioeed piece euch at halt a well or on a
bookehell. A poor ventilation will ceuee unde-
alraole effecte to the unit.

I. Moving the unit

When traneporting. remove the AC cord lrom
the well outlet and all other connected cords on
the reer penei to prevent wire tar-law and
tort circulte.

1. It the unit not: wet

II the unit ehould not wet. immediately diecon-
nect the AC cord, end ooneult your deeler or a
maimed electrlclen.

a. fleening end rnelntenence

Do not uee chemicele Iuch at benzine or thin-

nor: on the trout panel. Alway: uee e eoft, dry
cloth to cleen the unit.

9. We menuel

Keep the owner's menual near the unit. and
record the eeriel number llound on the raer
penel) on the cover.

caution: 0n the rear panel of the RA-87D are
two set: 0' AC outlet through which power is
Iupplidd to eudio equipment (turntable, CD
pleyar. tuner, ceeeette deck, etc.) you use
in conjunction with the RAVE/O. Eech AC
outlet in the twitched type, turned on or oil
upon switching on or of! the power in the
Rik-870, end hat rating of too wettt maximum.
Do not attempt to connect equipment who-
power coneumption exceed: the rating ol theee
AC outlett. Never connect a power emplilier to
theee AC outlets.

Uee epeeiter eytteme with impedance retlng: ol


if your unit comes with a teen able
without a plug, melte certain live and
neutral Ieedt are connected to the proper
terminele. Check thet the terminelt ere
Icrewed down lirrnly and no looee etrends
of wire ere preeent.

IMPORTANT: Th! wire! in thii main! Ifld
ere coloured in eccordance with the follow-

Ing code:

Al the coloure of the wire: in the mains lad
o! thie epperetut they not correspond with
the coloured marking: idemllying the
terminel: in your plug proceed as follow
The wire which it coloured BLUE mutt be
connected to the terminel which it merked
with the letter N or coloured BLUE or
BLACK. The wire which it coloured
BROWN mutt be connected to the terminal
which it marked with the letter L or colour-

5-16 ohrrIL Below hooking up your L
eyetern, he eure to check it: impedance, which
itcuid be indiceted either on the heck ol
the ep-ker. or in the speaker inetruction men-


Connect the tpeekar leads of the right-hend
speaker to terminel: "R", and the cpeeker lead:
of the lelt-hend tpeeket to terminel! L". Meke
lure that the "e" speaker lead II connected to
the "t" terminal, end the "-" leed to the -"

Strip 10cm (3/8") of the polyvinyl chloride
inerletion from the and cl eech tpeeket lead.
Twiet the exooeed etrande tightly, and eecurl
the end with a toudl ol eolder.

To connect Ipeaker Ind to the epeeker terminal
of the amplifier. rotate the Ipeeker terminel
knob counterclockwlea to looeen, intert the
dripped and of the lead, end lirmly tighten the
knob onto the teed. Do not allow the stripped
and ol the Ieed to touch another Ieed, other
terminal or other metal pert.


Note: By combining the IRA-870 with HOTEL
stereo power emplilier R3870, the main
amplifier action of the FIA-87O an be utilized
at e moneural power amplitier in bridged
connection (BTL). In that can, connect the
+" epeekar lead to the "+" speaker terminel of
"L", and the "- epeeker lead to the "0"
epeeker terminal ol " he epeekar connected
to the RA-870 ii for left-channel eound.