Rotel RA 2040 Owners Manual
This is the 26 pages manual for Rotel RA 2040 Owners Manual.
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Extracted text from Rotel RA 2040 Owners Manual (Ocr-read)
Page 2
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ESEfiL Trirliéfitrgr Elie TU "a L U
fi IiziifiL tilrflrtfa Tif-t TI
ehtfia timbf :nfirivl: Ln 5 4,7;
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We would like rp lake rnrs apporrumry m
mank van for purchasmg the Rmel RA7
2040 lnregrared Ampllllnl.
The HA-zoao offers superb audlo quality,
based on Herel's many years cl experience,
and me newest and mos! advanced lech-
nulogv in elecuonlcs dESIgn
We sincerely believe rhe rue-2040 wlll meet
wrrlr ma lull sausfaclion ol me owner.
Belore cunnecilng you! sysrem lo a power
source, we hope you will read mls inslrucV
mm manual in lrs entlunv, m oldel ro erliov
the lull performance 0! rlris componenl lor
many yeals re come.
fifilztslilmremntg amoral:
'JZTEfi-fimvibhfifijT < 133w
[POWERWfiJfiXfyTéONt Lf: 3 a r
mmtm zE-n-Hfirgta: ems;
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Follow the innructlons below for maxi-
mum sa'ely:
1 Use a wall curler lar power supply.
Be sure re connecr me At: lrne cord dlrecl-
ly to Ihe household Ac wall ornler,
Never cennecr rhe cord re a convenience
curler lrmalled on a preamplrrrer or any
mher audlu cumpunenls.
The elecrncal raungs ol thls model are indlr
cited on me name plare on me rear panel.
Never use a curler orlrer rnan rlre one havlng
rrre specihed rated volrage,
z. Connicting and removing AC cord
(mains ubl-l.
Make sure re connect or drsconnecr the AC
Ilne Cord only alrer mrning ell the power
swrrch. Cannecnng pr dlscunnectmg the AC
2 line cord wnh me power swllch ON may