Revox CC 100 Command Set Owners Manual

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Revox CC 100 Command Set Owners Manual

Extracted text from Revox CC 100 Command Set Owners Manual (Ocr-read)

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HWDX Command List cc-1oo 26.05.9316LISTN

REVOX-PRO cc-1oo Command list

Channel commands :'

ch Omd Param Parameter: command Description ok
c ACD Cue_on_Music Disable Cue_on_Music function.
c . _ 'JtCE L Level (-66...-1B) Cue_on_Music Enable Cue_on_Music function. The track
Enable start Joint is set to the pass over level.
c AIM 5 Seconds (0. . 99) Audio_Leve1 Measuring of audio_leve| during S seconds. El
Measuring - not defined yet --
APD Auto_Pse_Dis Disable Auto_Pause function.
APE-l ,. Auto_1>se_En Enable Auto_Pause function. E
om: D DAC m. (o. .4) Set me to Set DAc o..4 to selected Channel. DAC 3.4 El
channel are virtual and only used for distributing
channels to other C0100.
C EDT Elapsed Set Time_Response_Message to Elapsed El
Disc_'rime Disc_Time.
C YEMD End_of_Music Disable End_of_Music message. l2!
C m 5 Seconds (0 . . 99) End_of_Music Enable End_of_Music message with E
1. Level (-66. .-18) Enable parameter for measuring start _point and
. fall short level.
c 31'! ' , Elapsed Set Time_Response_Message to Elapsed El
Track_Time Track__Time.
c FAD start_Fading Start fading down selected channel.
c m: start_Fading Start fading up selected channel. B!
c FSD Fader_start Diable Fader_Start function. E!
c 953 <6R> Fader_starc Enable Fader_Start function. E!
C GM )4 minutes (0 . . 99) Goto Position the player on the selcted channel
5 Seconds (0. t 59) Disc_1ime to the entered time of the current disc.
F Frame (0.1.72)

C GLC )1 Locate: (O . . 9) Goto_Locator Position the player to accurate disc_time ,
Time stored in selected locator. '
C GT! M Minutes (0 . . 99) 60:0 Position the player on the selcted channel El
5 seconds (0 . .59) Track_'lime to the entered time of the current track
I Prune! (0.372)

('1 1.01 D his: (I . . 100) Load Disc Load selected disc and sets the player at E
. the first playable track to PAUSE.

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HEIOX , Command List cc-1oo 26.05.98IGLISTN

c mm D Disc (1. .100) Load Disc Load selected disc and sets the player at
I Track (1 . . 99) desired track to PAUSE,

c mu- Next: track Goto next track
PLY Play Start playing I replaying the disc. E!
c PLY '1 Track (1 . . 99) Play Start playing / replaying the disc from
selected track
c .2113 5 Seconds (0 . . 59) Prelistening Start prelistening the end of the current [3
End track
c PR5 5 Seconds (1 . . 59) Prelistening Start prelistening the start of the current El
start track
PRV Prev. track Goto previous track E
PSB Pause Set player to PAUSE. E
PSE 11 Track (1 . . 99) Pause . Set player at start of selected track to
c an! Remaining Set Time_Response_Message to E
Disc_Time Remaining_Disc_Time.
c RES Ch_Reset: Reset selected channel. El
RMP R Ramp (1 . . 255) Set fading Sets the fading ramp in dB/sec for the E
1. Level (-52 . .+18) ramp and selected DAC. The optional parameter set
' max. level the max. output level for the fading ramp.
C R'u' Remaining Set Time_Response_Message to
Track_1ime Remaining_Track_Time.
c 5CD Scan down Start scanning disc down. Cl
C sex a Box Nr. (1. . 16) Set Channel Allocate Box to selected Channel.

c scs Scan stop Stop scanning disc. El
scu Scan up Start scanning disc up. Cl
C SLC N Locate: (0 . . 9) Set_Locator Store current disc_time into selected E
Time Iocator.
c SLE 1. Level Set: DAC Set the audio_level of current DAC on
(-52 . .+1adB) Level selected channel.
c STP stop Sets box on channel to stop. E
UNL Unload disc Unloads disc back to the magazine.
c VSP R Range (~10 . .+10) Variapeed Set playing speed of box on ch to +/- 10%. E
' 0% is Varispeed off.
Channel-I Player_Status commands :
cc DID Disc_ID Request for Disc-ID. El
- not defined yet -
cc DTC Disc_TOC Request for Disc_Toc. El
- not defined yet -