Pyle plg 12 owners manual

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pyle plg 12 owners manual

Extracted text from pyle plg 12 owners manual (Ocr-read)

Page 1

About This Booklet

lnthis booklet, you could find the SPECIFICAWOVS and TEMPLATE
of the woofer. With this information, you could adureve the best performance

of woofer conveniently.

Below IS the meaning of the rating abbrewations.

Fs : "Free All' Resonance" ,this value IS the lowest audible frequency
(in Hz) of the woofer.

Q : This value describes the degree of control("damping") which the
speaker exhibits. Speaker damping IS due to both MECHANICAL
characteristics (Qms) and ELECTRICAL characteristtcs(Qes).A
speaker's TCl'AI. DAMPLING VALUE is referring as as

SPL : This value means the sensitivity ofthe speaker.

Xmax : The overall distance (in millimeters)the cone and voice coil

travel in 0 single excursion is referred to as Xmax.

VAS: This value describes(in cubic feet)the maximum amount of air

which IS displaced by the speaker cone in o srngle excurston.

Page 2


PYLE GEAR SERIES- Woofer {or small enclosures

Perlormance Physical & Inslallation
Parameters Parameters
Power (flan: Peak) 500 Voice Coll 15st
Nomepedanoe 4 Magnec 65 a
F: (Hz) 38 Cone Inierled M.
Om: 2.7:! Surround Rubber
Ge: 0.77 Spider Flat
0!: 0.6 Dust cap RP. - concave
SPudB) 88.9 Frame Powdered Coated
X'INX I'M) 18 Terminals Gold Plush Terminal
V0: (w H) 0.869 Backplale Bumped waned

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