Pyle plg 10 d owners manual
This is the 1 pages manual for pyle plg 10 d owners manual.
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Extracted text from pyle plg 10 d owners manual (Ocr-read)
Page 1
Mommg Overai)
Diameter! Diamcim
1333" 1540"
Moummg v
Deplh _
. 5 612" s
} Overaii 2
v<- Depm a
Specification PLGiOD PLG12D
Specification PLG1SD
Powe r(Wal(s Peak) 500 800
Powe r(WaM5 Peek) 1000
Nom.impedance(0hm) 4x4 4x4
Norri.impedance(0hm) 4x4
Voice Coll 2,0"st 2 OKSV
Voice Coil 2 5st
Magnet Struciure 6002 6002
Magnet Structure 8002
F5 (Hz) 50 40
i F5 (HZ) 30
Qms 4 92 5 O
. Oms 5 0
095 0.84 0,90
005 0,91
015 0,72 0.75
Qts 0 70
SH (dB) 85 84
SPL (dB) 55
V35 (cufl) 4,908 5 204
Vas (can) 5 1o
Pyie Blue Wave Series Woofer continuaiiy strives to improve the performance and value of its proaucls»
ali specifications are subject is change. Pyle Biue Wave Series Woofer continuaiiy sliives io Improve the pevformance and value oi us productsr
ail specifications are subjeci to Change,