Pyle plcm 4200 owners manual
This is the 4 pages manual for pyle plcm 4200 owners manual.
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Extracted text from pyle plcm 4200 owners manual (Ocr-read)
Page 1
4.2 "TFT LCD
Page 2
1. Specification:
1. Display Size: 4,2lnch:
2. Display: TFT LCD 16'9Panel;
3. Resolution: 320XRGBX234;
4 Brightness: 400'7
5 Contrast: 250;
6. Visual Angle: 145;
7. Chromatic System: N'I'SC/P.L\L(Auto Smteh);
8. Working Power: 12V;
9. Working Current: SOOmA;
10. Operation] temperature: 0-45;
11 Input Port: One Video Input. One Camera Input;
2\ Features:
Type ol'Car: Saloon Car. Busin 's Car. Minitwe Truck:
Installion hrlcasure:Can be lnslead otthe origin Rearview
Mirror Directly;
Special Customized lens in order to be Consistent With the
Rearvicw lmagcr'.
. i\uto switch to Reaniew system when backing a car to insure
the safety,
3 . Causion:
Pay Attention to the Polarity when connecting in ease of damaging the
Do not Dismantle the machine because of ils high cxactitudC. Ifu have
some problem.
Please contact with current Distributor.
Do not use the cleanser or other impregnate to clean the lens and that
you can use soil cloth bumli
Avoiding Being laid the machine below the Sunshine. Dust, Humidit);
. It is common that appear few luminosity in panel:
The chromatic system of the camera thatched with machine is NTSC
system. so in order to avoiding frequently switchmg display chromatic
system, please enact the Chromatic ststem of DVD or V CD to be NTSC,