Pioneer vsx 21 service manual

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pioneer vsx 21 service manual

Extracted text from pioneer vsx 21 service manual (Ocr-read)

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VSX-21 2 1. CONTRAST OF MISCELLANEOUS PARTS Parts marked by "NSP" are generally unavailable because they are not in our Master Spare Parts List. The mark found on some component parts indicates the importance of the safety factor of the part. Therefore, when replacing, be sure to use parts of identical designation. Screws adjacent to mark on product are used for disassembly. Reference Nos. indicate the pages and Nos. in the service manual for the base model. NOTES: When ordering resistors, first convert resistance values into code form as shown in the following examples. Ex.1 When there are 2 effective digits (any digit apart from 0), such as 560 ohm and 47k ohm (tolerance is shown by J=5%, and K=10%). Ex.2 When there are 3 effective digits (such as in high precision metal film resistors). 561 473 R50 1R0 5621 560 47k 0.5 1RD1/4PU J RD1/4PU J RN2H K RS1P K 56 x 10 1 47 x 10 3 R50 1R0561 473 5.62k RN1/4PC F562 x 10 1 5621 CONTRAST TABLE VSX-21/KUXJI/CA and VSX-D608/KUXJI are constructed the same except for the following : Notes:Ö The numbers in the remarks column correspond to the numbers on "EXPLODED VIEWS". Ö For ASSEMBLIES, refer to ÒCONTRAST OF PCB ASSEMBLIESÓ, Ò2. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMÓ and Ò3. PCB CONNECTION DIAGRAMÓ. EXPLODED VIEWS Ö EXTERIOR SECTION ASSEMBLIES NSP INPUT Assy AWK7472 AWK7504 P5- 2 FRONT Assy AWX7215 AWX7335 P5- 4 NSP REAR SP Assy AWX7250 Not used NSP AMP Assy AWK7480 AWK7505 P5- 5 AMP Assy AWX7223 AWX7336 NSP EXCELLENT Assy AWK7485 AWK7503 P5- 4 REAR SP Assy Not used AWX7338 P5-16 FRONT LARGE Assy AWX7288 AWX7337 PACKING P3- 3 Operating Instructions (English) ARB7157 ARB7181 P3- 7 NSP Warranty Card ARY7023 ARY7007 P3-13 Packing Case AHD7692 AHD7700 EXTERIOR SECTION P5-18 Power Transformer (T1) ATS7234 ATS7235 P5-31 Rear Panel ANC7724 ANC7769 P5-46 Display Window AAK7606 AAK7632 P5-47 Front Panel AMB7552 AMB7585 P5-70 Insulator AMR7198 PNW2766 P5-71 Fuse (FU701: 10A) Not used REK1087 Refer to KCXJI type DOC Label Not used VRW1726 No.1 Part No. VSX-D608 /KUXJI Ref. No. Symbol and Description Remarks MarkVSX-21 /KUXJI/CA Bonnet Case 1

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VSX-21 3 CONTRAST OF PCB ASSEMBLIES AWX7335 and AWX7215 are constructed the same except for the following : FRONT ASSY Part No. AWX7215 Mark Symbol and Description Remarks AWX7335 D222, D223 Not used 1SS355 S215 Not used ASG1034 B F AWX7336 and AWX7223 are constructed the same except for the following : AMP ASSY Part No. AWX7223 Mark Symbol and Description Remarks AWX7336 C1432, C1433 CFTYA104J50 Not used R1436, R1437 RS1LMF4R7J Not used H751, H752 Not used AKR1004 * D F AWX7337 and AWX7288 are constructed the same except for the following : FRONT LARGE ASSY Part No. AWX7288 Mark Symbol and Description Remarks AWX7337 R633, R634 Not used RD1/4PU223J R635, R636 Not used RD1/4PU122J CN628 Not used AKB7001 631 PCB BINDER Not used VEF1040 G F * : Refer to VSX-D608/KCXJI in the service manual RRV2104. REAR SP ASSY SEMICONDUCTORS Q652 2SC1740S Q651 KRA101M D651, D652 1SS133 COIL L651 AF CHOKE COIL ATH1004 RELAYS RY651, RY652 ASR7001 CAPACITOR C651, C657, C658 CFTYA104J50 RESISTORS R652 RD1/4LMF4R7J R655, R661, R662 RD1/4PU122J R653, R654, R656, R663, R664 RD1/4PU223J R657ÐR659 RS1LMF4R7J R651 RS2LMF271J Other Resistors RS1/10S J OTHERS JA653 3P PIN JACK AKB7101 CN652 SPEAKER TERMINAL 6P AKE7037 CN651 12P PLUG AKM7007 PCB PARTS LIST Mark No. Description Part No. Mark No. Description Part No. H F