Pioneer sx 890 service manual

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pioneer sx 890 service manual

Extracted text from pioneer sx 890 service manual (Ocr-read)

Page 2



FETs ................................. 5
ICs ................................... 9
Transistors ............................. 37
Diodes ................................ 37
Amplrf er Section

Continuous Power Output of 60 watts per
channel, min, at 8 ohms from 20 Hertz to
20,000 Hertz with no more than 0.05% total
harmonic distortion, or 60 watts per channel
at 4 ohms from 20 Hertz to 20,000 Hertz
with no more than 0.08% total harmonic

Total Harmonic Distortion [20 Hertz to 20,000 Hertz, from
continuous rated power output . . .No more than 0.05%
30 watts per channel power output,
8 ohms ......... . ....... No more than 0.03%
1 watt per channel power output,

8 ohms ................. No more than 0.03%
lntermodulation Distortion (50 Hertz : 7,000 Hertz = 4 : i,
from AUX)

continuous rated power output . . .No more than 0.05%
30 watts per channel power output,

8 ohms ...... . . ........ No more than 0 03%
l watt per channel power output,

8 ohms ................. No more than 003%

Input (Sensitivity! Impedance)

PHONO ................... . 2.5mV/50 kiiohms
AUX .......... ' ........... 150mVl50 kllohms
TAPE PLAY 1 .............. 150mV/SO kilohms
TAPE PLAY 2 .............. lSOmV/SO kiluhms

Damping Factor (20Hcrtz to 20,000Hcrtz, 8 ohms) . . 30

PHONO Overload Level (ikHz, T.H.D.: 0.05%) . . 200mv
Output (Level! Impedance)
TAPE REC l ....................... iSOmV
TAPE REC 2 ....................... iSOmV
SPEAKERS ....................... A, B, A+B
HEADPHONES ................ Low impedance
Frequency Response ,
PHONO [RIAA Equalization)
.................. 20Hz to 20 OOOHz $032118
AUX, TAPE PLAY ......... 5H: to 80 ,000Hz:, dB
Tone Control
BASS ................... +8dB. -7dB (iOOHz)
TREBLE ................. +7d8, -6dB (I OkHz)
Filter Low ..................... lSHz (6dB/oct.)

Loudness Contour (Volume control set at -40IIB positlon)
........... .. . . . . +6dB(100Hz), +3dB (lOkHz)

Hum and Noise (IHF, short~circuited, A network, rated

PHONO ................ . ............ 76dB
AUX, TAPE PLAY ................... . . 95:18
FM Section
Usable Sensitivity
MONO ................ I0.3dBf (I .8uV]
SOdB Quieting Sensitivity
MONO ..................... 16.2d8f(3.6uv)
STEREO .................... 3?.0d8f (39uV)
Signal-to-Noise Ratio at 65dBf
MONO ............................. 80dB
STEREO ............... . ............ 72d8
Distortion at GSdBf
lOOHz ..... MONO .................. 0.07%
STEREO ............ . . . . 0.15%
lkHz ..... MONO .................. 0.0796
STEREO ................. 0.15%
6kHz ..... MONO .................. at 296
STEREO ................. 0.25%
Frequency Response ........ 30Hz to ,0sz13% dB
Capture Ratio. . . ..................... 1.0dB
Selectivity . . . .' ......................... 7Sd8
Spuriom Response Ratio ................... SSdB
Image Response Ratio .......... . .......... 65:18
iF Response Ratio ........ t ............... 9MB
AM Suppression Ratio .......... . .......... SOdB
Mating Threshold ................. 19.2d8f (iOuV)
Stereo Separation . . . .45dB (ikHz), 3SdB (30Hz~15kHz)
Subcarrier Production Ratio ................. SSdB
SCA Reiection Ratio ...................... 65d8
Antenna Input ................. 300 ohms balanced
75 ohms unbalanced
AM Section
Sensitivity (IHF, ferrite antenna) . ........ 300pVIm
(ll-lF, ext. antenna) ............. lSuV
Selectivity ............................. 26dB
Signal-to-Noise Ratio ...................... 50dB
Image Response Ratio ..................... 40d8
IF Response Ratio ....................... 40dB
Antenna .......... . Bui|t~in ferrite ioopstic antenna
Power Requirements , . . . ........... l20V, 60H:
Powu Consumption ....... 190W (UL), 3-10VA (CSA)
Dimensions . . , . . . 480W) x140(H) x 320(Dimm
l8-7/8[W] x 5~i/2(H) x 12-5/8(D)in
Weight . . Without package . . . l2.2kg(26lb Mot)

With package .......... l3.8kg (30Ib 601)