Pioneer qx 8000 brochure

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pioneer qx 8000 brochure

Extracted text from pioneer qx 8000 brochure (Ocr-read)

Page 1

momeen- GX-BODO

A single unlt,all-encumpassing lull-watt stereo receiver lur
the crealiun m a living presence tum-channel suund field.

I \

Page 2

n Introduction
to Quadraphonic Sound

Audio lochnologlsts have long been Concerned wlth the potentlal of four-channel
sound for the reproducllon ot an authentte llvmg presence wrthtn the usual
confines of the home muSlc room. Four-channel sound technology ls such a
rapldly progressing lield today for the reason that no other term ot sound re»
productton can so accurately re-create the ambtancc of the concert hall or the
realtty nl ongtnal sound characterlsttcs It is the ulttmate In home muSlC enter-

Remember, as you 5 lo a Concert hall or audttorlum, you are bombarded by
sound waves from all concelvable dneettons. what you hear ts not simply the
sound at the musical instruments that are bemg played tn lront oi you, but the
sounds which are reflected from the walls on both sides or the rear 0! the hall,
as well as the reverberattons at your own applause. The sound you hear, thus,
ts composed of both drrett and lndlred sound waves as they rnnyorgc upon
your ears,

Convcnllonal twtnhannel stereo has had as tts mam Oblccltve the rc-crcatton
7 in the best tonal quality possible with the use of two mtcrophoncs ol the
sounds betng played on the stage m lront of a concertaudtencc, But tour-
channel stereo lakes the sound ot musrr a completely new step torward to
the re-creatlon ot the enure sound held that surrounds you whlle you listen to
a concert Wlth quadraphonic sound, loudspeaker systems are placed ln front
and in back of you, You are enveloped ll\ sound, you are able to hear the
reprodurllon of the actual reverberatluns and reflected sounds at the concert
hall. And the results, as well you might tmagtne, are stunntngly oltocttvo
There are today a number of dtfierent fourrchnnnel stereo sound sysleltls, each
WIlh (Crtaln key advantages for the mustc ltstener, but unttl lloneer manu-
factured the Qx-aooo, no one uml was taoable of providing eath ot the
dtfierent tourschannel modes. The oxmoo can be set by a slngle swulcll to
oroytde any ot lhrec dtnoront tour-channel modes, as well as oroytded repro
duction of conventlondl tworcltannel stereo