Pioneer ma 62 brochure
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Extracted text from pioneer ma 62 brochure (Ocr-read)
Page 1
High-performance six-channel mixing amplifier for discotheques,
disc jockeys and small studios.
The tun-52 is a sentinel-input mic/Iine/phono stereo mating
amplifier lor use when professional-qualitymulti-chennel mixing
is required. it accepts up to six lair-impedance. high-quality
microphones and leatures two pairs 03 stereo outpun. Two of
the six individually-controlled input channels in the MA~62
accent phono signals as weit as microphone inputs. while the
remaining tour on csrcwtod tor line or microphone use. this
comement arrangement mans you can obtain a correctly-
balanced stereo or mono mixture oi miclline. mrclphono or even
phonortine plus me without changing input jack connections.
Special PAN-POT lPanoramic Potentiometerl controls are pro-
vided on Channel 3 and Channel 4 to perm cross-channel
panning. Position selectors are provided on Channel 1. 2. 5 and
6 so that any Or all can be switched to LeiL Right. Lemmght
(Centerl output. Microphone attenuators (-2008) tor all mic
inputs. microphone low-cut filters (switched tor each channel)
plus a master output level trader. stereo headphone monitor incl:
and Other uselul features are included. The AAA-62 Is Pioneers
answer to the demands ot discomoquos. disc lockers. small
studios and amateur audio engineers tor a vmatllo mixer oi
prowess-anal quality.
Page 2
The Pioneer MA«62 mixer provides Input lacililies tor up to
six microphones. For extra versatility. each oi these chan-
nels otters an alternative terminal tor LINE or PHONO inputs.
(Speclticelly. Channels I and 2 accept PHONO Inputs; Chan-
nels 3 through 8 accept LINE inputs such as tape. tuner. etc.)
Each of the six channets is provided with a control-panel switch
to allow you instant selection or Input source without changing
jack-panel connections.
Two at the six Individually-controlled Input channels are
equipped with simple-to-use panoramic potentiometer: (pan
petal. these continuously-variants rotary pots (on Channel 3
and 4) allow tree sound localization Irom left to right (or any-
where in between). All other channels (Channets 1.2. 5 and
6l are equipped with location switches so that you can select
Lott. Right or Left/Right (Center) output individually.
Each ot the six channels is provided with a switched micro~
phone attenuator to instantly reduce signal strength by 2068.
This leature is uselul in preventing saturation (clipping dis-
tortionl ot microphone input signals.
Each of the six channels Is also provided with a switched low-
cut tiller circuit Ior microphone input These are metul to sup-
press undesirable low trequencies or muddy" human voices.
The Pioneer Mil-$2 is entirety portabte. operates from any AC
power supply system and Is engineered so that it adds abso-
lutely no unwanted distortion or coloration to the sounds you
channel through it. Its Wide dynamic range and stability are
totally reliable. Extra lectures Include two stereo output ter-
minals. pointer-index markers ior each ot the six long-throw
laders (plus master volume teder). a "scratch board" strip
tor jotting down reminders and a monitor lack (or stereo
Semiconductors: le: 2. Transistors: 22. Diodes; 3 Frequency Response
Inputs MIC: 20m to lSKHz (+008. -3d8)
CH. 1. 2: MICIPHONO (switchable) PHONO: RlAA edualization: 10.5d8
CH. 3. 4. 5. s: MIC/LINE (switchable) LINE: 20m to 25m: (+0d8. - we)
Output Selection MIC Low-Cut Filter: lc- 200M: IGdBIoct.)
CH. 1. 2. 5. 6: L. LEN. Ft (switchable) Channel lnterlerence: Lees than 166
CH. 3. 4: L to it (continuousty-varlable) Residual Hum 8. Noise: Less than 0.05mv
by pen-pols Signal-towel Ratio: llHF. short-clrculted. A network)
Input Sensitivityllmpedance MIC: 52d8
MIC: 0.25mi? Kohms PHONO: sous
PHONO: 2.5mwso Kohms LINE: 67dB
LINE: SOmV/SO Kohnto Headphone Output 260ml! (maximum. 8 ohms)
MIC Attenuator:
MIC OVOflOdd Level:
OdB. - 20d8 (switchable)
250mv Irma. at attenuator - 20:18)
110. 120. I30. 220. 240v (switchable)
PHONO Overload Level: 250ml! (ms. at tKI-lzl Power Consumption: 11 watts (maxJ
Outputs: Stereo 1: 2 lparaliell Dimensions: a00(W) it tam-l) x 264(0) mm
Rated Output Level: 330mv t5-3J4IW) x 53/1601) x 10-13/32(D)
Harmonic Distortion: Less than 0.2% Iat 1V cutputl Inches
Maximum Output: 5V IT.H.D.=0.5%. 50 Kohrns Iondl Welght: Vitthout packttge: 5.8k9l12lb. I202.
More than 70dB [at 1KHzl
More than 70dB lat tKHz)
Channel Separation:
With package: 7.3kgltelb. toz.
NOTE.- Speoncatiens and design meet to possible modtlucahon without notice.
MC smut: MIA? 4- -. 'l :m MWNu-i ., he w.» 53..»(0
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CCMFFI rtFrtrnCN: :ELROG'EI NV W"Cvrtc".Nk-r' at. woos-«won Scorn
vrnrr: I. VCTWNCS ALGle-A WV LTD - me City and. Bout.» Wm. Vcw~o 3m. Motrin)