Pioneer jar 104 owners manual

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pioneer jar 104 owners manual

Extracted text from pioneer jar 104 owners manual (Ocr-read)

Page 1



The JA»R104 rack mount adaptor is de-
signed to meet EIA standards. If you
mount the adaptor onto Pioneer RG
dynamic processor or reverberation am»
plifier, you will be able to install them
into a rack designed to meet EIA stand-
ards (like the Pioneer JAvRZS) with a 2 ,
unit mounting pitch. Provide yourself JA-RWI (V
with a medium-sized Phillips screwdriver.

Before assembling, disconnect the stereo Phillips
component power cord. screwdriver


The JA-R104 adaptors are mounted on
the left-hand and right-hand sides of the
stereo component front panel. The parts Mounting screws

can be used for either side. Fig. 1

1. Detach the rubber bushes from both
3/- Plastic ring

sides of the stereo component.
m, / Angular washer
EQ- Screw


FIG dynamic processor RG-2
Fleverberarion amplifier SR-303

2. Secure the JA-R104 adaptors onto the
side panels with the accessory mount-
iné screws (M4x 10), (Fig. 1).


1. Remove the rubber feet (4) from the

stereo component, using the Phillips Front final R
screwdriver (this is not necessary if II, ,. (7,7

you leave a gap between the com- ,///'" I ®Q®

2. As shown in Fig. 2, insert the stereo .
component and align with the EIA F192
standard mounting holes (mounting
pitch: 2U).

3. Screw the stereo component into place LIST OF PARTS

using the accessory oval countersunk

screws (M5x 16), angular Washers and Mounting screws for stereo component

plastic rings (four of each) and a (M4x10) .................... 4

Phillips screwdriver. Oval countersunk screws (M5x16) . . . 4
NOTE: Angular washers ............... 4
The JA»R104 adaptors are I3mm thick, When Plastic rings . . I _ . . 4
2223.": fiihmfilfi'lki'liroi'g'fflZlZIfihi:. Spacem 237"): - ~ ~ . ~ - - ~ ~ - 4
cessory spacers behind the adaptors and then Assembly EHde ---------------- I

attach (Fig. 2),

PIONEER ELECTRONIC CORPORATION 471. Megmu erhuH'eJVlegurorku, YDKyu IEE .1er
us. PIONEER ELEm-nnmca cannonATInN as Dxtord Driver Muovvachle New Jersey D7074 us A
DIDNEEH ELECTRONIC EUROPE) N.V. LuithagurrHsvah s, 2030 Al'ncwerp, Belglurw

mouse: ELECTRONICS AusYnALIA p'rv. LTD. 173154 Economy Roan EPaesxna Vrccur'la 3495. {mac-am

<79C01V8E01> Primed in Japan (ARB-BZl-O)