Pickering XV 15 Brochure
This is the 4 pages manual for Pickering XV 15 Brochure.
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Extracted text from Pickering XV 15 Brochure (Ocr-read)
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( the new XV-lfi @
itiifiiiiiritifigitfiifl Illif SERIES
The Pickering XV-15 Series is Application Engi-
neered and each cartridge in the series is indexed with
a DCF number,
The Dynamic Coupling Factor is an index of max-
imum stylus performance when the cartridge is related
to a particular type of playback equipment. This resultant
number is derived from a Dimensional Analysis of all the
parameters involvedt To select a pickup for a profes-
sional manual turntable, with its sophisticated, dynam-
ically balanced tone arm, tracking at an ultra-light force,
a higher DCF index would be required than, say, for a
pickup to be used in an ordinary record changer. For
maximum distortion- free response this index to applica-
tion relationship properly determines maximum sty-
ius performance in your playback equipment. 100%
music power is assured at all frequencies~ linear re-
sponse from 10 to 20,000 kc virtually a straight line -
due to the extremely low mass of its moving magnetic
system - 1/5 to 1/10 of ordinaly pickups.
There are five DCF rated XV-15 models. Each is
equipped with the famous patented V-Guard floating
stylus - the easily replaceable stylus assembly that
protects the diamond and record while it plays. in addi-
tion each model includes the DUSTAMATICTM brush that
automatically cleans the record groove while it plays.
independently. it never intefleres with stylus tracking.
amr assembly is not pertectly level.
1. A unique off-center. hinged prvot enables the brush to main-
tain contact with the record grooves in advance ol the stylus
at all lrnres » even on the mosl severely warped discs Acllng
2. The DUSTAMATiC brush aids rn pteventing the tone arm
lrorrr skatlng and allows the stylus to trace bath groove
walls with equal pressure. even when the turntable/tone