Pickering 194 owners manual
This is the 6 pages manual for pickering 194 owners manual.
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Extracted text from pickering 194 owners manual (Ocr-read)
Page 1
Consistent with Pickering's distinctive policies to improve the quality of musical reproduc-
tion, Pickering has introduced the flab: *- Mil/mas Pickup-Arm Model 194. The importance of
this advance ranks with the Isophase electrostatic Speakers and the fat-valve Turnover Pickup, re-
cently introduced by Pickering and Company.
The ja-avalre *- In/bode " Pickup-Arm consists ofa light-weight tone arm designed specif-
ically to complement the flwalrs Cartridge which is an integral part of the assembly. The com-
plete unit, tone arm,/lzwalr£ Cartridge and stylus assembly is only a fraction of the weight of tra-
ditional tone arms.
The high compliance of the finely: stylus assembly with the light weight tone arm and
single friction-free pivot bearing is ideally suited for distortionless tracking of microgroove and
standard groove recordings. This advanced mechanical design and functional styling combine to
provide thesie all important features:
F lat frequency response Absence of resonances
High Compliance Single friction-free
Light weight pivot bearing
Low distortion Adjustable tracking force
Replaceable Styli Minimum tracking error.
Small size Sealed cartridge body
'Sec license notice on back page.
Page 2
\Edge of I2" Turntable
/Turmable Gen