Philips fw c 380 service information
This is the 24 pages manual for philips fw c 380 service information.
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Extracted text from philips fw c 380 service information (Ocr-read)
Page 1
A01 - 155
Product Service Group CE Audio
ervice Information
Already published Service Informatinns :
CORRECTION T0 SERVICE MANUAL Change 2401 4822 122 33777 47pF 5% 63V
*Page 4-1 : Due to someupdate, the Set Block Diagram is enclosed. 2402 4822 122 33777 47pF 5% 63V
3534 4822 051 30273 27k 5% 0,062W
*Page 9-5 : Due to some error, the Tape Adjustment & Check Table
is enclosed.
Delete 1201, 3662, 4102, 4118, 4801
Delete 2208, 2209, 6206, 7202 /21/37
Delete 4501 /21
*Correction of Mechanical & Accessories parts list (Page 13-2):
Add 0309 4822 462 40683 Plate (Foot)
0310 4822 462 40683 Plate (Foot)
1501 3139 110 33960 FFC Foil 04P/120/04P BD /21
Change 0101 8240 008 57320 Cabinet Front /21
0128 313911815750 Window Display /21
0142 3139 114 71310 Knob Level Karaoke /21
1300 3139 110 35350 FFC Foil 11P/220/11 P AD
1800 3139 110 34800 FFC Foil 19P/180/19P BD
*Correction of circuit drawing and parts list for Front Board:
Add 2415 4822 122 33777 47pF 5% 63V
2416 4822 122 33848 47pF 5% 50V
2459 4822 122 31765 100pF 2% 63V
2462 4822 122 31765 100pF 2% 63V
3416 4822 051 30103 10k 5% 0,062W
3538 4822 051 30102 1k 5% 0,062W
3540 4822 051 30102 1k 5% 0,062W
4404 4822 051 30008 OR Jumper 0603 /21/37
6440 4822 130 30621 1N4148 /21
6448 4822 130 30621
Change 2400 4822 124 23432
3808 4822 117 12968
6414 9322 155 59676 LED VS LTL-4222N
6415 9322 155 59676 LED VS LTL-4222N
Delete 4405, 4406, 4491, 4493, 4497, 4501
Delete 3430, 3431, 4448, 6406, 6411, 7411 /21/37
1N4148 /22/30/34
100uF 20% 10V
820R 5% 0,62W /21
*Correction of circuit drawing and parts list for AF9 Board:
Add 1206 4822 267 11039 Flex Connector HP
2924 532212611578 1nF 10% 50V /21
3820 4822 116 52176 10R 5% 0,5W /22/30/34
4148 4822 051 30008 OR Jumper 0603
4149 4822 051 30008 OR Jumper 0603
4150 4822 051 30008 OR Jumper 0603
4151 4822 051 30008 OR Jumper 0603
4152 4822 051 30008 OR Jumper 0603
*From production week 0140 onwards the following has been
changed due to UL Requirement to use V2 material for all major
enclosure parts.
Change 0253 3139 114 74750
0254 3139 114 74760
0255 3139 114 74770
0256 3139114 74810
Panel Left (V2)
Panel Right (V2)
Cover Top (V2)
Panel Rear (V2)
(For /37 only)
*From production week 0050 onwards the following has been
changed to prevent ECO LED flashing when power up and for
process improvement.
Change 2486 4822 124 11947
10uF 20% 16V
(For /22/30/34 only)
*From production week 0050 onwards pt.2a Board (identified by the
last digit of the 12NC - 3139 113 344227a) is introduced. For this
reason new layout and circuit drawing are enclosed.
Reason: To modify the Karaoke PCB to resolve the Karaoke PCB
clashing with the CDC-LC module.
*From production week 0104 onwards the following has been
changed to avoid erratic volume change.
Change 3537 4822 051 30682
3539 4822 051 30682
6k8 5% 0,062W
6k8 5% 0,062W
3139 785 30003
Page 2
From production week 0108 onwards the following has been
changed to 5mm LED pitch type for properAl process for process
Change 6411 9322 167 73676 LED VS LTL-4221NLC-KA
(For /22/30/34 only)
*From production week 0121 onwards the software of the main
processor IC (7400) has been upgrade to version 17. The service
code is 9965 000 10408.
From production week 0145 onwards the software of the main
processor IC (7400) has been upgrade to version 20. The service
code is 9965 000 10408.
From production week 0050 onwards the following has been
changed for EMC improvement.
Add 4813 4822 051 20008 OR Jumper 0805
Delete 2901
'From production week 0052 onwards the following has been
changed for EMC and ESD improvement.
Add 2922 4822 122 31765 100pF 2% 63V
2923 4822 121 51387 10nF 20% 16V
From production week 0122 onwards the following has been
changed to improve GSM immunity pertormance.
Add 3525 4822 051 30471 470R 5% 0,062W
3526 4822 051 30471 470R 5% 0,062W
3645 4822 051 30221 220R 5% 0,062W
3646 4822 051 30221 220R 5% 0,062W
4153 4822 051 30008 OR Jumper 0603
4641 4822 051 30008 OR Jumper 0603
4642 4822 051 30008 OR Jumper 0603
Delete 3641, 3642
From production week 0122 onwards the following has been
changed for fault condition +5V67con.
Add 2210 4822 126 13879 220nF +80/-20% 16V
3821 4822 052 10109 A10Ft 5% 0,33W
Change 2208 4822 126 13879 220nF +80/-20% 16V
(For /22/30/34 only)
From production week 0133 onwards the following has been
changed due to tick sound audible when volume up/down if ELCO
reverse current leakage >0.3uA.
Change 2503 4822 124 22466 1uF 20% 50V
2504 4822 124 22466 1uF 20% 50V
2511 4822 124 22466 1uF 20% 50V
2512 4822 124 22466 1uF 20% 50V
*During production pt.4 Board (identified by the last digit ofthe 12NC
- 3139 113 34354) is introduced. For this reason new layout and
circuit drawing are enclosed.
'During production pt.9 Board (identified by the last digit ofthe 12NC
- 3103 303 34469 Mains Board & 3103 303 34479 Power Board) is
introduced. Forthis reason new layout, circuit drawing and parts list
are enclosed.