Onkyo Home Theater Receivers Catalog

This is the 6 pages manual for Onkyo Home Theater Receivers Catalog.
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Onkyo Home Theater Receivers Catalog

Extracted text from Onkyo Home Theater Receivers Catalog (Ocr-read)

Page 2

TX'NRQOS 7.1-Chonnel Home Network Receiver

no: KYO

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' HOW/Ch. Continuous 611. l kHL I Channel Driven. lEC

- THX Ulu'al~ Certified {With THX Processing)

- DYS-HD' Master Audio. DTS-HD High-Resolution Audio.Do|b) TrueHD.
Dolby Drgrui Plus Decoding

- Massive Tomidal Tnnslorrner and Two Separate Tmnslormers for Audio
and Vldeo Processing

-v15c (Wctor Linear Shaping cirruirryi lor Ali Channels

- I92 kHrl24-Bit Burr Brown DACs (PCMI796) (or All Channels

' Microsoft Playsforsure Certified for Streaming Windows Media Audio

' Ethernet Port (or Onkyo e-Control System and Internet Rldlo

- HDMI (32) Audio andVideo Processing

- HQV Ream/x Video Processing

- HDMi Upocoiirrg and Upwnveuiun (iu IOBOp)

- Component Video Upconversion

- HDTV-Capable HDMI (4 Inputs and z Outpuu) and ComponentVldeo
(loo MHzi Swllchmg (3 inpuu and i Ourpuii

- Dual Push-Pull Amplifier Design with 3-Suge Inverted Darlington Circuitry

- WRAT (Wldc Range Amplifier Technology)



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- Three Advanced Tl 32m Processing DSF Chips

' Audyssey MultEO XT to Correct Room Acoustic Problems and
to Calibrate Speakers

' NeunlrTHX Surround Technology for Gaming. Movies and Brwdusting

- Powered Zone 2 2nd Zone 2mm Out iCompoure). Zone mane:
Pre Ouu With Volume. Balance and Busl'freble (Zone 2 Only) Controls

- R5231. IR and lIVTrigger Cannectlwry

- Onkyo RIHD lor System Control

- Pure Audio Made

- use Port ior in usa Mass Storage Dem:

- anArnprng and BTL (Bridged Transless) Capability

- Independent Cmssover Adiustment ior FICIS/SB i40150/60/70i80/90/l00/
I20/l50/200 H1)

- 40 mm Radio Presets with ROS
- Compatible With RI (Remote lntemctjvel Dock ior rnu iPod


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TX-SR875 7.1-Chonnel Home Theater Receiver


DU -' '-


Masier Audio



' ZOOWICh. Continuous 6 11. | kHI. I Channel Driveni lEC

- THX' Ultnl' Certified iwnir THX Processmg)

- DTS»HD' Master Audio. DTS-HD High-Resolution Audio. Dolby' TrueHD
Dolby Digital Plus Decoding

- H.C.P.S. (High Current Power Supply) Massive High PowerTi-anslormer

- VLSC (Vector Linear Shaping Circuitry) (or All Channels

- I92 kHlJ24-Bit Burr Brawn DACs (PCMl796l lcr All Channels

' HDMI (vvl.3a)AudIo andVIdeo Processing

- HQV Reon-VX Video Processmg

- HDMI Upscaling and Upconversmn (to IOSOpl

' Component Video Upconversion

- HDTV-Capzble HDMI (4 Input: 1nd i Output) and Component video
(IOU MHI) Smtching (3 Inputs and l Output)

' Dual Push-Pull Amplifier Design with 3-Stagc Inverted Darlington Circuitry

- WRAT (Wide Range Amplifier Technology)

Three Advanced Tl 323i: Processing DSP Chips

- Audyssey MultEQ XT to Correct Room Acoustic Problems and
m Calibrate Speakei s

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- Neuml :THx Surround Technology for Gnming, Movies and Broadcasting

~ Powered Zone 1 and Zone IVIdeo Out (Composite); Zone ZIZnne J
Pm Outs with Volume, Balance and Bossrireble (Zone 2 Only) Commis

~ R5232. ill and IZV Trigger Connectivity

- Onkyo RIHD {or System Control

' IntelliVolume

' Pure Audio Mode

- BI-Amplng and BTL (Bridged Transless) Capabliiry

~ Color-Coded 7 I-Muiuchannel Inputs and Pre Outs

' Independent Crossover Adiustment lor FIC/S/SE (40150160!70l80/90/ |00l
IIO/l 50/200 HI)

' 4O FM/AM Radio Presets with RDS

- Compatible with RI (Remote lmmqwoi Dock tor me iFod

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