Oberheim matrix 6 service manual

This is the 14 pages manual for oberheim matrix 6 service manual.
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oberheim matrix 6 service manual

Extracted text from oberheim matrix 6 service manual (Ocr-read)

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G-Voica Polyphonic MIDI Synthesizer

Preliminaty Edition - February 1986

©i986 OBERHEIM - A Div'sion oi E.C.C. Devoiopmem (hipmaiion
11650 Oiympic Boulevard. Los Angeles, Oaiiomia 90064

All Righis Resetved. Reproducibn in Whole or in PM is Framed
Wihout Permission. Obemeim, The Obemeim Logo. MATRIX-6.
MATRIX-12. XPANDER, Xk, 0&8. DSX, UNIX, and Dx are iradenm oi
ECO. Development Corporation.