Nordmende export super 8002 alignment

This is the 1 pages manual for nordmende export super 8002 alignment.
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nordmende export super 8002 alignment

Extracted text from nordmende export super 8002 alignment (Ocr-read)

Page 1

w. s
- , . . Colour Code .
g ._ - r ' - ' a , ' . 3 a'ins Transformer
, ,, Alignment data _ ' C) Shortwave] -, _ \ $455355 - ' . .
i _ ' ' Press push-button SW 1 V > >
A) Intermediate frequency 460 kc/s. » 1. Adjust oscillator (i) and R. F. (b)
Press puslpbutmn uBcu . . Mols to maximum indication on 1 (JR! (bra-.4»
- 1. Turn dial hand to left side oi dial (1650 kC/S). 2' Adlus R' F' "m' (e) at 6" M gagggggm:
. - outputmeter E
2. Turn volume control to maxtmum output. Repeat operations No. l and 2 bmvn
3. Connect outputmeter to the primary of the output transformer. achieved.
4. Connect dummy aerial (200 121* and 400 ohms in series) of signal-
generator to control grid of valve ECH 81. Then align filters IV. ' D) Short wave 2 . , i i
II]. it and 110 maximum indication on the outputmeter. , Press push-button «SW 2.. ""3"", I :Zfflmw "" 9"?53
. a
. _ i _
5. Connect dummy- aerial to aerial and earth sockets and adjust 1. Set R. F. trimmer (0 0 maximum up
I. F. trap V to minimum indication on outputmeter. . ' '
. . of alignment. ,.
2. Adios! oscillator (k) and R. F. (c)

f. ' ' B) Medium wave - . . i .
. . , 2' . Mcls to maXimum indication on

. 1. Turn tuningl'condenser to 5l5 kc/s on dial and set hand to cali- I 3
bration Points on the right end of BC hnd SW 2 dia!

. Control of I. F. image lrequency r

Asthe oscillator frequency is adj ,
2. Adjust oscillatorui) and R. _F. (a) coils at calibration point 555 tic/s _ - quenéy. the image frequency of
to maximum indication on outputmeter. :_


. generator is set to 7.02 Mc/s.
3. Adjust oscillator (g) and R F. (d) trimmers at calibration poin V '
1-480 kc/s to maximum. indication on outputmeter


outputmeter. _ I :

c Repeat operations No 2 and 4
adiieved ~ - . e,

" Repeal cg in tons
achieved .

- E Ivan:-
7 . ai Arno/em
x i


J . . V .
. 3f.
. i
> Standary
. l . sr
. i

.» .' V _ All diameter: cl upper wire ore given 7 . _ ' " .i -
m In»- ' 5.7" , ..


Per/on cord (Order in PFRS)